NEW: 50K-150K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Bank, ERC20, Escrow, Attorneys IOLTA - Look For Buyer
Post: 4.12.23
Seller is selling 50K-150K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -3% Net.
Buyer = 3%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyerside: 1.5%​
1. BTC to FIAT
Buyer Verification Handshake/Satoshi
Seller sends Satoshi of set amount (<$20) from wallet containing $10M to buyers mentioned wallet.
Buyer verifies Fiat account by sending a POF screen recording of FIAT account with Sellers password on screen,
BTC seller will then send over a commercial invoice or SPA. Buyer will fill out these documents and sign and send back to the Seller.
Buyer will then transfer mentioned funds according to invoice to sellers fiat account. Seller will transfer BTC to buyers mentioned wallet address, Repeat until wallet exhausted
2. BTC to USDT
Buyer Verification - Buyer verifies USDT wallet by moving a precise amount (<$20) from transacting wallet (Minimum of $10M must be present in wallet) to Sellers ERC-20 wallet.
Handshake/Satoshi - Seller sends Satoshi of set amount (<$20) from wallet containing $10M to buyers men-tioned wallet. Documentation:
BTC seller will then send over a commercial invoice or SPA. Buyer will fill out these documents and sign and send back to the Seller.
Seller sends wallet address for buyer to move BTC to Buyer will then send over ERC-20 wallet for seller to move USDT to, Repeat until wallet exhausted
Buyer Verification - Buyer verifies Fiat account by sending a POF screen recording of FIAT account with Sellers password on screen.
Handshake/Satoshi - Seller sends Satoshi of set amount (<$20) from wallet containing $10M to buyers Attorney wallet.
Documentation - Our Attorney will then send over a commercial invoice or SPA. Buyer will fill out these documents and sign and send back to the Seller.
Transaction - Buyer will then transfer mentioned funds according to invoice to Attorneys IOLTA or Escrow account.
Seller will transfer BTC to buyers mentioned wallet address via Sellers attorney
If you want to buy BTC. There is no deviation from the three possible procedures. And they are nonnegotiable.
The minimum amount to buy BTC is 50k BTC to 150k BTC with R&E In advance, the BTC buyer is required to have a bank KYC from his house bank.
No intermediaries and chains of intermediaries are accepted.
Both required documents in advance from the BTC buyer to email me
1. From the BTC buyer from his house bank a bank KYC
2. From the BTC buyer, the amount of BTC that the BTC buyer wants to buy with R&E.
Everything the BTC buyer needs is written.
I don't have Whatsapp. Everything happens via my private email
The BTC buyer's KYC hard check takes around 2 to 3 weeks will be sent to me at my Private Mail Direct.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 10K-100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, B2B, NBD & Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Dubai - Look For Buyer
( Seller: IPHOE...XIRD-GAIL )
Post: 30.11.23
Seller is selling 10K-100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyerside: 1.5%​
Seller Intermediary = 0.5%
Buyer Intermediary = 0.5%
1. Buyer sends LOI/ICPO and seller sends SPA Agreement.
2. Buyer and Seller shall sign a SPA Agreement
3. Buyer returns the signed SPA.
4. Seller shall provide the escrow agreement from their escrow agent.
NOTE: If we must allow buyer to use their escrow agent, all the following must be accepted:
A: The escrow agent must be from any of these countries UK, Poland, Mexico and Germany
B: The buyer will provide the seller with all the details of the escrow agent as listed below
a. Escrow Agent Name
b. Website (if any)
c. Email address
d. Contact Person
e. Escrow agent address.
C: Once we approve the escrow agent, the buyer will be responsible to pay the escrow agency fee
D: All correspondence between the escrow agent, buyer and seller during the escrow stage must be via email and we the seller must be on the cc at all times or we are at liberty to back off the deal at any time a correspondence is made to the escrow agent by the buyer without us on the cc.
E: The buyer will have to be responsible for requesting the escrow agreement from the escrow agent with the seller on cc as stated in point 3 above.
If all the points above is agreed and accepted by the buyer then we can proceed with the transaction and step 5 below.
5. Buyer and seller signs an escrow agreement provided by the escrow company.
6. Buyer make payment of the first tranche of the BTC to the Escrow company account in USD or USDT.
7. Upon execution of the Purchase Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and payments to the Escrow agent by the buyer, Seller shall schedule a zoom meeting to initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC into the Buyer’s Wallet and also pay commissions in USDT to all the mandate wallet, according to the listed representatives in the Annex C of the signed SPA during the zoom meeting.
NB: All mandates commissions must be paid via the Swig Wallet in USDT.
8. Buyer proceed with the confirmation of the BTC as per the signed agreement.
9. After successful confirmation of the above-mentioned, the buyer instructs the Escrow company to release the payment of the BTC to the seller.
Special Conditions:
2. WE CAN DO A-B WALLET TEST TO PROOF CONTROL OF THE BTC WALLET (Example: We provide the buyer with an empty receiving BTC wallet address to check on explorer and send $50 worth of BTC from any of our wallet with more than 10,000BTC to the receiving wallet.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 500-100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, USDT to BTC Swap, ERC-20 or TRC-20 - Look For Buyer
( Seller: IPHOE...XIRD-GAIL )
Post: 29.11.23
Seller is selling 500-100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 2%
Buyerside: 2%​
BUYER sends USDT ERC-20 or TRC-20 payment wallet address for approval by the SELLER. And SELLER sends BTC wallet address for approval by BUYER.
BUYER sends $1 Handshake from his approved USDT transactional wallet, SELLER will send $1 Satoshi from approved BTC transactional wallet.
Both BUYER and SELLER sign the SPA and IMFPA agreement
SELLER send BTC according to the tranche schedule to BUYERS receiving BTC wallet.
After receipt of BTC the BUYER runs forensics and after 6 blockchain confirmations within 90 minutes the BUYER will send equivalent amount of payment in USDT for the BTC received per tranche.
USDT payment is confirmed and the SELLER sends BTC for the next tranche. And BUYER will send equivalent value payments in USDT to the SELLER for the tranche sent.
Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the Buyer and agreed by Seller
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: $3-$6 Billion USDT @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, USDT, B2B, Escrow, Germany - Look For Seller
Post: 27.11.23
Buyer is looking for $3-$6 Billion USDT only @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%​​ ​​​​
Look for Sellers for USDT only
Buyers buy USDT with B2B with Escrow settlement,
Volume : Buyer A has $3B ; Buyer B has $6 Billion ,
Not a SWAP deal, just USDT buy with B2B procedure
Interested parties should contact :
NEW: 30K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net, BTC/USDT, Escrow, Silicon Valley, HK, California - Look For Buyer
Post: 23.11.23
Seller is selling 30K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net.
Seller is a Private Equity firm based out of Silicon Valley and Hong Kong.
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside: 1%​
1. Both buyer and seller share their respective wallets. In the interest of time and transparency, the seller’s private BTC wallet will be shared upfront and will have atleast $200 million worth of BTC and less than 100 transactions. Similarly, the buyer’s USDT wallet(s) needs to be a private wallet and ideally have at least 50M USDT (Can be multiple wallets if needed).
2. Both buyer and seller share their basic KYC/CIS so that both sides know whom they are dealing with and can do their Due diligence on the counterparty.
3. After the above details have been provided from both sides, Buyer and Seller have a zoom call to get acquainted with each other and to hash out the details of the transaction.
4. The buyer does a test transaction from the USDT wallet of 5.77 USDT, and the seller responds with an equivalent amount of BTC from his BTC wallet. This way, both sides show control over their respective wallets.
5. The seller will onboard with the buyer’s escrow provided it’s a reasonable one. The buyer provides the escrow details so that the seller can do his DD. It’s better for both sides if it’s a single escrow structure which is why the seller is willing to onboard with the buyer’s escrow. However, it's ok if the buyer is fine with transacting with the seller’s escrow.
6. Buyer loads the USDT for the respective tranche in his escrow wallet. Seller confirms with the escrow that the USDT has been loaded and then proceeds to load his BTC with the escrow wallet. The escrow then sends the respective BTC/USDT to the buyer/seller.
7. The escrow pays the commission to the respective paymasters.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 50K-500K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, USD / EURO, Ledger, Wallet, F2F, Bank - Look For Buyer
Post: 18.11.23
Seller is selling 50K-500K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net.
Non-Negotiable Transaction Procedures for FIAT
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)
Buyerside: 1.5%​
a. Seller sends procedures for buyer to review and accept.
b. Buyer signs and returns the offer include total quantity and tranches schedule to Seller with CIS.
c. Seller releases the wallet to buyer to do DD.
d. Seller prepares the sale contract with Buyer and Seller info to be executed by both parties.
e. Seller and Buyer will arrange time and date to meet at the seller/ agent office or at the bank (F2F) for the buyer to transfer funds in the seller account.
f. Upon the seller confirms the funds in his account the seller shall transfer the BTC within one hour to the buyer wallet (if Seller failed to do the transfer in one hour after the funds posted on his account the account signatory will immediately reverse the funds to buyer at the bank) per contract agreement.
g. Upon the buyer receiving the BTC at the bank’s meeting, the buyer and seller shake each other hands and schedule the next transaction.
An official SPA is issued after Buyer’s acceptance. Procedures are not negotiable.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 101K-250K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -4% Net, USDT, Attorney, Escrow, Washington - Look For Buyer
Post: 17.11.23
Seller is selling 101K-250K BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net.
Gross 4/2 : 10k - 50k BTC
Gross 5/3 : 51K - 100K BTC
Gross 6/4 : 101K - 250K BTC
Gross 7/5 : 251K - 500K BTC
Gross 8/6 : 501K & Over BTC
Buyer = 2-6%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside: 1%​
1. Buyer send CIS and USDT WALLET and this selected Procedure to initiate discussion.
2. Both the BUYER/ SELLER and Attorney will sign the USDT / BTC Escrow CONTRACT. After, *Attorney will send a Letter of RWA/Attestation/ Guarantee.
3. Within 24 hours of signing the contract, the BUYER will make transfer for the Test Tranche of BTC equivalent to 100 BTC to the Seller's Attorney's Escrow USDT Wallet.
4. The Attorney shall perform a TEST TRANSFER in BTC equivalent to 100 BTC from their transactional Escrow wallet within usually 1-2 hours. The Attorney / Seller will provide a screenshot and a TX Hash ID to demonstrate the transfer's origin and confirm that the original holding wallet holds at least 5,000 BTC with less than 100 transactions.
5. Once the TEST TRANSFER is authenticated, and the contents of the Escrow's BTC TRANSACTION WALLET are verified, both the BUYER and SELLER will start the tranche schedule.
6. The BUYER will arrange the first tranche transfer for the agreed amount in the contract issued by the SELLER/ BUYER within the same banking day or within 24 hours. In case of Business hours closing or Banking holiday, the BTC Transfer will be made on the same day or the next Banking Day.
7. BUYER shall transfer the first tranche of minimum 1,000 or agreed BTC amount equivalent in USDT to Attorney's escrow wallet within 24 hours.
8. After the 1,000 or agreed BTC a mount equivalent in UST is transferred, the BUYER will provide a screenshot and a TX Hash ID to seller.
9. Upon receiving the screenshot and a TX Hash ID to Seller/ Attorney, the SELLER/ Attorney shall immediately send the agreed amount of BTC coins to the BUYER'S BTC TRANSACTIONAL WALLET within usually 1-2 hours and provide a screenshot and a TX Hash ID as proof of the transfer.
10. Parties may agree to increase the investment amount (optional) once the first tranche of USDT has been successfully transferred to the ATTORNEY'S Escrow Receiving Wallet, and the BTC have been successfully transferred to the BUYER'S TRANSACTION WALLET.
11. The Parties will mutually agree on the tranche schedule going forward. The steps #7-#10 will be repeated until completion of the tranche schedule.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 10K-50K BTC with R&E @ -4% Gross, -2% Net, USDT to BTC SWAP, W2W, Washington - Look For Buyer
Post: 17.11.23
Seller is selling 10K-50K BTC @ -4% Gross, -2% Net.
4/2 : 10k - 50k BTC Gross
5/3 : 51K -100K BTC Gross
6/4 : 101K - 250K BTC Gross
7/5 : 251K - 500K BTC Gross
8/6 : 501K & Over BTC
Buyer = 2-6%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside: 1%​
1. **Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval:** To proceed, the buyer must undergo pre-qualification and obtain pre-approval. This step ensures that both parties can confidently engage in the transaction. Buyer must provides CIS/ USDT Wallet Address and select one of the three offered Procedure
2. **Wallet Address Requirement:** The buyer is required to provide their wallet address for verification and approval purposes.
3. **Qualifying ERC-20 Wallet:** The buyer's wallet must be an eligible ERC-20 wallet to participate in the swap.
4. **Minimum Wallet Balance:** The buyer's wallet should contain over $120 Million in USDT / ERC20 to meet the qualification criteria.
5. **Transaction History:** The buyer's wallet should have less than 100 transactions to streamline the process.
6. **Verification Step:** As a security measure, the buyer is requested to send the first test Satoshi of $1.00 to our test receiving wallet. After successful 1st Satoshi...we will go to our forensics satoshi of $21.34 to demonstrate wallet control. Upon receipt, the seller will conduct necessary forensics. Within 1 hour of successful verification, the seller will respond with an equivalent amount in BTC to Buyer’s BTC wallet.
7. **Tranche Schedule:** Upon verification and confirmation, the agreed tranche schedule will commence. The buyer will load funds into the wallet, and the seller will send BTC until the transaction reaches completion.
We assure you that our team is dedicated to ensuring a transparent and efficient transaction process. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you and forging a mutually beneficial partnership.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 50K-100K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, USDT or USD, Escrow, Attorney, US - Look For Buyer
Post: 16.11.23
Seller is selling 50K-100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net.
Buyer = 3%
Sellerside = 1.5% (Closed)
Buyerside: 1.5% ​
Can start with 250 and then 25K after. They can sell 50K daily for sure.
1. Seller sends satoshi from private wallet with 250 BTC
2. Buyer pays for 250 BTC with USDT or USD within 1 hour after receiving satoshi
3. Seller moves at least 500 BTC from private wallet with over 10k coins to wallet with 250 BTC (A2B)
4. Seller sends 250 BTC to Buyer
5. Seller sends successive tranches from the larger wallet
6. Discount: -6% gross, -3% net
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid
NEW: 10K-500K BTC with R&E @ -7% Gross, -5% Net, Escrow, L2L, B2B, Washington - Look For Buyer
Post: 11.11.23
Seller is selling 10K-50K BTC @ -3% Gross, -1% Net.
51K-100K BTC @ -4% Gross, -2% Net.
101K-250K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net.
251K-500K BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net.
501K+ BTC @ -7% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 1-5%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside: 1%​
1. The BUYER’s Attorney sends Anti-Money Laundering (AML) KYC/CIS, Company Profile LOI and a Letter of RWA / Attestation that the BUYER has the Financial Capability to lawfully purchase a specified number of BTC directly to the SELLER’s Attorney to confirm the BUYER’s readinessss to transact. Send to Law@xxxxx.com
2. The SELLER’s Attorney will perform the necessary Due Diligence (DD), prepare and send the BUYER’s Attorney a copy of the SELLER’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) KYC/CIS, Company Profile and a draft of the FIAT to BTC SALE & PURCHASE AGREEMENT (SPA or CONTRACT).
3. Both the BUYER and SELLER will review and sign the FIAT to BTC SALE & PURCHASE AGREEMENT (SPA or CONTRACT).
4. Both BUYER and SELLER Attorney will SCHEDULE a zoom call to verbally confirm the transaction details.
5. The SELLER’s Attorney shall send a Letter of RWA / Attestation that the Seller asserts full ownership of the BTC being transferred in this transaction. In addition, the original wallet holds at least 5,000 BTC with less than 100 transactions. And further affirms that all Bitcoin (BTC) provided in this transaction is free from any illegal activities.
6. All Transaction Brokers, Intermediaries and Mandates shall send email to the respective Buyer and Seller Mandate declaring their role in this transaction contact information and payment instructions. Only the authorized Buyer Mandate and the authorized Seller Mandate shall each independently send one email to Law@xxxxxx.com listing all the names, contact information roles and payment instructions for the Buyer side and the Seller side commissions. The SELLER’s Attorney shall further prepare a Non-Compete Non-Disclosure Agreements, (NCNDA) and a final Irrevocable Master Fees Agreements (IMFA) in accordance with a GROSS / NET DISCOUNT.
1. Seller shall utilize HODL HODL, P2P BITCOIN TRADING PLATFORM to generate a unique multisig escrow wallet address, using Referral Code
2. SELLER shall share the escrow wallet address with the BUYER’s Attorney.
3. SELLER shall deposit the agreed amount of BTC into the escrow wallet address, and the BUYER’s Attorney shall verify the balance contained in the unique escrow wallet address.
4. The BUYER shall contemporaneously make payment according to the agreed payment method into the SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account and wait for the payment to be declared free and clear by the receiving Bank.
5. A copy of the BUYER’s Bank transaction receipts will be shared with the SELLER’s Attorney. The BUYER’s payment shall be received, free, clear and available into the Escrow Account of the SELLER's Attorney's on or before 48 Hours from the date appearing on the BUYER’s Bank transaction receipts.
6. After the SELLER’s Attorney,s bank declares BUYER’s payment free and clear, the SELLER shall immediately release the bitcoin held in the unique escrow wallet into the BUYER's wallet.
7. The SELLER will provide a screenshot and the TX Hash ID to demonstrate the transfer's origin and confirm that the original wallet holds at least 5,000 BTC with less than 100 transactions.
8. Once the TEST TRANSFER is authenticated, and the contents of the SELLER's BTC ESCROW WALLET are verified, both the BUYER and SELLER will arrange a tranche schedule going forward.
9. The BUYER will cause the first tranche payment for the quantity agreed in the contract to be issued to the SELLER’s Attorney within the same banking day or within 24-hours of the screenshot provided above. In case of Business hours closing or Banking holiday. The SELLER will cause the BTC Transfer to occur on the same day or the next immediate legal Banking Day.
10. The BUYER shall transfer the first tranche of a minimum agreed BTC equivalent in U.S. Dollar denomination into the SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account
11. After the U.S. Dollar Payment is received into SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account, the BUYER will provide Bank confirmation of payment to the SELLER.
12. Upon receiving the Bank confirmation of receipt of the BUYER's cash transfer receiving and funds clearing, the SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account, the SELLER shall immediately send the agreed amount of BTC coins to the BUYER'S BTC TRANSACTION WALLET and provide a screenshot as proof of the transfer.
13. The Parties may mutually agree to increase the investment amount once the first tranche of funds has been successfully transferred to the SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account,, and the BTC coins have been successfully transferred to the BUYER's TRANSACTION WALLET.
14. Upon successful clearance of funds into the SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account, the transfer of BTC coins will be initiated within a 24-hour of the date funds are declared to be free, clear and available by the Back for the SELLER's Attorney's Escrow Account. In the rare event that the BTC coins are not sent promptly without prior agreement, the Attorney will immediately issue a 100% refund of the BUYER’s free and clear funds without any deductions, or no questions.
15. The Parties shall mutually agree on all tranche schedules.
16. The SELLER’s Attorney shall contemporaneously distribute the SELLER FUND’s and the BUYER’s COMMISSIONS AND the SELLER’s COMMISSIONS to the respective accounts.
17. The steps shall be repeated as necessary until the completion of the agreed tranche schedule.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: OTCbid
NEW: 300K BTC with R&E @ -15% Gross, -8% Net, F2F, TTM, Bank, HSBC,
London - Look For Buyer
Post: 8.11.23
Seller is selling 300K+ BTC @ -15% Gross, -8% Net.
Buyer = 8%
Sellerside = 2.5% (Closed)
Management Company: 2% (Closed)
Buyerside: 2.5% (CJV group + buyerside group)
Tranches 1/2/3 - 100K BTC each tranche, w/R&E
F2F at Buyer’s bank
A) CIS of Buyer
B) Upon successful due diligence by Seller, Seller sends SPA which includes Seller details and Consultants’ Commission Fee Agreement
C) Optional conference call between buyer and seller to confirm details and logistics;
D) Satoshi
E) Tabletop Meeting at Buyer’s Bank (e.g. HSBC London).
Ref:CJ VY11.07
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
NEW: 1K-100K BTC with R&E @ -7.5% Gross, -5% Net, MT103, Bank2Bank, Thailand, HK - Look For Buyer
Post: 3.11.23
Seller is selling 1000 BTC @ -7.5% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.25%
Sellerside = 1.25% (closed)​
This seller has following payment options...
1. BPU from a tier 1 bank UBS that is better than escrow
2. Via MT103 with performance guarantee from Seller of $10M
3. SBLC from a tier 1 bank.
4. 5% net to buyer and 1.25% each side Can arrange a zoom call with the seller rep to clarify any questions you may have. SM will only speak directly to the BM
1) Buyer and seller will sign SPA.
2) Seller and the buyer will exchange proof of funds and proof of coin.
3) Seller will issue 10% performance bond to buyer as security for the buyer for the first tranche.
4) Buyer will proceed to send MT103 payment to seller account for the first tranche.
5) Within 1 hour of confirmation payment, seller will send the Bitcoin to the buyer.
6) After confirmation of the Bitcoin, we proceed to second tranche.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
NEW: 200K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net, Tether (USDT ERC-20/TRC20), Bank, Escrow, Zurich - Look For Buyer
Post: 31.10.23
Seller is selling 200K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyer Intermediaries = 0.5%
Seller Intermediaries = 0.5%
Escrow = 1%​
Invoice or SPA, including IMFPA, signed by both parties.
Buyer and seller agree to tranche schedule.
Seller and buyer appoint a mutually agreed upon escrow attorney for the transaction. Funds via recent screenshot of the buyer's USDT wallet or public wallet address.
Coins of the seller’s BTC wallet.
Seller sends a screenshot of his bitcoin wallet or public wallet address.
All parties sign and return executed agreement to ESCROW AGENT.
All parties provide documentation to ESCROW AGENT to pass KYC and AML checks.
Tranche transaction:
Escrow attorney creates a new wallet (Atomic or Trust or Coinbase) on a zoom call for approval by the other party. Wallet must be decentralized/non-custodial/cold. No Exchanges and no custodial wallets accepted for a security reason.
The escrow agent provides the buyer and seller with the wallet address, but the escrow attorney retains the passwords, as applicable.
The buyer sends the first tranche of USDT to the escrow attorney’s new wallet.
i. Escrow attorney confirms receipt of USDT in his wallet and sends screenshots to the seller.
ii. The seller verifies a wallet via blockchain explorer online.
Seller subsequently sends BTC to the escrow attorney's wallet.
i. Escrow attorney confirms receipt of BTC in his wallet and sends screenshots to the buyer.
ii. The buyer verifies a wallet via blockchain explorer online.
The escrow Agent conducts forensics on USDT and BTC.
The escrow Agent sends USDT to the seller.
The escrow Agent sends BTC to the buyer.
Escrow Agent shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Annex D. Steps c) to h) are repeated until 200,000 BTC transaction is complete.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
NEW:100K BTC with R&E @ -9% gross -5%Net, EMIRATES NBD DUBAI, HSBC LONDON, HSBC HONG KONG - Look For Buyer
(Seller : IPHOE....KIRD-GAIL)
Post: 27.10.23
Seller is selling 100K BTC @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%​
Both BUYER and SELLER sign the SPA and IMFPA agreement.
BUYER sends USD payment to SELLER’S Bank Account in EMIRATES NBD DUBAI, HSBC LONDON, HSBC HONG KONG for the test tranche of 10 BTC. or BUYER instructs his bank to send a SWIFT MT799 to the SELLER’s bankin order to receive a satoshi from the SELLER
SELLER send 10 BTC, after funds have been received and cleared to his Bank account. BTC is send to BUYERS receiving BTC wallet or SELLER’S bank receives BUYER’S bank SWIFT MT799 and SELLER sends a BTC satoshi to the BUYER
After the BUYER has received the BTC or Satoshi and has completed a successful verification and forensics, BUYER will send next tranche payment in USD as per the tranche schedule agreed on the SPA.
The SELLER will send equivalent value in BTC or Satoshi per payment received in USD in his Bank account upon it being cleared and deposited. The BTC will be sent to the BUYER receiving wallet.
SELLER to deliver Fees to beneficiaries as per mentioned in the IMFPA.
Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the BUYER and agreed by SELLER
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