NEW: 15K-60K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, France, Dubai, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SPA...WAL-tele)
Post: 3.11.21
Buyer in Dubai/London is looking for 15K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
I am direct to official mandate (Two partners and attorneys in France) of the buyer for this first transaction
Only with a top bank safe procedure
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5% (open)
Sellerside = 1.5%
Meeting and signature to bank in Suisse, Luxembourg, Belgium, UK or France
Escrow account is possible
Seller to show POC and Wallet
Buyer can issue a collateral/payment guarantees like SBLC to get BTC, but it's only second choice.
Can be Deutsche Bank, UBS, JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, ...
Looking for seller with a safe and secure bank solution for the buyer.
Please submit a draft SPA to examine the terms.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K up to 1M BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, MT103/GPI, Bank2Bank, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TFRA SALI-linkl)
Post: 18.10.21
A global financial institution (FI) is looking for 100K up to 1M BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1% (closed)
Facilitators = 1% (closed)
FI = Financial Institution (Buyer)
The Bitcoin sales process is an easy step by step procedure, fast and efficient:
A) Genealogy filled by all brokers (if needed NCNDA too)
B) Final Genealogy will be sent to buyer FI
C) FI will contact the seller directly to get started with step (D)
D) A_B wallet test to show availability and control of coins by seller executed as follows:
1. The buyer FI will create an empty wallet (B) and submit the wallet address to seller and seller changes the password to be the owner of this wallet (B)
2. The seller sends a BTC test amount from seller's wallet (A) to seller's empty wallet (B)
3. Buyer FI checks the legitimacy of the A-B wallet test.
E) FI answers with a contract, when the contract is fine for the seller, then the seller signs the contract and then FI signs the contract.
F) The bitcoin amount of each tranche shall be transferred to the wallet controlled by the seller in accordance with the Agreement before the Bank Transaction Procedure is initiated as follows:
1. The seller sends current tranche to seller's wallet (B)
2. After the six Blockchain confirmations, buyer FI transfers the Turbo Swift MT103/GPI of the required amount of funds to the seller's account.
3. Where the seller receives the funds, he releases BTC from seller's Wallet (B) to FI wallet
4. FI will pay commission by an appointed Paymaster (Kxxxx lawyer) to the brokers.
G) Repeat step F until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K-150K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net, B2B, Switzerland, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : URI PHO-TELE)
Post: 30.9.21
A buyer is looking for 50K-1500K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1% (closed)
1. Tranche 500 -1000 – 5000 BTC
2. Tranche 5000 BTC
3. Tranche 5000 BTC
The parties sign this sales contract (SPA) in advance by email. In addition, each individual contract page is initially confirmed with the abbreviation so that no changes can be made later by third parties. Copies will be exchanged via email. * In addition, the identity card is attached by all involved.
The seller is able to provide formal proof of the possession / existence of the BTC and hereby expressly declares this with the ID number .................... from his .............. ...... wallet. Since several transactions are agreed, the seller undertakes to load the .............. ...... Wallet with the corresponding number of BTCs before each transaction, to report this to buyer and to allow it to be checked.
The ID number ................... of the .............. ...... Wallet is at the same time the contract number and the purpose for all transfers. The contract must be fulfilled and executed by ................ The exact date will be agreed individually between the parties.
The seller sells the bitcoins in his name or on behalf of a consortium that collects the bitcoins and makes them available in a .............. ......wallet. As soon as the buyer has paid the down payment in the amount of the current purchase price into an account. Only then can the final processing be allowed.
All transfers are made via MT 103/202 or SEPA (bank to bank) to an account of the seller account, which is named by the seller in good time. However, no later than when the invoice is issued. If the seller has proven the BTC on his .............. ...... wallet, the buyer undertakes to give his bank the order to send an MT 199 to the seller's bank and to announce the money transfer MT 103/202 or via SEPA.
In the unlikely event that this security deposit is not 100% provided, the contract cannot be fulfilled because the Bitcoin offered will then not be available on the seller's wallet. Both parties already agree today that this sales contract will then be invalid.
In return, the seller hereby grants the buyer an irrevocable right of first refusal to all available Bitcon.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K-150K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net, B2B, Bit Shield Wallet, Switzerland, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : URI PHO-TELE)
Post: 24.9.21
A buyer is looking for 50K-1500K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1%
1. Tranche 500 -1000 – 5000 BTC
2. Tranche 5000 BTC
3. Tranche 5000 BTC
The parties sign this sales contract (SPA) in advance by email. In addition, each individual contract page is initially confirmed with the abbreviation so that no changes can be made later by third parties. Copies will be exchanged via email. * In addition, the identity card is attached by all involved. Buyer appoints a trustee, notary, or bank to handle the BTC.
Processing via Bit Shield WALLET:
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, then load 500 - 1,000 or 5,000 BTC for the first tranche onto the BitShield WALLET. Send screenshots of the loaded BTC including ID number to the lawyer / trustee / escrow. After checking the BTC on the BitShield WALLET, the seller's bank receives a pre-notification MT199 from the buyer's bank. After agreement between the banks, the buyer undertakes to immediately place a bank transfer with SEPA or MT103 / 202, including commission for the intermediary.
All transfers are made via MT 103 or SEPA (bank to bank) to an account of the seller or an attorney / escrow escrow account, which is determined in good time by the seller. At the latest, however, when the invoice is issued.
After successful receipt of payment, the seller must give clearance to his bank officer or trustee to transfer the number of BTC purchased from his BitShield wallet to the buyer's BitShield wallet, and both contracting parties declare that the transaction is complete. In the same context, the next transaction is being discussed and prepared by both sides. This process is repeated until the contract with BTC ... ..... has been fulfilled in full.
The purchase contract is deemed to have been completed as soon as the money is in the seller's possession and the bitcoins have been transferred from the seller to the buyer.
If the seller or the buyer violate provisions of the provisionally signed sales contract, he is obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 3% of the total order value.
All parties are bound to discretion and only persons who have been agreed in advance will be entrusted with this. Any breach is considered a breach of contract and leads to the agreed contractual penalty of 3% becoming due.
The seller confirms that the BTC are freely available, free from third party rights and do not originate from criminal activities.
The price is agreed as follows: According to the morning fixed price at 10 a.m. New York time, the BUYER pays the corresponding price minus the agreed gross discount of - xx%, and a fee of xx% is paid for intermediaries.
The buyer and seller decide on the transferring banks during the transfer period.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 400K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Bitshield Wallet, MT103, B2B, Bank, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : GH JK-Gail)
Post: 29.7.21
A Buyer is looking for 400K BTC @ -7%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
First tranche = 1000 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 10000 BTC
Seller to show BTC in Bitshield wallet :
a.) Seller owns BTC
b.) Seller can move BTC.
NEW: 150K - 300K BTC @ -6% gross, -3.5% net, F2F, B2B, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : BMA SA-Link)
Post: 28.7.21
A Class A Bank in London is looking for 150K-300K BTC @ -6%gross, -3.5% net
Buyer = 3.5% (include mandate)
Buyerside = 1.25%
Sellerside = 1.25%
First tranche = 1000 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 10000 BTC
Best will be with a f2f introduction meeting between both parties.
The meeting can be in London or Zurich. Preferred in London as the bank is here.
(1) Contract signed by Buyer; Contract signed by Seller
(2) Face to Face Meeting (F2F is preferred), Payment: Bank to Bank
(3) Extra security for a F2F meeting brought by Buyer: The same BTCs of the respective tranche is available on a hard-wallet + Password on the table during tranche execution. (BTC provided by Buyer as extra security and trust to the Seller)
(4) Seller sends BTC to wallet of Buyer.
(5) When BTC have arrived with 6 (six) confirmation a turbo swift transfer is initiated by Buyer. Turbo swift means the money is settled within 15 to 30 minutes to the destination account.
(6) Buyer starts from a small tranche (e.g. 20-100 BTC) in order to build step by step trust for higher sizes of a tranche.
(7) Repeating tranches starting again and again at step 3 until inventory of the seller is exhausted.
✔️ World class bank as buyer for you btc inventory
✔️ 100% safe process
✔️ 100% fast process
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -7% gross, -4% net, Escrow, Kingdom Trust, UK, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TAR VS-Gail)
Post: 1.7.21
A Russian Buyer in London is looking for 100K BTC with R&E @ -7%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Escrow fee = Paid by buyer and seller 50/50
Kingdom Trust Escrow
Escrow holds the funds until BTC are delivered directly to the buyers wallet.
Seller to pass KYC with Buyer.
After KYC, sign agreement with buyer, seller and custodian Kingdom Trust
Transfer funds and coins to Custodian account.
Custodian do the rest as per agreement.
Custodian takes care of buyer and seller and make sure both are paid.
Seller/Kingdom Trust pays all broker fees immediately after tranche completed.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50 BTC @ -0% Gross, +6% Net, Cash, F2F, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PD...TY)
Post: 7.3.21
Seller is selling 50 BTC daily @ -0% gross, +6% net
Buyer = +6%
Buyerside = 3%
Sellerside = 3%
Looking for BTC Buyer for cash in London
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross -5% Net, Escrow, London, UK - Look For Seller
(Buyer : UA....VG)
Post: 31.1.2021
London Regulated Buyers want to buy 100000 BTC with R&E @ -8% gross, -5% net.
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1%
Escrow = 1%
Preferably UK based Escrow with well known international Escrow firm eg. Linklaters, Dentons, Prime Trust
KYC, LOI, POF, POC managed through Escrow provider Linklaters
1. Buyer and Seller sign a Letter of Agreement or SPA with final details of the transaction. IMFPA to be signed by all parties.
2. Buyer transfers funds to nominated Escrow company.
3. Seller transfers BTC to nominated Escrow company
4. Escrow Lawyers analysed, confirmed coins and cleared history. Funds in Escrow transferred to Seller's Bank Account
5. Seller confirmed receipt of funds, lawyers transfer Seller's BTC to Buyer's private Wallet
6. Escrow distributes commissions to brokers, dealers and mandates etc.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCBIDdotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, F2F, B2B, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : RJ CP)
Post: 7.3.2020
I have a London buyer looking for 100K BTC at -5% GROSS, -2% NET
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Minimum 2000 BTC first tranche
F2F or Bank to Bank
KYC PROCESS to be done on seller and buyer before contract terms take effect
Mt103 swift or chaps bank transfer
Interested parties should contact :
Email: otcbid@gmail.com
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 30K up to 50K BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, F2F, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AJ KP)
Post: 3.3.2020
I have London buyer for 30K-50K+ BTC with R&E at -5% GROSS, -2% NET
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Minimum 1000 BTC first tranche
Buyer to specify number of tranches
Bitcoin rate based on Kraken or Coindesk or others
Interested parties should contact :
Email: otcbid@gmail.com
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AJ KI)
Post: 7.2.2020
I have a buyer looking for 50K BTC in London.-4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Tranches: 5,000 bitcoins daily.
Recieving bank is HSBC.
Face to face in HSBC London.
Buyer sends KYC and POF.
Seller will then send a satoshi, contract and his KYC.
Payment must be sent first and bitcoins will be sent afterwards.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K BTC @ -2% gross, -0% net, F2F, Satoshi, Hong Kong, Singapure, London, Switzerland - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AT KN)
Post: 31.12.2019
I am direct to buyer Mandate
Buyer is looking for 10K BTC contract in HK/Singapore
Spot price including commissions ie 10K BTC, at -2% gross, -0% net, ( seller pay 2% to brokers)
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Mt103, F2F, Once payment is received BTC should be sent (also could be f2f in London or Switzerland if the seller has bank account in HK or Singapore)
Another option accepted by the buyer is payment with fund block (MT760 no needed because buyer has his own money) In the case of fund block, Btc should be sent first AB OR SATOSHI are required
I'm direct to the buyer
We can transact the next day after coins are proven.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, B2B, Escrow, Hong Kong, Singapure, London, Tel Aviv - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AJ KB)
Post: 30.12.2019
I am direct to Buyer Mandate
New buyer is looking for 200K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net in Honkong, Singapure, London or Tel a Viv
A Buyer is ready to purchase more than 200K BTC in the Escrow or bank to bank transaction.
The minimal contract quantity is 50K BTC.
The transaction can be held in Hon kong, Singapure, London or Tel Aviv.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Escrow, Hong Kong, Dubai, London, Tel Aviv, Luxemburg, Amsterdam - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AM KA)
Post: 12.12.2019
I’m direct to rep who is direct to Buyer Mandate
New buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net
Any seller who have escrow in these countries is okay
Escrow only, Hong kong, Dubai, London, Tel aviv, Luxemburg , Amsterdam
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100 BTC @ -3% Gross, -1% Net, Cash, B2B, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer: AS.....KR)
Post: 9.8.2019
Looking for seller
London BTC cash Buyer want 10 to 100 coins per day for many days
The buyer want 100 coins per day. Can start with small quantity to get confidence for both parties.
I'm direct to rep who is direct to buyer
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 125K BTC @ -3% Gross, -1% Net, London, UK - Look For Seller
(Buyer: O O)
Post: 3.7.2019
Please I need Seller that can Sell real Live Coins in London on Friday please. Need real Coins can buy at Any discount Available. I m personally direct to this buyer. I've heard about 2 different people talk with her they claimed she is very flexible.
Can buy you to 125,000btc
And can meet up for meetings in Chelsea.
She can do test trades and everything Seller wants. Please if you have a vetted deal let's deal I'll arrange today and Tomorrow then deal on Friday please. Let's negotiate. Thanks -
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London, UK - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AJ..KS)
Post: 26.6.2019
I have a buyer in the UK willing to meet in London face to face.
Bank to bank HSBC - straight wire payment.
Gross is 4%, Discount is -2% net discount.
Buyer/seller provide KYC
Provide Seller's wallet address with more than 10,000 bitcoins as POC before engagement.
Daily tranches minimum 1000 bitcoins.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, Cash Deal, London - Look For Seller
(BUYER: Ai Kl)
Post: 10.6.2019
A new buyer interested in cash deal in London
100k btc, -5% gross, -2% net
Parties meet at Barclays Bank London
Bank2Bank, Face2Face, POF, POC.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5000 - 10,000+ BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, B2B, F2F, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : P..L)
Post: 17.5.2019
I am direct to buyer rep who is the ONLY person in the UK direct to this institutional buyer.
bank to bank, Face to face, SELL More than 10,000 bitcoins, And give an average discount.
Buyer needs more coins!!!
I have a few institutional buyers e.g. Private investment banks and WEALTHY individual buyers.
I am the ONLY person in the UK direct to this buyer.
If you have a DIRECT SELLERS please contact me
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10,000+ BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, B2B, F2F, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : P..L)
Post: 14.5.2019
I am direct to buyer rep who is the ONLY person in the UK direct to this institutional buyer.
bank to bank, Face to face,
SELL More than 10,000 bitcoins,
And give an average discount. -
Buyer needs more coins!!!
We have a few institutional buyers e.g. Private investment banks and WEALTHY individual buyer
If you have a DIRECT SELLERS please contact me
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London, UK - Look For Seller
(Buyer : A K / S..I)
Post: 14.5.2019
I have a private Bitcoin buyer in the UK willing to meet in London face to face.
He has up 200,000 bitcoins to buy.
Bank to bank HSBC - straight wire payment.
Gross is 4%, Discount is -2% net discount.
All is required is the seller's KYC before the buyer will travel to London. The buyer will give his KYC too.
The Seller's wallet address with more than 10,000 bitcoins can be provided as POC before engagement.
This can be done in daily tranches of nothing less than 1000 bitcoins daily.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, F2F, London, Paris, Belgium - Look For Seller
(Buyer : G B)
Post: 29.3.2019
Seller is ready to proceed but we need confirmation on Escrow agent to be used. Our criteria Escrow must be registered in USA and UK
I am direct to Buyer Mandate
POF available
Bank confirmation via call HSBC agent Dubai
KYC available
POF and POC done simultaneously
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K-100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1.5% net, TMF Escrow, or F2F in HK, Tokyo, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer: G....E)
Post: 8.12.2018
Buyer rep is direct to buyer
WTB 50-100K BTC, @-3% gross, -1.5% net
F2F in HK/Tokyo/London OR TMF escrow only.
Sign NDNC with me
Zoom OR Video POF —>
Satoshi OR AB wallet —>
Offical POF —>
F2F or TMF escrow.
Prefer to talk to seller mandate directly.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited