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OTCbid - Plan B Says Bitcoin Price Still 'on Track Towards $100K' Despite Missing November's Price Prediction
" This month, the price of bitcoin sank below the $60K zone this month after reaching an all-time high (ATH) at $69K per unit. The pseudonymous bitcoin analyst and the creator of the bitcoin price model called stock-to-flow (S2F), Plan B, called the last three months of bitcoin prices correctly but the analyst’s “worst-case scenario” forecast missed the mark in November. Despite the recent bitcoin price drop, Plan B still seems confident bitcoin’s price is “on track towards $100K.”
Plan B’s Bitcoin Price Prediction for November Misses the Analyst’s $98K Call
The infamous pseudonymous bitcoin analyst Plan B is well respected among bitcoiners and has amassed 1.5 million Twitter followers since October 2017. Plan B is the creator of the popular bitcoin price model called stock-to-flow (S2F), which quantifies the commodity’s (bitcoin) scarcity and then divides it by yearly issuance (the flow). The analyst has done well as far as bitcoin (BTC) price predictions are concerned, but this month one of his calls missed. - Read Full Article
Source: Bitcoin
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-14% gross, -7% net, L2L, JP Morgan London, Germany, US
Buyer Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 300K BTC with R&E up to 1M BTC @ -14% gross, -7% net, L2L, JP Morgan London, Germany, US - Look For Buyer
Post: 1.12.21
A seller is selling 300K+ BTC @ -14% gross, -7% net​
Buyer = 7%
Buyer side = 3%
Seller side = 3%​
Operational Platform Fees = 1%
First tranche = 5000 BTC
Buyer and Seller agree to 3% non-performance penalty
The Buyer’s mandate and Seller’s mandate will review the offer and describe the transaction, duties and responsibilities of each party with agreed terms and conditions of the Sales and Purchase Contract Agreement.
The Buyer will provide an Internal Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL) issued from the Buyer’s Bank Officer to the Seller’s Bank Officer as Proof of Funds (POF) certification showing funds availability to cover for the Bitcoin first tranche Fiat equivalent. No further BCL or POF would be required for subsequent tranches.
Seller’s bank issues Bank Payment Undertaking / Bank Payment Obligation (SWIFT MT 799 format; Exhibit c) covering up to 1,000to Rolls Ext BTC first tranche to buyer.
The Seller sends Proof of Coin (POC) via email (wallet Image, Wallet Video and Wallet Address showing Bitcoin availability and recent transactions). Buyer confirms receipt of POC and verifies its authenticity by checking the wallets balance on Blockchain for thorough verification and forensics.
The Buyer’s Bank Officer at the JP MORGAN communicates with the Seller’s Bank Officer at the JP MORGAN, and agree to jointly supervise and hold the Funds on behalf the Buyer while the Seller delivers the Bitcoins satisfactorily to the Buyer; and performs thorough verification and forensics.
The Buyer issues authorization to the Buyer’s Bank Officer to make funds available via Ledger to Ledger with Administrative Hold controlled by the Buyer’s Bank Officer, into the Seller’s Bank Account Coordinates to be held in transit by the JP MORGAN Bank Officers until further receipt notice by the Buyer.
The Seller shall immediately transfer the Bitcoin to Buyer’s Designated Wallet on receipt of proof of fund availability from the Seller’s Bank Officer, and withhold block confirmation until assets delivered and confirmed received, Buyer confirms receipt of Bitcoin in their wallet, and verifies its authenticity.
The Seller sends corporate invoices with bank coordinates to the Buyer to issue the release note to the Bank Offices to the funds for the total amount of bitcoin received.
The Seller pays Intermediaries and Facilitators commissions based on their bank coordinates provided in a separate contract agreement with the Seller.​
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