OTC Deals
OTCbid - Ethereum is a 'con', will eventually 'blow up' like FTX as Bitcoin becomes primary global form of money
" In the long-run, Bitcoin will become the world's primary form of money, replacing the U.S. dollar and other fiat currencies, and beating out altcoins, according to Cory Klippsten, CEO and Founder of Swan Bitcoin.
"The very likely outcome is that Bitcoin continues to grow in size and market cap and price and purchasing power over the decades, and become global money that will probably eventually, in the long run, replace the U.S. dollar," he said. "It could be as soon as 20 to 30 years from now, but it could also be something that doesn't happen until the next century."
Suggesting that altcoins like Ether and Solana are "s***coins," Klippsten claimed that unlike Bitcoin, they cannot hope to become forms of money. He also said that Ethereum is a 'con' that will eventually 'blow up.'
"Someone can issue and control the money supply of these altcoins, and change the code whenever they want," he stated. "It's something very different from Bitcoin, which is decentralized and immutable and has no owner… None of these altcoins can become money."
Klippsten, who correctly predicted the collapse of Celsius, Luna/UST, and FTX, spoke with Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News.
FTX and 'fake' DeFi
The collapse of FTX, once the third largest crypto exchange, has roiled markets, sending Bitcoin below $17,000, and affecting crypto businesses like BlockFi, which filed for bankruptcy on Monday.
-5% Gross, -2% Net, Scott Oliver lawyer, Brite Banc Escrow, US
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 20K-50K+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, Scott Oliver lawyer, Brite Banc Escrow, US - Look For Seller
Post: 30.11.22
Buyer is buying 20K-50K+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net via Brite Banc Escrow platform.
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5% ​
After initial zoom call between the mandates, then DD, then contract signing, the procedure of the transaction should go like this:
a) Buyer loads up the lawyers Brite Banc account to the value of between 100 BTC-500 BTC in USD.
b) Seller verify the transfer and sends BTC directly to the buyer.
c) Buyer pays for the BTC using USDT directly to the seller.
Tranche/Swap sizes to range from 100 BTC to 500 BTC. Upto 8 tranches per day.
As mentioned, the buyer prefers to use Scott Oliver as lawyer to hold the funds.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577