NEW: 350K+ BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net, BTC/USDT Swap, Italy - Look For Buyer
Post: 16.7.23
Seller in Italy is selling 350K+ BTC with @ -10% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2.5%
Sellerside = 2.5%​​ (closed)​​
USDT-ERC20 Provider sends USDT payment wallet address for approval by BTC Provider. USDT-ERC20 Provider Wallet must have a minimum balance of $100,000,000 USDT-ERC20 and less than 100 Transactions.
BTC provider sends BTC payment wallet address for approval by the USDT Provider. BTC provider wallet will have less than 100 transactions.
USDT Provider sends the amount given by BTC provider from the approved USDT-ERC20 transactional wallet to another his wallet
After receipt of USDT Provider runs forensics on USDT-ERC20 wallet with in 1-2 hours
Then BTC Provider sends FIRST TRANCHE of 100 BTC to Buyer’s receiving BTC wallet.
USDT-ERC20 Provider does forensics &then sends Payment to BTC provider as per for the received 100BTC and as per tranche schedule within two hours of receiving BTC
USDT-ERC20 payment is confirmed and BTC provider sends next tranche
Fees paid to all consultants in BTC provider as per Exhibit A
Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the Buyer and agreed by Seller
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K Up To 200K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, B2B, Italy - Look For Buyer
(Seller : KS PL)
Post: 17.4.2020
A seller is selling for up to 200K+ BTC, Satoshi, B2B deal at -6% gross, -3% net
Buyerside = 1.5% (open)
Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)
Transaction Procedures:
The transaction procedure must include the following:
Buyer Side and Seller Side will communicate the offer and describe the transaction and duties and responsibilities of Parties, and the terms and conditions of the forwarded Agreement.
The SELLER fills in the agreement.
The BUYER fills in the agreement and signs it
The SELLER signs the agreement
The SELLER sends POC, sending a video of wallet with the buyers name or buyer’s code.
The BUYER sends POF
The SELLER and the BUYER agree on the date and time for to sale the first tranche.
For the current transaction, the SELLER and the BUYER agree on the selling price of the BTC and the quantity of BTCs to transfer, in tranches until the total amount of this transaction is reached.
The BUYER sends the payment of the total amount by MT103/72 or MT103/202 or URGENT SEPA from his Bank Account to the Seller’s Bank Account.
Upon receipt the payment, the SELLER transfers the agreed quantity of BTCs from his wallet to the Buyer’s Wallet. In the same time the SELLER pays all the beneficiaries as specified Wallet in the Annex 03.
After the successful transaction, the Parties repeat the steps from g) to i) for every tranche until the completion of the Agreement.
The transaction of BTC must pass at least 6 (six) confirmations on the Blockchain Network.
The funds will be received on the Seller’s Bank Account and shall be fully confirmed for the accreditation to the Seller.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS are specified in the contract
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, B2B, Escrow, Norton Rose, Goodwin Procter NY, Italy, Europe, US - Look For Seller
Post: 20.5.22
Buyer (European Co) is looking for 200K BTC with R&E @ -8% gross, -5% net
Escrow GOODWIN PROCTER or other international escrow agents eg Norton Rose or others seller’s agent in US
Buyer = 5%
Buyer side = 1.5% (closed)
Seller side = 1.5%
First week = 5 -10 tranches daily for a total quantity 500 – 1,500 BTC
Weekly = 1,000 daily
1) Buyer and seller will meet in Escrow’s office. Transaction takes place in Escrow office.
2) After POC of the wallet with minimum 100 Bitcoins (with forensic analysis) and POF of the Buyer’s bank’s account, Buyer makes payment of the first tranche
3) After the verification of the payment tranche in the escrow’s account, Seller transfers bitcoins in buyer’s wallet within a few minutes. After six confirmations, the Escrow releases the funds to the Seller.
Only if agreed by the Seller:
Buyer can pay 2 tranches and receive one tranche of BTC, 1 tranche of fiat as guarantee for the Seller
Buyer can also pay with USDT for quick payment if agreed by Seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 1000 to 3000 BTC @ -0% gross, +5% net, Bank, Monza, Milan, Italy - Look For Seller
(Buyer : RP CK)
Post: 14.1.2020
Buyer looking for 1000-3000 BTC at 0% gross, +5% net
Buyerside - 2.5%
Sellerside = 2.5%
Meeting in Monza Italy if not possible Milan
Procedure after meeting b2b
Test with 100 btc max 500
2nd deal 1000 to 3000
Buyer is ready to pay clearly above spot at least 5
Deal can be realized same day in Milan bank
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5000 BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Escrow, Rome, Italy - Look For Seller
(Seller: AL KJ)
Post: 9.11.2019
We're looking for BTC seller for our buyer in Italy subject to following Escrow transaction procedure, terms & conditions:
Buyer location: ITALY
Seller location: ANYWHERE
Contract amount: 5,000 BTC
First tranche: 100 BTC
Discount: -5% Gross/-2% Net Discount to buyer
(2% to buyer, 2% commissions, 1% for Escrow company fees)
Procedure: Escrow Procedure
--- 1. Buyer and seller sign contract/SPA
--- 2. Seller sends Satoshi to buyer as POC
--- 3. Buyer sends euros (= 98% of market value) to Escrow Agent/Attorney
--- 4. Escrow Agent confirms receipt of buyer's funds
--- 5. Seller transfers BTC direct to buyer's wallet
--- 6. Buyer instructs Escrow to release funds
--- 7. Escrow Agent pays seller and Intermediaries
Buyer is willing to work with any reputable European Escrow Agent/Attorney nominated by the seller.
Let me know if a BTC seller can accommodate above Terms & Conditions.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited