OTC Deals
MetaMazz - Accounting Firm PWC's Hong Kong Branch Purchases Land in The Sandbox Metaverse
" On Thursday, Pricewaterhouse Coopers’ (PWC) Hong Kong unit announced that it purchased a land site in The Sandbox metaverse. The PWC Hong Kong branch will be the first internationally recognized professional services brand to enter The Sandbox metaverse.
PWC Hong Kong Enters the Metaverse
While land located next to Snoop Dogg’s Sandbox plot has sold for lots of money and other firms like Atari have purchased Sandbox property, now major accounting firm PWC’s Hong Kong branch has also purchased metaverse land in The Sandbox virtual world.
“The metaverse offers new possibilities for organisations to create value through innovative business models, as well as introducing new ways to engage with their customers and communities,” Gee remarked. The PWC Hong Kong executive added:
We will leverage our expertise to advise clients who wish to embrace the metaverse on the full range of challenges presented by this emerging global digital phenomenon." - Read Full Article
Source: Bitcoin
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F2F, JPM, Escrow, Bart Fisher, NY, Washington DC, New Orleans, US
Buyer Mandate Only
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NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% gross, -3% net, F2F, JPM, Escrow, Bart Fisher, NY, Washington DC, New Orleans, US - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TED...SRD-GAIL)
Post: 24.12.21
A seller is selling 100K+ BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net​
Buyer = 3%
Buyer side = 1.5%
Seller side = 1.5%​​​
The seller can do F2F at JPM in NY, Washington DC or New Orleans
The other option is Escrow and Bart Fishers as the escrow agent
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
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