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OTCbid - Regulators Racing Toward First Major Rules on Cryptocurrency
Concerned about the potential for a digital-era bank run, the Treasury Department is working on an oversight framework for the fast-growing sector.
WASHINGTON — After largely standing aside for years as cryptocurrency grew from a digital curiosity into a volatile but widely embraced innovation, federal regulators are racing to address the potential risks for consumers and financial markets.
Their concerns have only grown as both new and established firms have rushed to find ways to profit from bringing the massive wealth held in cryptocurrency into the traditional financial system through quasi-banking services like interest-bearing accounts and lending.
Now the Treasury Department and other agencies are moving urgently on an initial target for tighter regulation: a fast-growing product called a stablecoin.
Source: nytimes
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-10 Gross, -5% Net, B2B, MT103-72, Telegraphic Transfer (TT), L2L, HSBC, NYC
Buyer Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 150K BTC with R&E @ -10% gross, -5% net, B2B, MT103-72, Telegraphic Transfer (TT), L2L, HSBC, NYC - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PHA GFR-Gail)
Post: 24.9.21
A seller is selling 150K BTC with R&E @ -10% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 2%
Buyerside = 2%
Intermediary = 1%
First tranche = 50 BTC
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNEDSPA on a PDF format.
Upon the confirmation of the seller´s Bank Officer, both seller and buyer agree to the bitcoin rate at 9am New York time each day of the tranche amount of BTC, the seller sends an invoice for the tranche to the buyer and the buyer initiates MT103-72 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
Upon the confirmation of the seller´s designated bank of the confirmed clear receipt of payment to the seller(it may takes 72 hours), the seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the buyer´s wallet, and then the seller will send the screenshot to the buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
Buyer has to wait until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer. Seller’s banker will then release the funds into the account of the seller.
Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the Seller’s Disbursement Agreement [SDA] and move to the next tranche until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577