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OTCbid - RFK Jr on China and Global Economic Battles; 88,200 Millionaires Got Rich With Crypto, Says Report — Week in Review
" The first full week of September is in the bag, and there’s nary a shortage of crypto and economic news from across the globe. In this edition of the Bitcoin.com News Week in Review, RFK Jr. says China doesn’t want a war, but the government wants to “bury” the United States economically. In other news, a recent report reveals that 88,200 millionaires built their wealth through crypto, and JPMorgan expects the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to approve multiple spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) at once.
U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) has explained that China does not want a war with the U.S. However, he warned that China wants to “bury” the U.S. economically. “I’m not afraid of the United States competing with China head to head and countries around the world. I think that’s good for us. I think we win that competition,” the presidential hopeful stated.
U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) shared his views on several topics in an interview with CNBC on Wednesday. RFK Jr. is a son of former U.S. Attorney General and Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
Among the topics RFK Jr. delved into were China’s global influence and the expansion of the BRICS alliance, which currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The group recently held its annual summit and invited six countries to join as new members. The BRICS economic bloc, often seen as a counterweight to the West, is actively advocating for the use of local currencies in international trade instead of the U.S. dollar.” - Read More
NEW: 1K-30K+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, F2F, Bank, ADCB, ADIB - Look For Buyer
(Seller : IPHOE...ZIRD-GAIL)
Post: 12.9.23
Seller is selling 1K-30K+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net.
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Minimum first tranche = 1000 BTC
1,000 BTC to 10,000 BTC = -5â„… Gross, -2â„… Net
11,000 BTC to 25,000 BTC = -6â„… Gross, -3â„… Net
26,000 BTC + = -7â„… Gross, -4â„… Net
1. Seller and Buyer will have a F2F meeting. F2F meeting can be in either the Buyer or Sellers premises or at the Bank or any other mutually agreed location.
2. The Buyer has to commit and agree to have USD 100,000 or AED 370,000 which he has to keep on the table as a Performance Guarantee (PG)
3. After checking the PG amount, the Seller will send the Buyer 1 BTC for the Buyer to do his forensic checks.
4. NOTE: The Seller will not take the cash for the 1 BTC from the table. He is willing to also show his commitment to the deal.
5. Next the Seller will provide his SPA (MOU & Investment Agreement) which the Buyer needs to complete, sign and stamp. This will be also be completed with the Seller details, signature and stamp. All done F2F in the same meeting. Buyer to provide his POF for the Seller.
6. Next the Buyer transfers the payment to the Seller's Bank account (ADCB and ADIB).
7. On receipt of the funds in Seller's account, the Seller transfers the BTC to the Buyers receiving wallet
8. After the Buyer receives the BTC, he will sign off the completion of the transaction tranche.
9. Seller will pay the necessary commissions to all parties concerned.
10. Deal concluded.
11. The same procedure will apply for all future tranches until the completion of the agreed amount of BTC as per the SPA.
The 1 BTC test will only be sent after the Seller verifies the Buyers PG on the table.
The PG will remain on the table until the payment receipt for the first tranche (1,000 BTC).
Should the Buyer decide not to make the first tranche payment for 1,000 BTC or want to delay it for a later date, then the Seller has the full right to take the 100,000 USD (370,000 AED).
Should such an occurance take place, then the Seller will give the Buyer three days to make the payment for the first Tranche.
If the Buyer fails to transfer the first Tranche to the Seller's account within three days, then the Buyer wil have to forfeit the Performance Guarantee (PG).
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577