OTC Deals
OTCbid - Ferrari’s Bitcoin acceptance is major market win, says CoinFlip CEO
Ferrari’s decision to allow U.S. residents to buy its cars in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin
BTC $36,292 has become one of the biggest market wins in 2023, according to the CEO of the Bitcoin ATM operator CoinFlip.
Ferrari has been aware of the growing demand from clients for alternative payment solutions and decided to support dealers in meeting these clients’ requests, the representative said, adding:
“The source of the cryptocurrencies will be proven, and volatility risks associated with exchange rates will be eliminated. Dealers — and ultimately Ferrari — will receive payments in traditional currency and will not be managing cryptocurrencies directly.”
Source:​ Cointelegraph
NEW: 101K-250K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -4% Net, USDT, Attorney, Escrow, Washington - Look For Buyer
Post: 17.11.23
Seller is selling 101K-250K BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net.
Gross 4/2 : 10k - 50k BTC
Gross 5/3 : 51K - 100K BTC
Gross 6/4 : 101K - 250K BTC
Gross 7/5 : 251K - 500K BTC
Gross 8/6 : 501K & Over BTC
Buyer = 2-6%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside: 1%​
1. Buyer send CIS and USDT WALLET and this selected Procedure to initiate discussion.
2. Both the BUYER/ SELLER and Attorney will sign the USDT / BTC Escrow CONTRACT. After, *Attorney will send a Letter of RWA/Attestation/ Guarantee.
3. Within 24 hours of signing the contract, the BUYER will make transfer for the Test Tranche of BTC equivalent to 100 BTC to the Seller's Attorney's Escrow USDT Wallet.
4. The Attorney shall perform a TEST TRANSFER in BTC equivalent to 100 BTC from their transactional Escrow wallet within usually 1-2 hours. The Attorney / Seller will provide a screenshot and a TX Hash ID to demonstrate the transfer's origin and confirm that the original holding wallet holds at least 5,000 BTC with less than 100 transactions.
5. Once the TEST TRANSFER is authenticated, and the contents of the Escrow's BTC TRANSACTION WALLET are verified, both the BUYER and SELLER will start the tranche schedule.
6. The BUYER will arrange the first tranche transfer for the agreed amount in the contract issued by the SELLER/ BUYER within the same banking day or within 24 hours. In case of Business hours closing or Banking holiday, the BTC Transfer will be made on the same day or the next Banking Day.
7. BUYER shall transfer the first tranche of minimum 1,000 or agreed BTC amount equivalent in USDT to Attorney's escrow wallet within 24 hours.
8. After the 1,000 or agreed BTC a mount equivalent in UST is transferred, the BUYER will provide a screenshot and a TX Hash ID to seller.
9. Upon receiving the screenshot and a TX Hash ID to Seller/ Attorney, the SELLER/ Attorney shall immediately send the agreed amount of BTC coins to the BUYER'S BTC TRANSACTIONAL WALLET within usually 1-2 hours and provide a screenshot and a TX Hash ID as proof of the transfer.
10. Parties may agree to increase the investment amount (optional) once the first tranche of USDT has been successfully transferred to the ATTORNEY'S Escrow Receiving Wallet, and the BTC have been successfully transferred to the BUYER'S TRANSACTION WALLET.
11. The Parties will mutually agree on the tranche schedule going forward. The steps #7-#10 will be repeated until completion of the tranche schedule.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid

-6% Gross, -4% Net, USDT, Attorney, Escrow, Washington
Email : otcbid@gmail.com
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
Discord: #OTCbid