NEW: 300K BTC with R&E up to 1M BTC @ -14% gross, -7% net, L2L, JP Morgan London, Germany, US - Look For Buyer
Post: 1.12.21
A seller is selling 300K+ BTC @ -14% gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Buyer side = 3%
Seller side = 3%
Operational Platform Fees = 1%
First tranche = 5000 BTC
Buyer and Seller agree to 3% non-performance penalty
The Buyer’s mandate and Seller’s mandate will review the offer and describe the transaction, duties and responsibilities of each party with agreed terms and conditions of the Sales and Purchase Contract Agreement.
The Buyer will provide an Internal Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL) issued from the Buyer’s Bank Officer to the Seller’s Bank Officer as Proof of Funds (POF) certification showing funds availability to cover for the Bitcoin first tranche Fiat equivalent. No further BCL or POF would be required for subsequent tranches.
Seller’s bank issues Bank Payment Undertaking / Bank Payment Obligation (SWIFT MT 799 format; Exhibit c) covering up to 1,000to Rolls Ext BTC first tranche to buyer.
The Seller sends Proof of Coin (POC) via email (wallet Image, Wallet Video and Wallet Address showing Bitcoin availability and recent transactions). Buyer confirms receipt of POC and verifies its authenticity by checking the wallets balance on Blockchain for thorough verification and forensics.
The Buyer’s Bank Officer at the JP MORGAN communicates with the Seller’s Bank Officer at the JP MORGAN, and agree to jointly supervise and hold the Funds on behalf the Buyer while the Seller delivers the Bitcoins satisfactorily to the Buyer; and performs thorough verification and forensics.
The Buyer issues authorization to the Buyer’s Bank Officer to make funds available via Ledger to Ledger with Administrative Hold controlled by the Buyer’s Bank Officer, into the Seller’s Bank Account Coordinates to be held in transit by the JP MORGAN Bank Officers until further receipt notice by the Buyer.
The Seller shall immediately transfer the Bitcoin to Buyer’s Designated Wallet on receipt of proof of fund availability from the Seller’s Bank Officer, and withhold block confirmation until assets delivered and confirmed received, Buyer confirms receipt of Bitcoin in their wallet, and verifies its authenticity.
The Seller sends corporate invoices with bank coordinates to the Buyer to issue the release note to the Bank Offices to the funds for the total amount of bitcoin received.
The Seller pays Intermediaries and Facilitators commissions based on their bank coordinates provided in a separate contract agreement with the Seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 75K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, F2F, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 1.12.21
A seller is selling 75K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net
Buyer = 2%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
The contract will be drafted after buyer and seller discuss details.
It can be done anywhere that the buyer feels completely safe (at a police station, their lawyers office, etc.). Seller wants to ensure as much comfort to the buyer as possible, in order to get a deal done.
Funds get sent first. Seller will accept USDT to make the transaction faster, or USD (but that large amounts take long to pass through the central banks).
Funds move first. Seller can start with very small amounts ($100, $1000, $10000) and can scale until the transaction is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K-150K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net, B2B, Bit Shield Wallet, Switzerland, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : URI PHO-TELE)
Post: 18.9.21
A seller is selling 50K-1500K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1%
1. Tranche 500 -1000 – 5000 BTC
2. Tranche 5000 BTC
3. Tranche 5000 BTC
The parties sign this sales contract (SPA) in advance by email. In addition, each individual contract page is initially confirmed with the abbreviation so that no changes can be made later by third parties. Copies will be exchanged via email. * In addition, the identity card is attached by all involved. Buyer appoints a trustee, notary, or bank to handle the BTC.
Processing via Bit Shield WALLET:
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, then load 500 - 1,000 or 5,000 BTC for the first tranche onto the BitShield WALLET. Send screenshots of the loaded BTC including ID number to the lawyer / trustee / escrow. After checking the BTC on the BitShield WALLET, the seller's bank receives a pre-notification MT199 from the buyer's bank. After agreement between the banks, the buyer undertakes to immediately place a bank transfer with SEPA or MT103 / 202, including commission for the intermediary.
All transfers are made via MT 103 or SEPA (bank to bank) to an account of the seller or an attorney / escrow escrow account, which is determined in good time by the seller. At the latest, however, when the invoice is issued.
After successful receipt of payment, the seller must give clearance to his bank officer or trustee to transfer the number of BTC purchased from his BitShield wallet to the buyer's BitShield wallet, and both contracting parties declare that the transaction is complete. In the same context, the next transaction is being discussed and prepared by both sides. This process is repeated until the contract with BTC ... ..... has been fulfilled in full.
The purchase contract is deemed to have been completed as soon as the money is in the seller's possession and the bitcoins have been transferred from the seller to the buyer.
If the seller or the buyer violate provisions of the provisionally signed sales contract, he is obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 3% of the total order value.
All parties are bound to discretion and only persons who have been agreed in advance will be entrusted with this. Any breach is considered a breach of contract and leads to the agreed contractual penalty of 3% becoming due.
The seller confirms that the BTC are freely available, free from third party rights and do not originate from criminal activities.
The price is agreed as follows: According to the morning fixed price at 10 a.m. New York time, the BUYER pays the corresponding price minus the agreed gross discount of - xx%, and a fee of xx% is paid for intermediaries.
The buyer and seller decide on the transferring banks during the transfer period.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10K-500K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, B2B, Ledger2Ledger, HSBC UK, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : US PR-Tele)
Post: 16.7.21
A seller is selling 10K-500K @ -7% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5% (open)
Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)
-7% / -4% the discount will be agree according to the tranches size
Seller use Dubai Islamic Bank, HSBC London
JP Morgan Chase bank USA. HSBC Hong Kong
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, Buyer will complete the SPA with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the Seller along with RWA signed by two bank officers.
Within 24 hours, Seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA in PDF format.
Proof of funds (POF): The Bank of the buyer issues SWIFT MT799 POF to the Bank of Seller, or Buyer’s bank officer confirms to Seller’s bank officer Buyer’s readiness and ability to transact on this SPA.
Proof of coins (POC): Buyer is to select one of the below options: The seller will show the readiness to proceed for the first tranche by sending a Satoshi test from his wallet to buyer´s wallet.
Buyer’s bank makes payment LEDGER TO LEDGER HSBC UK, LONDON for the current tranche. Scheduled tranches (see Annex A).
After receiving and confirmation of the LEDGER TO LEDGER HSBC UK, LONDON notification at seller‘s bank, the seller transfers Bitcoins to the buyer’s wallets for the said amount stated in the LEDGER TO LEDGER HSBC UK, LONDON through BLOCKCHAIN at the rate of the day -4% net discount. The transfer of BTC must be realized within 24 hours after receipt of Swift notification. The commission must be paid by seller to the agents under the TM-756-BTC-2021-6””, which is included in this agreement.
For additional tranches steps 4 – 6 will be repeated until the total volume is settled.
Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10K-500K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, HSBC, London, Romania - Look For Buyer
(Seller : JD...UN-Tele)
Post: 8.7.21
A UK seller is selling 10K-500K BTC @ -7%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5% (Ray + 2 people)(open)
Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)
First tranche = 1000 BTC
Second tranche = Buyer choice but not more then 100.000/ tranche
Obligatory condition MT799 in the bank before the MT103.
(MT799 block the money for tranches)
1. Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller.
2. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
3. Upon the confirmation of the seller´s Bank Officer, both seller and buyer agree to the bitcoin rate at 9 am New York time each day of the tranche amount of BTC the buyer initiates MT103/202 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
4. Upon the confirmation of the seller´s designated bank of the confirmed clear receipt of payment to the seller, the seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the buyer´s wallet, and then the seller will send the screenshot to the buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
Buyer has to wait until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer.
5. Buyer pays commission to buy side involved parties.
6. Seller pays commission to sell side according to the Seller’s Disbursement Agreement [SDA] and move to the next tranche until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 400K up to 1M BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, F2F, B2B, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : FS BS-GAIL)
Post: 11.5.21
A Seller is selling 400K up to 1M BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
It's a private Seller from London, who's willing to travel to the Buyer's location, if necessary.
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5% (Ray + 2 partners) (closed)
First tranche = 100 BTC
Subsequent tranches = up to 50000 BTC
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, Buyer will fill out with Buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the Seller. Within 24 hours, Seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
A video call is made between Buyer and Seller. Proof of funds (POF) and proof of coins(POC) will be exchanged during the video identity verification by the Buyer and the Seller as follows:
Identity: Original Passport must be presented on video by both parties. Seller will ask for additional ID if necessary.
Wallet:Buyer´s receiving wallet will be submitted privately to the Seller.
Proof of funds (POF):Buyer has to login to his/her bank account to show the proof of funds (POF).
Proof of coins (POC):Seller will play the recorded proof of coins video (POC) with personalized code given by the Buyer.(No Satoshi or A-B wallet test available).
3. Buyer´s Bank Officer will initiate an MT199 communication to Seller´s bank, informing the bank of the upcoming transfer with stated exact date of the transaction.
4. Buyer books the business class-flight ticket and hotel accommodation {required} for Seller´s representative to fly to a designated Buyer´s secured location which both parties agreed to commence the transaction.
Upon arrival of the Seller´s representative at the Buyer´s location, they will set the transaction and get started according to what steps 5,6,7,8,9 in place.
If there is a default from the Buyer or Seller, a $1M default charge will be made to cover the lost transaction and time.
5. Seller issues the invoice and Buyer pays the agreed amount of BTC using MT103 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the Seller.
6. Upon the confirmation of the Seller´s designated bank of the confirmed clear receipt of payment to the Seller (it takes 72 hours), the Seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the Buyer´s wallet, and then the Seller will send the screenshot to the Buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
7. Seller´s representative and the Buyer have to wait on an agreed place to standby until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in Buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the Seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer.
8. Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the annexed IMFPA-[Insert Code……].
9. After the first tranche was successful, the Seller provides a new proof of coins (POC) and then Buyer moves to the next tranche and repeat the steps 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 until contract is exhausted.
10. If there is no other tranche left, Buyer is to drive or secure the Seller´s representative to the airport where he needs to catch his flight back home safe and sound.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 5 to 500+ BTC with R&E @ -0% Gross, +2% Net, OTC Deals, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : CG PD)
Post: 2.4.21
I am direct to Seller
Seller is selling 5 to 500+ BTC with R&E @ -0% gross, +2% net
Buyer = +2%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
OTC Procedures:
1. Sign up / onboard OTC trading platform. Submit proof of identification and residence.
2. Receive instant quote on Buy/Sell BTC order through online dashboard.
3. Once quote accepted, Buyer/Seller provides wallet address or bank account info for the proceeds of Buy/Sell order.
4. Once Bitcoin or wire transfer received, BTC or funds are sent to the specified wallet address or bank account respectively.
5. Trade is complete with email confirmation and transaction receipt from OTC team
6. Repeat 2 to 5 for next trade Buy/Sell order.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 400K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, B2B, MT 103, Citibank London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TS KP)
Post: 17.12.2020
Seller rep is direct to Seller / Miner
Seller has 400K BTC at -6% gross, -3% net.
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1% (closed)
Facilitators = 1%
No contract needed. (Optional)
Seller already signed the SPA contract
Test tranche: 1 BTC, then up to 10K BTC daily
Proof: Provided seller wallet address and test 1 BTC
1) Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer ́s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller on a PDF format.
2) Seller issues the invoice and buyer pays the agreed amount of BTC using Bank Wire, MT103 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer (TT). Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
3) After receiving and confirmation of the Swift MT103 at seller‘s bank, the seller transfers Bitcoins to the buyer’s wallets for the amount stated in the Swift MT103 through BLOCKCHAIN at the rate of the day -3 % net discount. The transfer of BTC must be realized within 24 hours after receipt of Swift notification.
4) Buyer will confirm the receipt of the BTC in his wallet.
5) The commission must be paid by seller to the agents under the IMFPA 1310-BTC-2020 which is included in this agreement in “Annex C”.
6) For additional tranches steps 3 – 9 will be repeated until the total volume is settled.
7) Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 20K+ BTC @ -0% gross, +5% net, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AR SF)
Post: 12.12.2020
London Seller has 20K-100K+ BTC at -0% gross, +5% net
Buyer = +4% (Premium)
Buyerside = 0.5%
Sellerside = 0.5% (closed)
According to the EU legislation, a Crypto Seller must do a proper KYC/DD about every Buyer, including AML and World check.
Buyer should easily answer where is his money comes from and sign "Source of Wealth" document.
Buyer should speak with a Seller first.
Then he should register on Seller’s website, sign KYC/CIS/AML documents and pass Due Diligence.
Everything should start with direct conversation between the Buyer and the Seller - better here
To move forward we need to know answers to these simple questions below:
1. Where is your Buyer located?
2. What quantity of Bitcoins does he need / What amount of money he wants to invest?
3. What is his Bank and where it is located?
4. What is the type of his Crypto Wallet?
5. What is your position, how long is the chain to your Buyer?
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: Below 5000 BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, Dubai, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : OC LM)
Post: 10.12.2020
Seller is selling below 5000 BTC at -4% gross, -2% net in Dubai or London
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
1. Seller send a draft SPA and, in some hours, Buyer fill with all details as well CIS/KYC & sign and then return the SPA to the Seller. In some hours, Seller fill & sign and send it back to the Buyer on a PDF format.
2. POF and POC will be exchanged during a video call for protection of information for both sides: • Proof of Funds (POF): Buyer provides Proof of Funds (POF) with current date to Seller for verification. • Proof of Coins (POC): Video with the special code name given by the buyer and present date.
3. Upon the acceptance of the both parties, they will set the transaction and get started according to what step 5,6,7,8,9 , 10 to be in place.
4. Buyer has to submit his receiving wallet straight to the Seller thru a video call and/or private chat.
5. Seller issues the invoice for the agreed amount of BTC first tranche
6. Buyer's BO will send MT199 Pre Advice 1 day prior to the payment date to the Seller's BO notifying the bank of the upcoming payment.
7. Upon receipt of the payment to Seller´s designated bank account (in Indonesia), Seller will release within one hour the agreed amount of BTC to the Buyer´s wallet and Seller will then provide the screenshot to the Buyer as a proof that the BTC has been sent.
8. Buyer and Seller will be on a Video Call while sending bitcoins to buyer's receiving wallet after the confirmation of the Buyer's payment to designated Seller's account.
9. Buyer will have to wait on a standby until the six (6) confirmation is complete and bitcoin (BTC) is sitting in Buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the Seller that he has his coins arrived in his wallet by providing the screenshot.
10. Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the annexed IMFPA-XXXX and move to the next tranche of the SPA if there will be any.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @ OTCbidcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 120K-380K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -7% net, Escrow, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : JO TO)
Post: 7.12.2020
Seller from London is looking for buyer 120K-380K+ BTC at -10% gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Seller mandate = 0.5%
Seller consultant = 0.5%
Seller intermediary = 0.5%
Buyer mandate = 0.5%
Buyer consultant = 0.5%
Buyer intermediary = 0.5%
First tranche = 2500 BTC minimum
Seller shall show a screen shot to the buyer via screen or email one of his/her wallets showing available BTC for the tranche. Buyer will confirm Proof of Funds - Bank Officer to Bank Officer.
Buyer and seller shall sign the escrow agreement. Buyer and seller shall forward to the escrow agent JJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT exact wire information and banking coordinates for the each of the parties and their respective representatives
Escrow agent JJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT shall endorse the escrow agreement and shall circulate the completed escrow agreement to the seller for further delivery to the buyer.
Upon execution of the purchase agreement and the escrow agreement, buyer shall wire to escrow agent JJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT the sum of xxxxxx million dollars ($xxxxx,000,000 usd/euro) to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of 2500 btc (“initial deposit”).
Escrow agent JJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT shall inform both buyer and seller receipt of the initial deposit.
Seller shall initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC directly into the buyer’s wallet. Buyer shall provide its BTC wallet information upon execution of the purchase agreement.
Seller shall provide evidence of said deposit of BTC after receipt of confirmation of the buyer’s funds.
Thereafter, buyer shall confirm receipt of the evidence of the deposit in its wallet.
Upon receipt of the initial deposit, buyer and seller direct escrow agent JJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT to disburse up to $________________ or ____% of the initial deposit to seller.
Upon deposit of entire first tranche with buyer as evidenced by seller, escrow agent JJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT shall disburse the remainder of the initial deposit less payments for commissions and payments due to escrow agent. All payments shall be made via wire transfer. Escrow agent JJJJJJ, TRUST ACCOUNT shall disburse funds within 24 hours of the transaction being consummated and after both seller and buyer verify same in writing.
The closure of the operation and each of the tranches will be between the sales lawyer and the purchase lawyer.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @ OTCbidcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 3500 BTC @ +4% Gross, +7% Net, Escrow or B2B, Europe, Switherland, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PE UL)
Post: 6.6.2020
A seller has 3500 BTC at +4% gross, +7% net. Looking for serious buyers
Buyerside = 1.5 %
Sellerside = 1.5 %
Cash in security house, bank VIP room or another secure facility.
Possible other options
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC with R&E @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, F2F, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AT KT)
Post: 28.2.2020
I have London seller for 50K+ BTC with R&E at -5% GROSS, -3% NET
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
F2F London 50K BTC available now with possible R&E
5/3 discount.
Minimum 2000 BTC first tranche
Buyer to specify number of tranches
Bitcoin rate based on Kraken or Coindesk
Cash transaction: premium rate +2%
Minimum 5000BTC at -6% gross, 0% net for buyer
buyerside = 2.25%
sellerside = 2.25%
intermediary = 1.5%
Min per day: tba
Buyer to specify daily, weekly or monthly tranches
Bitcoin rate based on Kraken or Coindesk
We are a UK OTC Desk. Same process as any OTC desk around the globe.
Step 1 - Onboard and Compliance. Client provides all documents. Compliance clears client for trading. Sign Trade agreement and setup trading platform
Step 2 - Load funds to trade. Send fiat or cryptocurrency
Step 3 - Trade. Request real time quote from OTC team to trade BTC into fiat. Receive a market price per BTC as per fees previously agreed. Agree the trade.
Step 4 - Settlement (Same Day). Receive fiat or cryptocurrency
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, F2F, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AT KT)
Post: 21.2.2020
I have London seller for 100K BTC AT -5% GROSS, -3% NET
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
F2F London 100K BTC available now.
5/3 discount.
5K first tranche; then 10K weekly
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% Gross, -1% Net, MT103, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS....KH)
Post: 20.12.2019
My rep is direct to Seller
I have a seller selling 100,000 bitcoin based out of London.-3% gross, -1% net,
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Countries available to transact: Remotely based out of London
Transaction type preferred: MT103, MT103/72, MT760 and escrow https://www.akirix.com
Bank/Currency: GBP, EURO and US DOLLAR
Minimum Contract size: 2000 BTC
Test Tranche size: 1 - 20 BTC
Basic background of Seller European
(Regulated Entity/Individual): Individual Private Seller
POF required (Type): Screen Short ( With ATV if asked )
POC available after POF? (and Type) : N
Buy one Coin in most cases or Deal Deposit for AB Wallet
Detailed Procedure(s):
2. Buy 1 BTC / POC
3. Sign SPA Buyer/Seller
4. Funds are paid MT103
5. Seller sends 1st tranche
6. 15,000 BTC sent each Biz Day Max
7. Continue until complete
This is a basic over view. 100K BTC Available
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP....KL)
Post: 15.10.2019
I have a seller selling 50,000 bitcoins in London.-4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Tranches: 5,000 bitcoins daily.
Recieving bank is HSBC.
Face to face in HSBC London.
Buyer sends KYC and POF.
Seller will then send a satoshi, contract and his KYC.
Payment must be sent first and bitcoins will be sent afterwards.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, Barclay London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AG....KE)
Post: 13.9.2019
A new seller has 200K Bitcoin for sale at -4% gross, -2% net
Sell in London at HSBC or Barclay
1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.
2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.
3. Seller provides proof of coin via wallet screenshot showing availabilities of the coin.
4. Both parties meet at seller appointed office within EUROPE.
5. Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.
6. Buyer within 24 hours credit fund via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.
7. Seller same day upon fund confirmation credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalent to the amount deposit by the buyer.
8. Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers.
9. Both parties depart to their various countries of origin
10. Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, F2F, Valens Bank, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP... KL)
Post: 10.9.2019
I have a seller selling 100K+ BTC at -2% gross, -1% net at Valens Private investment bank (LONDON).
Face to face or Remote (payment sent first before are sent)
Buyer must pay in EUROS.
Buyer sends CIS and POF.
Seller will then send SPA and satoshi.
Tranches of minimum 1K daily.
ASAP if you are a real BUYER.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, F2F, Valens Bank, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP... KL)
Post: 15.8.2019
A new seller is selling 100K+ BTC at Valens Private investment bank (LONDON).
Discount: 2/1, -2% gross, -1% discount to the buyer, -1% brokers
Tranches of minimum 5K daily.
Face to face
Buyer sends CIS and POF.
Seller will then send SPA and satoshi.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, F2F, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 21.7.2019
200k BTC at -4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers. Looking for buyer
Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London,
Buyer LOI
Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic
Buyer counter fills/signs -Buyer issues POF (mt199 ideally
Seller is happy to pay for that swift when transacting). If hsbc buyer account, then internal b2b pof -POC Satoshi will be issued once the MT799 Blocked Funds Instrument is Confirmed to Seller’s Bank Officer by Buyer’s Bank Officer.
Buyer issues mt103/72 or 799 or 760 based on whats agreed upon.
Seller sends coins
Buyer releases funds
There is possible a zoom call showing poc and pof before signing the SPA.
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5K-80K or 250K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, TTM, Cash, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AW KM)
Post: 18.7.2019
New Cash Seller - in London
Volumes from 5000 btc to 80,000 btc AND CAN EXCEED THIS IN CASH FUNDS
TTM in London
Cash is evidenced and counted with the relevant checking machines
Once seller has confirmed that the cash is ok the seller sends the equivalent btc to the buyers designated wallet
The purchaser confirms with his technical team the relevant 6 confirmations when the bitcoin hits the buyer’s wallet
Once purchaser has relevant confirmations the seller takes the cash less the brokers commissions out of the board room
Process is repeated until buyer funds are exhausted on a daily basis….
In certain cases the purchaser is able to assist in the UK system specifically to get cash funds after the transaction into the system (FROM 250K MINIMUM TO NO CAP)
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, B2B, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller: D....Y)
Date: 5.7.2019
B2B HSBC London:
1. Buyer LOI.
2. Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic.
3. Buyer counterfills/signs SPA+NCNDA/IMFPA.
4. Buyer issues POF/MT199.
5. Seller issues POC/satoshi test from Seller's wallet address that has been provided in SPA. Buyer can specify a certain quantity of satoshi for test.
6. Buyer issues MT103/72 or MT799 or MT760 based on what agreed upon.
7. Seller sends coins to the Buyer's wallet.
8. Buyer releases funds to Seller.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, B2B, TMF Group London - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AC KB)
Date: 5.7.2019
I am direct to Mandate. Short chain.
Seller in London has 100K BTC at -3% gross, -1% net, 2% commission
Procedure : Bank2bank with a security deposit
KYC : Yes
LOI : n/a
POF : Bank comfort letter / Unredacted Bank Statement / SWIFT MT199
POC : Wallet address provision, Satoshi test, signed message
Agreements type : Purchase Sale Agreement, Escrow Agreement
Face-2-face meeting : n/a
Escrow : TMF Group London (only, for holding the security deposit)
Note : 5% of the overall contract value will be forfeited by SELLER in its favour if BUYER does not complete the contract
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller : L K)
Post: 24.6.2019
I have a private Bitcoin seller in the UK willing to meet in London face to face.
He has up 200,000 bitcoins to sell.
Bank to bank HSBC - straight wire payment.
Gross is 4%, Discount is -2% net discount.
All is required is the buyer's KYC before the buyer will travel to London. The buyer will give his KYC too.
The Seller's wallet address with more than 10,000 bitcoins can be provided as POC before engagement.
This can be done in daily tranches of nothing less than 1000 bitcoins daily.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 21.6.2019
I have a big DIRECT seller in London selling 100,000 bitcoins.
KYC and POF no longer than 7 banking days old.
Face to face in London HSBC Bank to bank.
Tranches of 1k-5k daily to begin then can be increased.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500 - 20,000 BTC @ 0% gross, +2% net, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 16.6.2019
I have a seller in London, 500 BTC for a start and 20K BTC in total
The buyer to pay spot +2% spot price
2% commission for brokers
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net, F2F London - Look For Buyer
Post: 10.6.2019
300K btc seller who is ready to meet buyer face to face in London.
Seller can also do F2F in Turkey, Holland and Germany
Discount -8%, -4% net, 4% commission.
Seller side 2% (closed) , Buyer mandate 1%, buyer group 0.5%, seller group 0.5%
Contract can start from 100K btc with R&E
The first tranche must be not less than 5.000btc
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F London - Look For Buyer
(SELLER: I....L)
Post: 9.6.2019
I have a seller for a cash deal in London
100k btc, -5% gross, -2% net
Parties meet at Barclays UK.
The lawyer confirms he controls the coins.
Manager checks the notes. Or verify the check.
After confirmation, lawyer releases the coins to the selected address.
It can also be a cashier's check.
Buyer will need to confirm under penalty of perjury that the money is clear from any illegal activity. It's not money laundering and may even have to confirm the origins of funds.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, F2F London - Look For Buyer
Post: 6.6.2019
300K btc seller who is ready to meet buyer face to face in London
Discount 6%, 3% net, 3% commission ( 1% seller mandate , 1% buyer mandate, 1% intermediaries )
Contract can start from 100K btc with R&E
1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.
2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.
3. Seller provides proof of coin via wallet screenshot showing availabilities of the coin.
4. Both parties meet at seller appointed office within Europe or Dubai
5. Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.
6. Buyer credit fund -via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.
7. Seller credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalent to the amount deposit by the buyer.
8. Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers.
9. Both parties depart to their various countries of origin
10. Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.
11. The party that fails to perform within the given time will pay a penalty of $5m
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, B2B, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 2.6.2019
I'm direct to seller rep who is direct to Mandate
300k btc, -6% gross, -3% net, 3% brokers ( 1.5% buyerside, 1.5% sellerside)
Seller side closed
Buyer side open
Seller is in London
If buyer have account with HSBC London or any HSBC branch in the world, they can transact ledger to ledger for more safety
However if buyer can have an account with HSBC anywhere in the world, it will enable transaction move smoothly and fast, because HSBC bank officers of both clients will handle the transaction.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited