New York
NEW: 25K-272K BTC with R&E @ -7% gross, -4% net, B2B, Signature Bank, New Jersey, NY - Look For Buyer
(Seller : SHAR UKOC-gail)
Post: 26.11.21
A seller is selling 300K BTC with R&E @ -7% gross, -4% net​
Buyer = 4%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Intermediaries = 1% ​
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller with the attached RWA (official Ready, Willing and Able Letter) signed by two bank officers. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
Proof of funds (POF):
The Bank of the buyer issues SWIFT MT199 POF to the bank of seller and seller´s bank officer confirms the receipt of the SWIFT MT199 POF.
Proof of coins (POC):
The seller will show the readiness to proceed for the first tranche by sending a Satoshi test from his wallet to buyer´s wallet. Seller to push Satoshi from exchange wallet if POF has low balance, or private wallet if POF has large balance. The buyer checks the legitimacy of the seller’s wallet.
The Buyer’s Bank sends Swift MT799 pre-advice (see Annex C) which will mention: Ready, willing, and able; to issue Swift MT103/72 conditional payment.
Seller´s bank officer must reply thru Swift to buyer’s bank confirming the successful receipt of the Swift MT799 pre-advice.
Buyer’s bank makes conditional payment by Swift MT103/72 locked for 365 days with Face Value worth 100,000 Bitcoins (BTC).
After receiving and confirmation of the MT103/72 Swift notification at seller‘s bank, the seller transfers Bitcoins to the buyer’s wallets for the current tranche according to the tranche schedule in “Annex A” through BLOCKCHAIN at the rate of the day -4% net discount, concurrently with the consultant fees as per Annex D IMFPA IC- 015-BTC-2021.
After the buyer received the BTC in his designated wallets and after the Six (6) confirmations of blockchain, the Swift MT103/72 stays as collateral and the current tranche will be paid by Swift MT103.
The commission must be paid by seller to the agents in BTC or Fiat concurrently with each tranche (7) in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 300K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net, Escrow2Escrow, Goodwin Procter, NY - Look For Buyer
(Seller : OFRA SAL-Linkl)
Post: 23.11.21
A seller is selling 300K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net​
Buyer = 7%
Buyer side = 2%
Seller side = 2%
Intermediaries = 2% (Rxx + Fxx )(closed)​​
Escrow = paid by buyer and seller 50/50 equally.
First tranche =10,000 BTC
This transaction is strictly to be executed through Escrow to Escrow.
Proof of Funds (POF) and Proof of Coins (POC) will be conducted by the two escrows with authority of their Principals.
The Buyer and the Seller sign SPA. The Buyer and the Seller will forward to their escrow agents the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives.
Escrow agents must endorse the escrow agreement and must circulate the completed escrow agreement to their Principals, i.e., seller and buyer.
After execution of the Purchase Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and confirmation of POC, Buyer's Escrow shall transfer to Seller's Escrow the sum to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of 10,000 BTC.
Both Escrow Agents shall then inform both the Buyer and the Seller of the deposit and receipt of the funds.
Seller's Escrow shall then place the first tranche of BTC directly into Buyer's wallet through Buyer's Escrow Agent. The Buyer, through his escrow agent, will provide the information of his BTC Wallet at the time of the execution of the Purchase Agreement.
Seller will provide proof of BTC after receiving confirmation from his Escrow Agent of availability of Buyer's funds.
Thereafter, the Buyer will confirm receipt of the tranche of BTC in its Wallet.
Upon receipt of the BTC tranche, Escrow Agent shall pay the consideration - price on www.bitcoin.com - to the Seller's account net of the 10% gross discount.
After sending the funds to the Seller, Seller's Escrow Agent shall pay the commissions according to the structure and representatives listed in the IMFPA in this Agreement. Seller's Escrow Agent shall pay such commissions by direct bank transfers in USD within 24 hours of receipt of funds from Buyer's Escrow Agent.
After payment of the entire first tranche to Buyer and payment of the commissions, each of the remaining tranches shall be replicated as in the first tranche until full execution of the Agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 800K BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross, -4% Net, B2B, Escrow, IOLTA, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, NY - Look For Buyer
(Seller ; TIF TAH-Gail)
Post: 28.10.21
Seller in US is selling 800K BTC with R&E @ -8% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside = 2% (closed)
Buyerside = 2%
Buyer mandate = 1%
Buyer rep Group1 = 0.5% (closed)
Buyer rep Group2 = 0.5% (Ray group)
Provider generates a Commercial Invoice showing tranche size, rate and wallet for distribution of the BTC and sends to the Buyer for approval
Buyer sends funds to Seller account of the Provider upon acceptance of the Commercial Invoice.
Provider sends BTC to the Buyer within Four (4) hours of receipt of the funds in the Sellers account.
Upon 6 confirmations on the blockchain and confirmation from the Buyer, shall release the funds to the Seller account.
Upon deposit of entire tranche with Buyer as evidenced by Sellers
Seller shall disburse the remainder of the Cash for commissions as per the IMFPA within Twenty-Four (24) hours.
If coin is not received by the Buyer within the prescribed time set forth herein, Sellers shall return the funds to the Buyer within one (1) banking day.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -10% gross, -5.5% net, Wire Transfer, MT 799, MT 760, MT199, MT103/202, Citibank, NY - Look For Buyer
(Seller : IFRA KALI-link)
Post: 19.10.21
A Seller is selling100K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -5.5% net
Buyer = 5.5%
Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)
Sellerside Facilitators = 0.5% (closed)
Buyerside = 1.5%​
Buyerside Facilitators = 0.5%
Middle Facilitators = 0.5% (closed)
First tranche = 1000 BTC
POC = Current Trezor wallet screenshot showing BTC availability
1. Sign contract + MT199 Pre Advice/POF.
2. Seller submits proof of coin and Satoshi Test.
3. Buyer sends swift MT 799, MT 760 or MT 103 direct cash to the seller's receiving bank.
4. Seller transfers BTC to buyer.
5. Buyer after verification done and BTC validated, transfer payment to seller by MT103 TT for block fund pay
Seller sends SPA with Seller information for Buyer to review, finalize and sign within the same day. Buyer signs the SPA and sends it to Seller to sign.
SELLER sends fully signed
SPA to Buyer and signs IMFPA.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 150K BTC with R&E @ -10% gross, -5% net, B2B, MT103-72, Telegraphic Transfer (TT), L2L, HSBC, NYC - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PHA GFR-Gail)
Post: 24.9.21
A seller is selling 150K BTC with R&E @ -10% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 2%
Buyerside = 2%
Intermediary = 1%
First tranche = 50 BTC
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNEDSPA on a PDF format.
Upon the confirmation of the seller´s Bank Officer, both seller and buyer agree to the bitcoin rate at 9am New York time each day of the tranche amount of BTC, the seller sends an invoice for the tranche to the buyer and the buyer initiates MT103-72 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
Upon the confirmation of the seller´s designated bank of the confirmed clear receipt of payment to the seller(it may takes 72 hours), the seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the buyer´s wallet, and then the seller will send the screenshot to the buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
Buyer has to wait until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer. Seller’s banker will then release the funds into the account of the seller.
Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the Seller’s Disbursement Agreement [SDA] and move to the next tranche until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K-500K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, Citibank, NYC - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PN...JK-Tele)
Post: 3.7.21
An African seller is selling 100K-500K BTC @ -6%gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5% (Ray + 2 people)(open)
Sellerside = 1.5% (3 people) (closed)
First tranche = 1000-5000 BTC
1. Sign contract + MT199 Pre Advice/POF
2. Seller submits proof of coin
3. Buyer sends swift MT 799 ,MT760 OR MT103 / conditional Binding or MT103 direct cash to seller receiving bank
4. Seller transfers BTC to buyer
5. After verification done and BTC validated, Buyer transfers payment to seller by MT103 TT for block fund payment mode, for MT103 direct cash, we move to next transaction until contract exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 350 BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, New York, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TB AB)
Post: 10.12.2020​
Seller is selling 350 BTC at -4% gross, -2% net in US
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%​
1. Buyer to provide CIS
2. Seller to provide CIS
3. Due Diligence
4. Seller to provide Sales & Purchase agreement for buyer to complete and sign
5. Buyer completes & signs the SPA and returns to the seller
6. Seller Ratifies the contract
7. Should buyer require Proof of Coin. Buyer to execute control of funds through sending $5 or $10 or $15.00 via wire from same bank account where the funds will be used to purchase the BTC.
8. Seller to push satoshi equivalent to bank wire received and cleared.
9. For each tranche, buy & sell side to discuss bank coordinates, BTC wallet address, schedule date and time.
10. Buyer wires funds.
11. Seller pushes BTC.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @ OTCbidcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10K BTC @ -4% Gross, -1% Net, NYC, US - Look For Buyer
(Buyer : AJ KP)
Post: 11.3.2020
I have a Seller selling for 10K BTC at -4% GROSS, -1% NET
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1% ​
Minimum 1000 BTC first tranche
Seller can do a face to face anytime within working hours
Procedures tba
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K to 1,000,000 BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Escrow, New York - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AD KL)
Post: 27.8.2019
A new seller based in NY has 300K TO 1,000,000 BTC, -5% gross, -2% net
-3% brokers, 1.5% buyer side, 1.5% seller side
Seller side = 3 people including Mandate
Buyer side = open
1. Buyer writes LOI, SPA, Escrow agreement to seller agent. (LOI should include purchase amount, purchase schedule, buyer KYC)
2. Seller agent forwards the received LOI, SPA, Escrow agreement to Seller.
3. Seller checks the data received from Buyer and sends the document confirming the data if there is no additional request and provides the buyer with the desired information.
4. The actual amount, rate, location, time, and schedule of the transaction will be discussed between the legal representatives of both parties, and the arrangements should be prepared in the form of documents signed by both parties. - List the commissions of participating brokers and legal representatives in the above documents. - Penalty ($ ) will be charged if the terms of the transaction are insufficient for one reason.  Satoshi and the proof of funding will be disclosed after completion of the penalty agreement with the signatures of both parties. Seller's BTC can secure and disclose Buyer's liquid cash in an escrow account.
$10,000,000 penalty for 1 million BTC.
5. Please follow these instructions. It can be changed flexibly when there is no problem with the buyer's LOI, KYC, Escrow agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Escrow, New York - Look For Buyer
(Seller : A R)
Post: 16.6.2019
A new seller based in NY has 300K BTC, -5% gross, -2% net
Escrow service in Swiss after POF, POC and Satoshi test
Standard Escrow procedures.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 2K BTC Daily @ +1% gross, +3% net, F2F, Signature bank, New York - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 22.3.2019
Seller is a U.S. based fintech company with 7 years of experience on the crypto market and an extensive network to meet any client demands. Seller provides a reliable, clean and steady supply of BTC and other crypto-assets, including ETH and other alt-coins. They have a flexible and amendable trade execution process and offer same day settlement through Seller’s Bank, based in NYC
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 50 BTC
Amount(max): 2,000 BTC daily
+1% gross, +3% net, Signature Bank (NY)
Type: Signature Bank NYC (no swift or extra fees required), SWIFT bank2bank, escrow
KYC: Yes
POF type: Not needed in case of using Signature Bank / SWIFT message otherwise
POC type: Wallets will be provided after the introductory call & KYC is complete
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-face meeting: Signature Bank, New York, NY, USA
Up to 2,000 BTC is available daily at a 1% premium above market rate on a perpetual basis. Trades are executed through Signature Bank, which Seller can offer expedited onboarding for its clients. Wallet addresses will be provided before trade execution in order for the buying party to complete digital forensics on the coins to be purchased.
1. Introductory Call with Seller to discuss the offer, terms of the sale, and answer any questions the buyer may have. No documents required to have a call. The entity will be verified through the mutual KYC process.
2. Wallets addresses will be provided after the introductory call & KYC is complete. KYC takes a few hours at most, going through https://www.trulioo.com/ (Vancouver based).
3. Call with a director at Signature Bank to begin expedited onboarding process. If the buyer doesn’t want to onboard with Signature, then it’s possible to use standard SWIFT wire transfers, or an escrow, as long as the escrow is reputable and passes seller’s KYC.
4. Agree to sale terms and draft a sales purchase agreement (SPA)
5. Trade execution
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, TD Bank, NY, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller: M....N)
Date: 11.1.2019
Seller rep is direct to mandate
New seller 200K btc, -4% gross, -2% net
Escrow is bank to bank face to face New York TD Bank
1% seller side
1% buyer side
Procedures to follow
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500 BTC @ -2% gross, 0% net, -2% commission, NY - Look For Buyers
( Seller: W C )
Post: 23.11.2018
We are currently offering BTC in large amounts, for sale, at market price.
Minimum order is 500 BTC. -2% gross, 0% net, -2% commissions
For those who are interested in smaller amounts; that can still be arranged however, not at market price.
Example, 250K btc, -3% gross, +5% net, -2% commissions
-1% buyer side, -1% seller side
Flexible procedures
Seller Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 70K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, Cash, New York - Look For Seller
(Buyer: F T)
Post: 17.4.2019
New buyer is looking for 70K BTC in New York.
1. Buyer sends LOA which will act as Buyer's (POF) and CIS
2. Seller sends POC via BlockChain Signature which will act as Seller's (POC)
3. Buyer and Seller or their formal/ official law firms will do a Zoom CC to discuss NY TTM( Table Top Meeting)
4. NY TTM shall be for exchange of BTC for Cash
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net, F2F, Signature Bank or Wilmington Trust, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer: A E)
Post: 16.3.2019
Major institutional buyers/investors in NY are looking for 500K BTC with additional 500K R&E
Buyers wants to meet seller f2f in NY for proof exchange.
-7% gross, -5% net, -2% commission, Face2Face, tranche with Signature Bank or Wilmington Trust.
Transactional Procedures :
2. After KYC, choose the Custodian account....either Signature Bank or Wilmington Trust
3. Sign agreement with buyer, seller and custodian
4. Transfer funds and coins to Custodian account.
5. Custodian do the rest as per agreement.
6. Custodian takes care of buyer and seller and make sure both are paid including brokers.
7. Procedures subjected to changes and agreed by both parties..
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 289K+ BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Kingdom Trust, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer: H J)
Post: 4.2.2019
I am direct to a Buyer Mandate, who is direct to Buyer (from a Hedge Fund company) with US$1 billion AUM ( Assets Under Management )
The Hedge Fund company is in NYC
Transaction through escrow account with Kingdom Trust
Kingdom Trust has a super secure cold storage for Bitcoins
Kingdom Trust is insured by Lloyd's of London.
Looking for seller with Kingdom Trust
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K up to 500K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, NY, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer: J C)
Date: 17.1.2019
We have a serious NY buyer looking for 100K up to 500K BTC
The buyer has LOI for 500K btc, but can start with 100K BTC
Discount negotiable, -5% gross, -2 % net, or -4% gross, -2% net
Flexible deals and procedures
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K-300K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Kingdom Trust, NY, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer: H J)
Post: 16.12.2018
Direct to Buyer Mandate
Buyer rep is an attorney in NYC and he is working with a buyer mandate interested in purchasing 200-300k bitcoin from a bona fide seller preferably in the US.
The buyer will only deal with an escrow account if both the buyer and seller attorneys are signatories on the account.
If the seller is in the US we prefer to use Kingdom Trust which is a regulated escrow trust company that can keep the BTC in cold storage to be released only in tranches against the payment of fiat to the seller.
Kingdom is also insured by Lloyd's of London.
If the seller wants to use an attorney escrow then it must be a top tier law firm and both buyer and seller attorneys would be on the escrow account.
Please advise if you have any sellers to transact.
Seller Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 90K BTC @ -5% gross, -2.5% net, -2.5% commission/escrow, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer S P)
Post: 17.10.2018
Total purchase 90K btc
A NY buyer is looking to purchase large blocks of *mined* Bitcoins from serious miners on an ongoing basis (2,000 BTC per day).
There will be full AML on the coins & KYC on the seller.
BTC price needs to be at -2.5% net discount from market rate, plus another -2.5% commission for intermediaries & escrow.
Swiss escrow would be used.
KYC, AML, POF, POC are all required.
We’ll need to get the basic KYC of the company ready to show to the Bank/Escrow.
Seller Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5000-77000 BTC @ 5% gross, 3% net, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer C K)
Post: 11.10.2018
I am direct to buyer
Buyer has a fund looking to buy 1000-5000 btc
Lots up to $500m (or about 77000 btc)
At a -3 discount.
Flexible procedures
Seller Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited