NEW: 100 BTC Per Day @ 0% gross, +2% net, Cash, Barcelona, Spain - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AL KJ)
Post: 11.8.2019
BTC Sell Offer - for Cash
Bitcoin for sale with payment by Buyer in CASH (Euros or USD).
Quantity: First/Trial tranche = 30 BTC
2nd and subsequent tranches = 100 BTC per day MAXIMUM
No limit to number of daily tranches.
Location: Barcelona, Spain (in Seller's office)
Price: Latest Market price (published in bitfinex.com) on closing date
Plus a negotiable PREMIUM
Payment: CASH
1. Buyer rep & Seller rep negotiate and agree on TERMS (Price, Quantity, Location and Procedure).
2. Buyer confirms aceptance of TERMS and readiness to issue LOI.
3. Seller rep provides Seller name for Buyer to issue specific LOI.
4. Buyer issues LOI to Seller reflecting all agreed TERMS (including this Transaction Procedure).
5. Seller accepts Buyer's LOI and Seller signs IMFPA to pay broker commissions.
6. Buyer sends email to Seller advising TIME and DATE of ARRIVAL in Barcelona, Spain,
to execute First/Trial tranche of 30 BTC.
7. Table Top Meeting (TTM) in Barcelona, Spain between Buyer and Seller to close/execute the First/Trial tranche.
At this TTM:
7.1. Buyer puts Cash on table as Proof of Funds (POF).
7.2. Seller shows wallet screenshot as Proof of Coin (POC).
7.3. Seller transfers BTC direct to Buyer's wallet.
7.4. Both parties wait in place till Bitcoin blockchain issues minimum four (4) BTC-transfer confirmations before departure.
7.5. Seller SWIFTs broker commissions to broker-nominated Paymasters.
7.6. Next tranche TTM set up. Repeat Step 7.1 to Step 7.6 till contract completion
Seller checks all currency to ensure legal tender using state-of-the-art Cash-counting machines.
Buyers thinking of paying with counterfeit currency are advised in their own interests to stay away to avoid bad consequences.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 152K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, B2B, Barcelona, Spain - Look For Buyer
(Seller : F D)
Post: 19.4.2019
Seller is an investing company, owned by the Spanish department of a bank from Top10 Global. BTCs are stored in the bank for conduction of the deals and every deal is guided and supported by the bank officer. Process is designed by lawyers and guarantees the security for both sides. The process is based on SWIFT MT760 issued by buyer's bank as block of funds (non-bank guarantee). After completion of KYC the seller is ready to provide PoC - Satoshi Test.
My Seller rep is direct to Seller
Amount (min), BTC: 10000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 152,000 BTC
Rate: bitstamp.com
Gross : -5%
Net : -3%
Purchase procedure:
Type: Swift MT760
KYC: Yes
LOI: Yes
POF type: MT799
POC type: Satoshi Test
Agreement type: MT760 (non- Bank Guarantee), Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Barcelona, Spain
This proposal for purchase of bitcoins is based on SWIFT MT760 from Buyer's side (TOP 100). Once MT760 confirmation of blocked funds is issued, Seller transfers to Buyer's wallet BTC tranches as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller only after each transferred BTC tranche.
1. BUYER submits KYC package of documents updated with date of today and Passport color copy (see KYC package documents list attached).
2. SELLER performs due diligence upon the provided documents and confirms approval of BUYER.
3. BUYER's bank executes MT799 (without blocking of funds) to SELLER's bank. Copy of Swift sent to SELLER.
4. Once the SELLER's bank has confirmed the bank message (MT799), the SELLER may send a Satoshi from a wallet, which will be the transaction wallet for this deal, or submit proof of coins of another kind.
5. BUYER and SELLER execute Purchase Sale Agreement.
6. BUYER's bank executes MT760 (blocked funds, non-bank guarantee) to SELLER's bank. Copy of Swift sent to SELLER.
7. Since the SELLER's bank confirmed the bank message (MT760), the SELLER starts transferring the first tranche of BTC.
8. The corresponding tranche of funds is transferred to the SELLER.
9. The next tranche of BTC is transferred to BUYER in accordance with the agreed timeline. Once it is done, the corresponding tranche of funds is transferred to SELLER. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, B2B, IOLTA, F2F, Barcelona, Spain - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 16.4.2019
Seller represents a mining group and is based in Los Angeles, CA. Transaction may go directly bank2bank or through an IOLTA account which is guaranteeing the safety for both sides and costs much cheaper than an escrow firm. IOLTA account is held by a trusted attorney (Beverly Hills based).
My Seller rep is direct to Seller
Amount (min), BTC: 25000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 300,000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -3%
Net : -1%
Purchase procedure:
Bank: JPMorgan Chase
Type: Swift MT760
KYC: Yes
POF type: No
POC type: Satoshi Test at face-2-face meeting
Agreement type: MT760 (not Bank Guarantee), Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Barcelona, Spain
This proposal for purchase of bitcoins is based on SWIFT MT760 from Buyer’s side (TOP 100 bank). Once MT760 confirmation of blocked funds is issued, Seller transfers to Buyer’s wallet BTC tranches as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller only after each transferred BTC tranche. If Buyer desires to get a Satoshi Test, it is possible at a face-2-face meeting with Seller in Barcelona.
1. BUYER submits CIS.
2. SELLER prepares the Purchase Sale Agreement, BUYER reviews and approves.
3. BUYER prepares the KYC documents as per the required list.
4. If BUYER needs Proof of Coins (Satoshi test), BUYER and SELLER arrange a face-2-face meeting in Barcelona, Spain. BUYER brings the whole set of required KYC documents to the meeting. SELLER reviews the documents, and then provides a Satoshi test. If everything is OK, the Parties sign the Agreement right at the meeting. (Now proceed to step 6.)
5. If BUYER does not need Proof of Coins, BUYER submits the required KYC documents to SELLER remotely. SELLER reviews and approves the documents. Parties sign the Agreement.
6. BUYER’s bank executes MT760 Blocked Funds Collateral Guarantee (NOT Bank Guarantee) to SELLER’s bank. “Copy of Swift” sent to SELLER.
7. Since the SELLER’s bank confirmed the bank message (MT760), the SELLER starts transferring the first tranche of BTC.
8. BUYER transfers the corresponding tranche of funds to SELLER.
9. The next tranche of BTC is transferred to BUYER in accordance with the agreed timeline. Once it is done, the corresponding tranche of funds is transferred to SELLER. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Barcelona, Spain - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 10.4.2019
The seller is an investment company, owned by a Global Fortune 500 bank. Our team personally facilitates deals and is now in Madrid (Spain) along with the seller's team. We've successfully conducted Satoshi Tests for several of our buyers and verified the seller's control of more than 150K BTC.
Here are the major benefits of this offer: - No intermediaries - we are direct to the seller - Proof of Coins in the form of Satoshi test could be done on a F2F meeting in Madrid/Barcelona - Best discount rates on the market: -3 net / -5 gross - The procedure is very simple: Swift MT760 Block Funds (Collateral Guarantee, not SBLC), after that the coins are sent upfront, then corresponding tranches of funds are sent - PSA is prepared by the best lawyers in the industry We can organize a F2F meeting in Madrid within this week.
BTCs are stored in the bank for conduction of the deals and every deal is guided and supported by the bank officer. Process is designed by lawyers and guarantees the security for both sides. The process is based on SWIFT MT760 issued by buyer’s bank as block of funds (not bank guarantee). The seller is ready to provide PoC (Satoshi Test) on a face-2-face meeting in Barcelona, Spain.
My Seller rep is direct to Seller
Amount (min), BTC: 25000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 300000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com, other markets are possible
Gross : -5%
Net : -3%
Purchase procedure:
Type: Swift MT760
KYC: Yes
POF type: No
POC type: Satoshi Test at face-2-face meeting
Agreement type: MT760 (not Bank Guarantee), Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Barcelona, Spain
This proposal for purchase of bitcoins is based on SWIFT MT760 from Buyer’s side (TOP 100 bank). Once MT760 confirmation of blocked funds is issued, Seller transfers to Buyer’s wallet BTC tranches as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller only after each transferred BTC tranche. If Buyer desires to get a Satoshi Test, it is possible at a face-2-face meeting with Seller in Barcelona.
1. BUYER submits CIS.
2. SELLER prepares the Purchase Sale Agreement, BUYER reviews and approves.
3. BUYER prepares the KYC documents as per the required list.
4. If BUYER needs Proof of Coins (Satoshi test), BUYER and SELLER arrange a face-2-face meeting in Barcelona, Spain. BUYER brings the whole set of required KYC documents to the meeting. SELLER reviews the documents, and then provides a Satoshi test. If everything is OK, the Parties sign the Agreement right at the meeting. (Now proceed to step 6.)
5. If BUYER does not need Proof of Coins, BUYER submits the required KYC documents to SELLER remotely. SELLER reviews and approves the documents. Parties sign the Agreement.
6. BUYER’s bank executes MT760 Blocked Funds Collateral Guarantee (NOT Bank Guarantee) to SELLER’s bank. “Copy of Swift” sent to SELLER.
7. Since the SELLER’s bank confirmed the bank message (MT760), the SELLER starts transferring the first tranche of BTC.
8. BUYER transfers the corresponding tranche of funds to SELLER.
9. The next tranche of BTC is transferred to BUYER in accordance with the agreed timeline. Once it is done, the corresponding tranche of funds is transferred to SELLER. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K - 150K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, F2F in Barcelona, JPM Chase in US - Look For Buyer
(Seller: E G)
Post: 13.3.2019
Seller rep is direct to Seller Mandate
LOI, KYC, POC, POF type - MT799, POC type - Satoshi test
Agreements type: MT760 Bank Guarantee, Purchase Sale Agreement Face-2-face meeting: Barcelona, Madrid
Framework :
This proposal for purchase of bitcoins is based on SWIFT MT760 Bank Guarantee from Buyer’s side (TOP 100) in exchange for the Bank Guarantee for the coins from Seller’s side. Seller’s and Buyer’s banks both agree on the procedure of bank guarantee for the coins, which is appropriate for both parties. Bank guarantee for coins is followed by MT760 Bank Guarantee for the funds from the Buyer’s bank. Seller transfers to Buyer’s wallet BTC tranches as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller only after each transferred BTC tranche.
Procedure :
1. BUYER submits KYC package of documents updated with date of today and Passport color copy (see KYC package documents list attached).
2. SELLER performs due diligence upon the provided documents and confirms approval of BUYER.
3. BUYER’s bank executes MT799 to SELLER’s bank. “Copy of Swift” sent to SELLER.
4. Once the SELLER’s bank has confirmed the bank message (MT799), the SELLER may send a Satoshi from a wallet, which will be the transaction wallet for this deal, or submit proof of coins of another kind.
5. BUYER and SELLER execute Purchase Sale Agreement.
6. SELLER’s bank agrees with BUYER’s bank on the procedure of bank guarantee for the coins.
7. SELLER’s bank sends the bank guarantee to BUYER’s bank.
8. BUYER’s bank executes MT760 Bank Guarantee to SELLER’s bank. “Copy of Swift” sent to SELLER.
9. Since the SELLER’s bank confirmed the bank message (MT760), theSELLER starts transferring the first tranche of BTC.
10. The corresponding tranche of funds are unblocked and transferred to the SELLER.
11. The next tranche of BTC is transferred to BUYER in accordance with the agreed timeline. Once it is done, the corresponding tranche of funds are unblocked and transferred to SELLER. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10-20 BTC @ +8% net, +3% Brokers, Cash Seller, Barcelona - Look For Buyer
(Seller I L)
Post: 27.12.2018
Barcelona. Cash seller.
We are looking for a real buyer.
10-20 btc for tranche.
You can have several tranches per day. Price + 8%
Buyer Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited