OTC Deals
OTCbid - Bitcoin overtakes Paypal on value transferred, sets sights on Mastercard: Report
" Blockdata’s report suggests that the Bitcoin network could potentially match the dollar value transferred on Mastercard’s network as early as 2026, or as late as 2060.
The Bitcoin network already processes more volume by dollar value than Paypal and the largest decentralized cryptocurrency network in the world by market cap could outstrip Mastercard by as early as 2026.
A Nov. 25 report from market intelligence platform Blockdata titled When might the Bitcoin network process volumes like Mastercard and Visa? points out that the Bitcoin network processed about $489 billion per quarter in 2021, which is greater than Paypal’s $302 billion. After just 12 years in existence, Bitcoin processes about 27% of Mastercard’s $1.8 trillion per quarter, and 15% of Visa’s $3.2 trillion.
Three factors could see the Bitcoin network to rise to the level of the two credit card giants in terms of total volume processed: the total number of transactions, the average amount of Bitcoin sent per transaction, and the rise of the price of Bitcoin (BTC).
Source: CoinTelegraph
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-7% gross, -4% net, B2B, Signature Bank, New Jersey, NY
Buyer Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 300K BTC with R&E @ -7% gross, -4% net, B2B, Signature Bank, New Jersey, NY - Look For Buyer
(Seller : SHAR UKOC-gail)
Post: 26.11.21
A seller is selling 300K BTC with R&E @ -7% gross, -4% net​
Buyer = 4%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Intermediaries = 1% ​
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller with the attached RWA (official Ready, Willing and Able Letter) signed by two bank officers. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
Proof of funds (POF):
The Bank of the buyer issues SWIFT MT199 POF to the bank of seller and seller´s bank officer confirms the receipt of the SWIFT MT199 POF.
Proof of coins (POC):
The seller will show the readiness to proceed for the first tranche by sending a Satoshi test from his wallet to buyer´s wallet. Seller to push Satoshi from exchange wallet if POF has low balance, or private wallet if POF has large balance. The buyer checks the legitimacy of the seller’s wallet.
The Buyer’s Bank sends Swift MT799 pre-advice (see Annex C) which will mention: Ready, willing, and able; to issue Swift MT103/72 conditional payment.
Seller´s bank officer must reply thru Swift to buyer’s bank confirming the successful receipt of the Swift MT799 pre-advice.
Buyer’s bank makes conditional payment by Swift MT103/72 locked for 365 days with Face Value worth 100,000 Bitcoins (BTC).
After receiving and confirmation of the MT103/72 Swift notification at seller‘s bank, the seller transfers Bitcoins to the buyer’s wallets for the current tranche according to the tranche schedule in “Annex A” through BLOCKCHAIN at the rate of the day -4% net discount, concurrently with the consultant fees as per Annex D IMFPA IC- 015-BTC-2021.
After the buyer received the BTC in his designated wallets and after the Six (6) confirmations of blockchain, the Swift MT103/72 stays as collateral and the current tranche will be paid by Swift MT103.
The commission must be paid by seller to the agents in BTC or Fiat concurrently with each tranche (7) in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577