OTC Deals
OTCbid - Ferrari now accepts Bitcoin payments in the US, Europe to follow – report
" Those wanting a new Ferrari may soon be able to pay for one with Bitcoin, with the payment option being introduced in the US, and plans to expand the program to Europe and international markets in the future.
Car-buyers in the US can now purchase a new Ferrari using Bitcoin.
The marketing and commercial chief for Ferrari says the digital currency has been introduced as a payment method in the US ahead of its rollout in Europe, news agency Reuters reports.
Wealthy customers have been lobbying Ferrari to accept payments with Bitcoin, according to the senior spokesperson Enrico Galliera, with Bitcoin boasting a number of benefits for both the customer and the vendor.
" - Read More
Source:​ DRIVE
NEW: 100K-200K BTC @ -7% Gross, -4% Net, F2F, Bank Wire, MT103 or TT, Geneva, Switzerland - Look For Buyer
(Seller : IPHOE...ZIRD-GAIL)
Post: 18.10.23
Seller is selling 100K-200K BTC @ -7% Gross, -4% Net.
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5% (Paid by Buyer)
Sellerside = 1.5% (Paid by Seller)
BTC test = 1 BTC
Payment mode: Payment shall be made by Bank Wire, MT103 Cash Wire or Telegraphic Transfer (TT) or SEPA or Internal within the same bank to the Seller´s nominated bank account, Or USDT to the Seller’s designated Crypto Wallet. BTC will be released to the Buyer’s designated wallet immediately after funds are validated and credited in the Seller’s nominated bank account.
1. The Seller issues this Offer and Procedure for Buyer consideration against the CIS of the Buyer – Final negotiations. As per this document.
2. The Seller accepts to meet Face to Face the Buyer in Geneva. The Seller agrees to perform a test of one Bitcoin by selling on BTC against a POF.
3. Upon satisfaction from both parties the Seller and Buyer will initiate the transaction.
4. Buyer shall Transfer funds for the agreed Tranche quantity (initially for Trial and after on-going Tranches). The Buyer will transfer the relevant funds of the agreed value of each tranche, based on the Agreed Daily Rate less 5.5% (Five Percent and half Net Discount to Buyer and Buy-Side Commissions).
5. Upon the Seller’s verification of receipt of payment in his account, the Seller will immediately transfer coins according to the agreed Tranche quantity, from his Wallet to the Buyer’s designated wallet.
6. The Buyer verifies, the consolidation of the Bitcoins transferred in the wallet, through six (6) Blockchain confirmations.
7. Immediately after the verification is complete, the Parties pay commissions, each Party to his side, in Bitcoin.
8. Based on successful completion of the former tranche, each tranche shall then be initiated and executed by repeating articles 4 - 6, based on the agreed and signed Tranche Table, until this Agreement is completed.
The Seller needs the CIS prior to meet in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you have any big buyers ready for F2F with FIAT in Switzerland, Geneva
In order to engage buyer's CIS is required upfront.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/

-7% Gross, -4% Net, F2F, Bank Wire, MT103 or TT, Geneva, Switzerland
Email : otcbid@gmail.com
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/