OTC Deals
OTCbid - By The Numbers: The Worst Bitcoin Bear Markets Ever
" Bitcoin is now officially in another bear market after the crash that rocked the market last week. After falling more than 70% from its all-time high, investors across the space had started to retreat from the digital asset due to this new price trend. However, trends like these are not new for bitcoin. Although the present market may seem worse than previous ones due to it still ongoing, there have been some brutal bear markets in the past.
A Blast From The Past
It can often be helpful to take a look at the previous market cycles for bitcoin to see that this is nothing out of the ordinary. Yes, the bull and bear trends of this market have deviated from what has been recorded in history but it still remains very similar to what has been recorded in the past." - Read Full Article
Source: NewsBTC
-5% gross, -2% net, MT103/202, Bank2Bank, Escrow, Saudi Arabia
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, MT103/202, Bank2Bank, Escrow, Saudi Arabia - Look For Seller
Post: 23.6.22
A Buyer is looking for 100K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Our procedure is strictly bank to bank escrow payments would be allowed if it is to a lawyer paymaster preferably we would want to deal directly to sellers.
Buyer and seller reaches an agreement to be in the business of buying and selling bitcoin.
Seller sends to buyer SPA for signing buyer’s signs and sends back to seller to counter sign. The minimum first tranche would be 3000.
It would be advisable if seller would fill in his details so that buyer can print document sign and stamp and upon receiving signed documents, seller prints and signs and sends back to buyer.
After signing of SPA and all KYC checked buyer and seller will have a video call on SKYPE and then agree on a window time for payment.
Seller issues invoice to the buyer and buyer accepts and pays the invoice via MT103/202 and issues TT copy to seller
Seller releases coin immediately in less than 6hours of credit and funds would be cleared then we repeat for the next tranche
NB: MT103/202 protects both the interest of the buyer and seller so it is understandable and easy. Anything outside this process would not be considered.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577