OTC Deals
OTCbid - Largest Southeast Asian Bank DBS Sees Crypto Trading Volumes Soar as Investors Bought the Dip
" DBS, the largest bank in Southeast Asia, says that it has benefited from the recent crypto market sell-off. The trading volume of its crypto exchange nearly doubled in July, compared to April. The quantity of bitcoin bought on its exchange grew nearly four times during that time period.
DBS Crypto Customers Bought the Dip
DBS, the largest bank in Southeast Asia by assets, announced Monday that DBS Digital Exchange (Ddex) has benefited as crypto investors sought safety amid market volatility. DBS, headquartered and listed in Singapore, has a presence in 18 markets.
“With the digital asset industry experiencing unprecedented volatility … DBS’ digital asset ecosystem has been a beneficiary of this flight to safety,” the bank detailed, elaborating:
" Investors who believe in the long-term prospects of digital assets are gravitating towards trusted and regulated platforms to access the digital asset market."
increased interest rates. " - Read Full Article
Source: Bitcoin
100K BTC sellER IN USA
-6% Gross, -3% Net, USDT To BTC Via Escrow, USA
Buyer Mandate Only
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, USDT To BTC Via Escrow, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller ; DJOH TB-TELE)
Post: 25.8.22
Seller is selling 100K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net.
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1% (closed)
Min = 5000 BTC
Step 1: Initial Engagement/The SPA including IMFPA is signed by both parties.
Step 2: Proof of Funds/ Recent screenshot of the buyer"s USDT wallet and wallet address.
Step 3: Proof of Coins and Forensics
a) Seller sends screenshot of his bitcoin wallet and wallet address.
b) Buyer conducts forensics (Coin Analysis Report). -
Step 4: Transactional Procedure for Escrow:
a) Seller and buyer appoint an escrow agent for the transaction (attorney preferably). -
b) Escrow agent creates a new atomic wallet or Trust or Coinbase (decentralized wallet only for easier transaction on the live zoom call for approval by the other party. Once everything is confirmed and wallet doesn"t have flash USDT or BTC
c) The buyer sends the first tranche of USDT to the escrow agent"s new wallet.
d) Escrow attorney confirms the receipt of USDT in his wallet and sends screenshots to -
the seller.
e) Seller confirms and sends BTC to the escrow attorney"s wallet then the escrows attorney sends to both parties after forensics.
Step 5: Escrow Agent shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Exhibit __.
Step 6: Repeat Steps until this contract is complete for all 7,000 Bitcoins.:
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577