OTC Deals
OTCbid - When Will Bitcoin Rocket To The Moon? Price Analysis
" In the Bitcoin space, one question echoes persistently through the minds of enthusiasts and investors alike: When will Bitcoin rocket to the moon? While no one knows the answer, there are on-chain metrics and historical patterns that can be followed to track down the answer.
Bitcoin Price Analysis: When Will BTC Break Out?
Over the last two weeks, the Bitcoin price has been in a sideways trend. After the Bitcoin bulls were able to turn the tide at $24,900, the price has risen by more than 25%. Since then, however, BTC has been trading in the range between $29.800 and $31.300. Neither bulls nor bears have been able to gain the upper hand and break out of the trading range in higher time frames.
The renowned crypto trader and analyst “Rekt Capital” believes that all it takes is a positive catalyst to current BTC price action. According to him, Bitcoin’s current sideways trend within a tight range is a mere step away from its ultimate demise. He affirms that “a BTC downtrend is only ever one positive catalyst away from ending. And a BTC uptrend is always one negative catalyst from ending”, adding: ” - Read More
-6%Gross, -3% Net, F2F, TTM, B2B, Stuttgart, Germany
NEW: 10K-60K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, F2F, TTM, B2B, Stuttgart, Germany - Look For Buyer
Post: 9.7.2023
A real seller in Stuttgart is selling 10K-60K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net
Looking for buyer who can do face to face transactions in Stuttgart, Germany.
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%​​
1. Buyer confirms to and agrees 100% to travel to Stuttgart, Germany for a face to face transaction as bank to bank mode.
2. Upon Confirmation to travel, the seller comes on a zoom call only with the actual buyer.
3. Once buyer reaches Stuttgart Germany for TTM, seller shows POC and buyer shows POF
4. Mutually tranches are decided and contract/invoice signed.
5. Buyer wire funds to seller account
6. Seller sends coins and pays all consultants as well.
We can sign FPA before his travel as well.
NEED A CONFIRMED BUYER WHO CAN travel and do TTM in Stuttgart,Germany.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577