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OTCbid - Australian government planning digital currency launch, as regulation looms for Bitcoin
" The Australian government is making moves to take Bitcoin "out from the shadows" by imposing new regulations on cryptocurrencies, while busy planning to launch its own digital currency.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg confirmed the Commonwealth and Reserve Bank were now working on the feasibility of a central cryptocurrency in Australia.
Speaking on Today, Mr Frydenberg said it was time for cryptocurrencies to operate under the umbrella of a "considered regulatory framework".
"We want to take (cryptocurrencies) out from the shadows," he said.
The government wanted cryptocurrency exchanges and businesses to apply for financial licences, Mr Frydenberg said, to "give consumers a little bit more certainty and confidence about the parties that they're dealing with." - Read Full Article
Source: 9NEWS
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-8% gross, -4% net, Escrow
Buyer Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 250K-500K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net, Escrow - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PIFZ TAH-GAIL)
Post: 9.12.21
A seller is selling 250K -500K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net​
Seller mandate is also a seller company
We have completed one transaction 5K BTC, 10 days ago
Buyer = 4%
Buyer side (mandate) = 1% (open)
Seller side (mandate) = 1%​​ (closed)
Seller Intermediary = 1% (closed)
Intermediary (Ray) = 1% (closed)
1. Buyer sends LOI/ICPO and seller sends SPA Agreement.
2. Buyer and Seller shall sign SPA Agreement.
3. Buyer and seller signs an escrow agreement provided by the escrow company.
4. Buyer shall show proof of funds (POF) on zoom call and seller shall provide proof of coins via zoom call by sending a satoshi to the buyer Blockchain Vaulta Wallet address to prove availability to the Buyer.
5. Buyer make payment of the first tranche of the BTC to the Escrow company account including the payment for the satoshi test sent by the seller.
6. Upon execution of the Purchase Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and payments to the Escrow company by the buyer, Seller shall initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC into the Buyer’s Wallet according to the SPA agreement and provide buyer with proof of BTC transfer.
7. Buyer proceed with the confirmation of the BTC as per the signed agreement.
8. After successful confirmation of the above-mentioned, the buyer instructs the Escrow company to release the payment of the BTC to the seller.
9. Seller pays a commission in BTC to the mandates Blockchain Vaulta Wallet address, according to the listed representatives in signed SPA within 24 hours upon receipt of receiving funds from the Escrow Company.
10. Seller and buyer decides to sign a 12month contract.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577