NEW: 200K+ BTC @ -4% gross, -2.5% net, Lawyer2Lawyer, Dentons - Look For Buyer
(Seller 5)
Post: 9.12.2018
- QTY : 200k+
- Discount : -4/Gross, -2.5/Net
- Deal : Lawyer to Lawyer (Dentons or another tier 1 law firm)
- Procedure : A call with Buyer/mandate will be required right after NCNDA -
This time, BUYER MANDATE only
Buyer Mandate only
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 60K+ BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller 2)
Post: 4.12.2018
Seller has HSBC account in London for transaction
Open to suggestion for escrow lawyer.
Seller suggested Dentons.
4% gross
All sensitive documents will be handled lawyer to lawyer.
Buyer Mandate only
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, F2F, Hong Kong - Look For Buyer
(Seller 1)
Date: 20.11.2018
7A. 100k BTC HK F2F
I am direct to end Seller.
100k BTC available for sale with roll and extension.
Cash deal face to face in HK at seller office in Hong Kong.
Buyer decide to have zoom or Meeting before dealing. In the meeting Seller will send satoshi to buyer wallet
Next day we can do transaction at Seller office.
If buyer want to deal in hotel, is 100% acceptable for buyer to choose his prefer.
Xe rate +5%
2.5% to seller
2.5% split
1.25% Seller side closed
1.25% buyer side
HK Dollar or USD acceptable
Seller provide POC in Satoshi to buyer wallet Face to face only.
I repeat, No discount?
KYC, POF or CIS is not needed for cash transaction.
Option 2: 6/3 Discount, Denton Escrow
1. Buyer places funds with Dentons escrow account.
2. S&P and Escrow agreements to be drafted and signed by both seller and buyer parties
3. Both parties to agree a price that is locked in, and time of execution.
Once the price has been locked in, the transaction should be deemed irreversible. No party should be allowed to back out from this point on.
4. Seller sends xxxx btc to buyers wallet.
(Seller will need to provide all parties with the transaction hash)
5. Once the xxxx btc reaches the buyers wallet (which is verifiable by anyone via blockchain.info) and verified by Dentons, Dentons to release funds to seller. (please note Denton's is insured)
Verification that coins have reached buyers wallet should entail 12 to 15 confirmations by the blockchain.
7. Seller list ( source close to seller ) - all in spreadsheet . Specific procedures . Just ask on each.
these are the total 6.95 Million BTCs offered for sale in the OTC ps. total quantity mined for now is 17 Millions, 6 Millions are lost or stolen, 2 Million BTCs are on exchanges, around 7 Millions in the OTC markets, and the rest are hodled :)
Buyer Mandate Only
Buyer Mandate Only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 2000 BTC per day @ -5%gross, -2% net, Denton - Look For Buyer
(Seller 1)
Post: 25.10.18
Here is some info about a Denton seller I have right now:
Its a reputable attorney law firm in Vancouver that is in partnership with Denton.
POC is the LOA from the law firm.
Seller information:
2000 btc/day
-5% gross, -2% net, 3% spread
0.5% goes to lawyers
2.5% is left as spread commision.
Split in half 1.25% is left to us as a commission. -
Need buyer
Buyer mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K+ BTC @ -3%gross, -1% net, Denton - Look For Buyer
(Seller 2)
Post: 17.10.18
*Dentons Seller*
More Coins being added -
Tranching Starts Tomorrow 😁
There's a ton of "fake" Denton deals
We are Direct / We are Sell Side
No Chains ‼️
Direct To Buyer or Direct To Mandate
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 60K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, F2F, Dentons, Julius Baer or Wilmington Trust, NYC, Toronto, Zurich, Berlin - Look For Seller
(Buyer : V G )
Post: 29.4.2019
Buyer rep is direct to a Russian-based consortium that wants to purchase >60K BTC
Buyer rep can arrange a call with buyer’s lawyer who’s also a signatory. They don’t have any problem showing POF.
I'm direct to Buyer Rep who is direct to Mandate ( Institutional Client)
Buyer side = 1 rep + 1 introducer + Buyer Mandate = 3 people
Total amount of fiat available to invest in April up to $4 Billion USD ( about 750,000 BTC)
Banks are in multiple places.
Type of transaction below depends on procedure precisely settled up.
Required high quality coins only. It's SEC regulated institution.
Preferred fast execution of transaction with proof of control over the coins. Seller's other suggestion(s) are also welcomed
Tier 1 lawyers.
Tier 1 clients include 2 banks, one of the largest family office consortiums and a top 10 global hedge fund. -
Banks: UBS, Credit Suisse, JPM, or Wells Fargo or any tier one bank.
Location to transact: NYC; Beverly Hills; Toronto; Zug or Zurich, Berlin are preferred F2F.
Esrcow: Dentons,Julius Baer or Wilmington Trust.
Discount: Looking for -5% Gross for larger aount, for lower amount lower discount -2%...Negotiable
POF: Lawyer attestation letter
Mandate: Los Angeles
Fiat Currencies: USD, EURO, CHF
Invoices: Transactions will be booked
Size of first tranche: 300 to 5000
Maximum Tranche: Will depend on how we execute the transaction.
Types: Escrow or Ledger 2 Ledger -
Desired regular Tranche: 5000
1. Buyer and seller sign procedure agreement
2. The buyer and seller meet in the seller area, which has been agreed in advance
3. At the meeting, buyer shows POF first
4. After checking POF, the seller should create a new blockchain wallet.The wallet has to be presented on a mobile phone. , simply scan the QR code.
5. After scanning the QR code, the buyer will send 0.5 test BTC to the wallet just created by the seller
6. After receiving the test BTC from the buyer, the seller should send it back to the buyer's wallet
7. The seller transfers BTC equal to the agreed amount to his new just created wallet
8. The buyer checks the new wallet address in the blockchain and checks whether the coins have already been transferred to the seller's new wallet
9. After verification, the buyer transfers money equal to the amount BTC in the new wallet to the seller's bank account
10. The seller confirms that the money has arrived in his bank account and then transfers the coins from his new wallet to the buyer's wallet
11. Steps 7, 8, 9 repeat until the closing of the transactions
12. The commissions must be paid to the agents under the contract IMFPA
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2.5% net, Lawyer2Lawyer, Dentons - Look For Seller
(Buyer: J C)
Post: 10.4.2019
Buyer is looking for 200K BTC. -5% gross, -2.5% net, -2.5% brokers
Deal : Lawyer to Lawyer (Dentons or another tier 1 law firm)
Procedure : A call with Seller or Mandate will be required right after NCNDA
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Dentons, WT, - Look For Seller
(Buyer: H D)
Post: 7.2.2019
I am direct to buyer Mandate.
The mandate has more than one buyer , they are institutions located in Europe and US.
They are all boarded in WT and Dantons.
New OTC Institutional buyer is looking for 100K BTC.
100K BTC, -4% gross, -2% net
Escrow with Dentons, Wilmington Trust, etc, F2F
Flexible procedures
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: Up to 300K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Dentons, Toronto - Look For Seller
( Buyer: T H )
Date: 26.12.2018
Buyer is looking 300k BTC before the end the year.
Buyer already on boarded Dentons
POC, Satoshi test possible.
If moved quickly buyer may take whole 600k
POC, POF would be Key
Seller Mandate Only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: Up to 2M BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Dentons, Toronto - Look For Seller
(Buyer: J C)
Date: 13.12.2018
OTC - Dentons Sell Procedures: The closing of the transaction will take place in Toronto Canada at the law offices of Denton Canada LLP.
Buyer reuqests that Proof of Coin occur within a 72 hour window from the point that Proof of Funds has been provided.
1. Seller provides public address of wallet to be used in the transaction for analysis.
2. KYC: Nexus Networks will complete initial Know-Your-Customer process and client verification which will be submitted to Dentons legal.
3. Seller demonstrates control of wallet with signed message; satoshi test or agreed code.
4. Nexus confirms trade wallet is available for purchase to only KYC approved and vetted buyers.
5. Dentons will be retained by the Seller.
6. Dentons will open a trust account in the Seller’s name. The account can be in the Seller’s desired (major) banking institution and region.
7. Dentons attests to the Bitcoins.
8. NexusNetworks Buyer(s) are assigned to engage with the Seller in trade process.
9. Dentons attests to the Buyer(s) financial capability.
10. Dentons will attest that the Buyer’s funds are from clear, clean and non-criminal origin and to the Buyer’s capacity to purchase the number of Bitcoins.
11. Sale Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) and Escrow Agreement are drafted unique to each trade. 12. The SPA will be approved by the Seller then signed and counter signed by the Buyer with negotiated rates and fees. Nominated Paymaster is Dentons associate.
13. (Optional) Coins are transferred into Nexus Networks insured custodianship to be sent to buyer for 3 confirmations on the blockchain.
14. Buyer will wire transfer funds to the Seller “in trust by Dentons” into the trust account for the purchase of the first tranche (tranche size upto 100k BTC) of the SPA.
15. Seller will push equal to the amount of the funds of first tranche directly to the Buyer from the account In trusted to Dentons.
16. Dentons will immediately remit to the Seller the purchase price once the Bitcoins have been verified a minimum of 3 times on the bitcoin blockchain.
17. Advisor’s fees will be allocated and distributed as set forth in the Irrevocable Advisory Agreement, which will be signed by the Seller’s counsel.
Seller Mandate Only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K+ BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, Escrow Denton or Wilmington USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer: B.....H)
Date: 3.12.2018
I have an institutional buyer in the USA who wants to buy from 500,000 btc and up at discount via escrow Dentons or Wilmington trust.
Do you have anything for these?
Send us your procedures and process. Flexible deals
Seller Mandate Only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, Dentons, Singapore - Look For Seller
(Buyer 1)
Date: 10.11.2018
11) Buyer looks for 500K BTC, -5% gross, -3% net
Rep has spoken to buyer mandate, he can submit the LOI and as soon as seller accept their procedure they can provide the POF Live account, no problem
If they accept the procedure, buyer will go to lawyer to show POF. POF of 500,000 coin is not small amount.
Seller of 500,000 coins is not a small person, he's a billionaire
Buyer of 500,000 coin is also a billionaire.
They are living in different world from ours.
He who work with them must be very serious and careful to avoid misunderstanding. Hope you understand me.
Send the procedure to above email let see if is acceptable by buyer. Then we will get back to you. Thanks
I need BTC seller on boarded any of the following escrow:
Legacy Trust
Dentons escrow Singapore
If seller is onboarded any of the following escrow and has code, my buyers are already onboarded and they has code as well. Minimum -3% gross 2%net to buyer, anything above that is Commission to share. Regards
He's buyer is capable of 500k BTC above
Seller Mandate Only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% or -3% net, Denton, Toronto - Look For Seller
(Buyer 1)
Post: 7.11.2018
12). 500k/BTC asking Discount 5% (3+2).
A Hedge-fund/Buyer who has funds lodged at Denton’s in Toronto, Canada purchase up to
Denton’s has 80-global offices to coordinate.
Seller Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, Etana, Lmax, Legacy Trust, Denton, Kraken - Look For Seller
(Buyer 1)
Post: 15.10.2018
Buyer wants to buy 500K btc, -5% -3net
Buyer rep has spoken to buyer mandate,
Buyer can submit the LOI
As soon as seller accept their procedure they can provide the POF Live account, no problem
If they accept the procedure, buyer will go to lawyer to show POF.
POF of 500,000 coin is not small amount.
Buyer of 500,000 coin is a billionaire.
Seller send the procedure. Let see if is acceptable by buyer.
Then we will get back to you. Thanks
We need BTC seller on boarded any of the following escrow:
Legacy Trust
Dentons escrow Singapore -
If seller is onboarded any of the following escrow and has code, buyers are already onboarded and they have code as well.
Minimum -3% gross 2%net to buyer, anything above that is Commission to share.
He's buyer is capable of 500k BTC above
Seller Mandate only
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited