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OTCbid - Why This Crypto Crash Is Different
" The decentralized finance (DeFi)/centralized finance (CeFi) bubble is bursting, the non-fungible token (NFT) craze is burning itself out, algorithmic stablecoins are collapsing and crypto lenders are going bust. Crypto is in a bear market.
Inevitably, crypto skeptics are calling “the end of crypto.” But we’ve seen this kind of correction before. Several times, in fact. In 2014, bitcoin’s price crashed when the Mt. Gox exchange collapsed. And in 2018, bitcoin’s price fell 80% as hundreds of “initial coin offerings” (ICOs) crashed and burned. In both cases, the market eventually recovered, and crypto prices rose higher than before. Even though bitcoin has lost 70% of its dollar value since last November, it is still worth more than its December 2017 peak. So why not HODL on and wait for the market to recover?
Frances Coppola, a CoinDesk columnist, is a freelance writer and speaker on banking, finance and economics. Her book “The Case for People’s Quantitative Easing,” explains how modern money creation and quantitative easing work, and advocates “helicopter money” to help economies out of recession." - Read Full Article
Source: Coindesk
-7% gross, -4% net, L2L, Credit Suisse Bank, Zurich
NEW: 50K-500K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, L2L, Credit Suisse Bank, Zurich - Look For Seller
(Buyer : STO...XSH-TELE)
Post: 30.6.22
A Buyer is looking for 50K-500K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Credit Suisse Bank for L2L procedure
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