OTC Deals
OTCbid - Balaji Srinivasan’s $1M Bitcoin Bet Could Be Right, but I Hope He’s Wrong
" Bitcoin podcaster Peter McCormack writes about the seeming return of bitcoin's inflation hedge thesis, and what it takes to get people into bitcoin.
"Deutsche Bank share slide reignites worries among investors" – was the BBC headline when everything clicked. It added to the increasingly worrying set of events that have affected the global banking system over the past few weeks: another sign that we may be at the dawn of the Great Financial Crisis 2.0. Except this time we know the playbook, because the major commercial banks are too big to fail and governments will bail them out.
Peter McCormack is the creator and host of the What Bitcoin Did podcast and chairman of the Real Bedford football club.
That the U.S. government's debt is at unsustainable levels is neither here nor there, we know that this type of problem is one that politicians are willing to kick down the road. For politicians the present objective is always to maintain voter confidence and, thus, power. The yo-yoing between rate hikes to protect against inflation and the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program to protect the banks isn't designed to resolve the United State's primary, systemic issue: expenditure significantly exceeding income. Instead, it seems the Fed and U.S. Treasury are working overtime to protect the dollar's position as the global world reserve currency.” - Read More
-6% Gross, -3% Net, Bank Transfer, HSBC, Canada
NEW: 70K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Bank Transfer, HSBC, Canada - Look For Seller
Post: 2.4.23​​​​
A buyer is looking for 70K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net ​
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%​
Flexible procedure. Required safe transaction
Buyer and Seller to submit KYC/AML
Buyer provides Letter of Intent (LOI) and offers bid to purchase BTC
Buyer sends CIS (Consumer Information Statement)
Buyer and Seller to provide POF and POC of 5 BTC trial for confirmation
Once Seller provides 5 BTC POC, buyer proceeds to the bank to make a transfer.
Once confirmed, buyer makes a first tranche of 50 BTC
Seller sends SPA. Buyer and Seller sign the SPA Agreement
POC process:
Buyer and Seller have a video conference where the seller will create a new wallet on the call with every party watching.
When it's done, the buyer will copy that exact new wallet address, and after the call, the seller sends the amount of BTC to be purchased to the wallet.
If the buyer searches the address and confirms the coins are there, he proceeds to send the first tranche. This is to make sure the seller doesn’t send a random wallet balance or pay someone for Satoshi test.
Buyer needs to verify that seller has the coins in seller's wallet, not another wallet or imported funds.
Once Buyer has verified the coins, Buyer will pay first.
Once confirmed the coins, all parties won’t have a problem with this as it’s just a verification.
Buyer don’t have a problem with paying first but we need leverage​
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577

-6% Gross, -3% Net, Bank Transfer, HSBC, Canada