OTC Deals
OTCbid - Bitcoin company TDI eyeing off old lead and zinc Que River mine on Tasmania's west coast
" An old lead and zinc mine on the west coast of Tasmania could become home to what an Australian bitcoin miner is describing as "Australia's largest emerging, 100 per cent renewable energy bitcoin mine".
The Que River mine, 20 kilometres south of Waratah, has not operated for years, but the purchase by newly formed company Tasmanian Data Infrastructure (TDI) could see a very different type of mining operation on the site.
Bitcoin is the world's largest cryptocurrency, and while it is completely digital, it still needs to be mined.
Source: ABC
-6% Gross, -4% Net, Bank Transfer, Emirates NBD, Dubai
NEW: $200 Million Plus USDT @ -6% Gross, -4% Net, Bank Transfer, Emirates NBD, Dubai - Look For Seller
(Buyer ; XA SE-TELE)
Post: 15.6.22
Dubai Buyer is buying $200 Million plus USDT @ -6% gross, -4% net
Buyer can provide physical cash (if the seller wants that - He can do AED or USD)
The buyer is a member of a Dubai based crypto fund (so he’s easy to trace)
Preferably direct to seller or seller mandate
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside. = 1%
Buyerside = 1% ​​
Tranches = 5 million USD per day
If Seller wants physical cash, it will be -7% Gross - 5% Net to Buyer.
Buyer is expecting to receive 4% as his fee to help the Seller exit his USDT into his ENBD account. That’s not easy to do in Dubai, which is why he always charges a fee.
So the Buyers offer currently is price +4 %, and it’s +6% if we include 2% for all intermediaries fees.
The Seller to pay fees for intermediaries.
For example, as per the 1m USDT Tranche:
1. Seller sends 1m USDT PLUS cost 40K (4%) USDT (Paid to Buyer)
2. Buyer sends equivalent AED of 1m USDT into Sellers ENBD Account
3. Seller pays all intermediaries 2% ie 20K USDT for structuring the transaction
So to receive $1m USD. Seller will be spending $60K USD ie 6% in costs.
We need a direct seller or seller mandate.
Note: If buyer sees a long chain of people he has to deal with, he switches off. But if we can hand him directly over to the seller with full knowledge, the seller will take care of us all, then it can work
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577