OTC Deals
OTCbid - PayPal's Crypto Holdings Approach $1 Billion, Primarily in Bitcoin and Ether
PayPal has disclosed that it holds nearly $1 billion in cryptocurrencies on its balance sheet, mainly consisting of BTC and ETH.
In its latest quarterly financial performance report, the financial payments giant revealed that it holds $943 million worth of customer assets in bitcoin, ether, bitcoin cash, and litecoin, which marks an increase of $339 million from the end of last year.
PayPal reported $1.2 billion in cumulative financial liabilities for the first quarter of the year, with crypto assets accounting for 77.9% of that tally — up more than 10% from 2022’s reported fourth-quarter liabilities.
“We maintain the internal recordkeeping of our customers’ crypto assets, including the amount and type of crypto asset owned by each of our customers,” PayPal said in its 10-Q filing.
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-6% Gross, -3% Net, USDT/BTC Swap, F2F, Escrow, UK
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 200K+ BTC @ -12% Gross, -8% Net, Cash(Banknotes), Zurich, Switzerland - Look For Buyer
(Seller : GDF...SK-GAIL)
Post: 11.5.23
Seller is selling 200K+ BTC @ -12% gross, -8% net
Buyer = 8%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%​​ (closed)
Min = 3000 BTC​​
1. LOI + Profile of the buyer
2. Zoom call between buyer and seller
3. At the end of this ZOOM communication, if the buyer and the seller still wish to proceed, we sign an IMFPA by the SELLER and the BUYER for the 2 groups which must be paid by the seller in BITCOINS to the PAYMASTER of the groups
4. The buyer send SKR or The seller’s representative move to see the cash
5. Establishment of a contract
6. Movement of cash in the seller's bank
7. The bank will count and verify the funds. Upon mutual satisfaction, the Seller shall transfer the agreed Bitcoins to the Buyer’s wallet.
For cash deals charges we have a limitation on the net of +8%, as a min. required % to cover all the logistic, admin. costs and the banking charges; so, to this 8%, you can add any suitable % for volumes, higher than 12%, which gap (gross-net) will have to be equally split between the two seller's and buyer's side groups
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577

-12% Gross, -8% Net, Cash(Banknotes), Zurich, Switzerland