NEW: 1 up to 100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Escrow or B2B, F2F, Europe, Singapore - Look For Buyer
(Seller : US...TM-gail)
Post: 31.10.21
Seller is selling 1-100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Seller is a European and has a European and Singapore Bank accounts.
Buyer = 3% (for 100K BTC)
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
BO-BO - Bank Officer to Bank Officer
The Seller can show POC via Zoom - Satoshi/AB Test/Reloading a new Wallet/Selling 1BTCs from main wallet during F2F meeting/BO-BO communication, etc., to serious Buyers.
Thereafter, the buyers can start payments from small amounts (directly in F2F/or after BO-BO communication/ or through Seller’s Escrow) to get BTC.
Or the Buyer can do MT799/199 (RWA) and the Seller's bank will reply with SWIFT MT799-BPU or PB . Then the Buyer makes payment to receive BTC.
Alternatively, Buyers can issue Collateral/Payment Guarantees like MT760-BG or SBLC to get BTC and then pay the agreed price and cancel MT760.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 600K BTC @ -8% gross, -6% net, Deutsche Bank, Germany, Netherlands - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TAAR HR-Link)
Post: 6.8.21
A seller is selling 600K BTC @ -8% gross, -6% net
Buyer = 6%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1%
First tranche = 500 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 200,000 BTC
1. BP arranges for the BUYER to transfer to a bank account = TRUST ACCOUNT at DEUTSCHE BANK. This account is a Trust account which is under our management. The TRUST account CIS is attached to this agreement. The money will be transferred in the form of SEPA credit and the SELLER bank officer signs the official BGL and is signed in the name of the BUYER.
2. The SELLER BTC transfers to the BP WALLET as per agreed procedure – until all BTC are received from the Seller, and the BTC are in our TRUST WALLET. The TRUST Wallet is attached. The BTC are transferred by the BP to the BUYER wallet , and after ALL confirmations of the blockchain network and approval by the BUYER, the SELLER officer can released into the SELLER account.
3. Bank account transfers to the TRUST ACCOUNT: For each Tranche the full amount needs to be received by the BP, i.e. the approx. value of 200,000 BTC expressed in USD (or Euro).
4. The TRUST LAWYER will perform the buy & sell transaction when all BTC and all Funds are present and confirmed. The Lawyer will inform the Seller and Buyer that the transaction can be completed as the funds and the BTC have been provided in FULL.
5. BP sets the BTC market price (see Notes below), BP defines the final net sale price applying the agreed discount.
6. The BUYER will provide a pre-agreed BTC WALLET address to receive the BTC.
7. The BP will transfer the BTC from the BP owned BTC WALLET to the BUYER WALLET.
8. The BUYER and SELLER will be officially informed and the whole transaction will be filed under the German BAFIN license and reporting. All costs will be applied to the transaction as agreed.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K with R&E up to 380K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net, B2B, Ledger2Ledger, Escrow2Escrow, JP Morgan Chase Bank, US, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TV SO-Text)
Post: 12.7.21
I am direct to Seller Mandate
A seller in Europe is selling 375K+ BTC @ -13%gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Buyerside = 2% (open)
Sellerside = 2% (closed)
Facilitators = 2% (Ray + open)
Escrow = paid by buyer and seller 50/50
Seller is in Europe and will only transact by Escrow to Escrow or Bank to Bank
Seller can also do Ledger to Ledger with Bank of America or JP Morgan Chase Bank as he has accounts in those banks
No requirement of Proof of Funds from Buyer because funds are sent to the Escrow Agent
The Buyer and the Seller shall sign SPA.
The Buyer and the Seller in this Agreement must forward to the escrow agent the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives.
Escrow agent must endorse the escrow agreement and must circulate the completed escrow agreement to the seller, who will transfer it to the buyer.
After execution of the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Agreement, the Buyer shall transfer to Escrow Agent Norlaw the sum to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of 5,000 BTC .
Escrow Agent shall inform both the Buyer and the Seller of the receipt of the deposit of funds.
Seller will begin placing the first tranche of BTC directly into Buyer's wallet. The Buyer, through escrow agent, will provide the information of its BTC Wallet at the time of the execution of the Purchase Agreement.
Seller will provide proof of BTC placement after receiving confirmation of Buyer's funds.
Thereafter, the Buyer will confirm receipt of the tranche of BTC in its Wallet.
Upon receipt of the BTC tranche, Escrow Agent shall pay the consideration - price on www.bitcoin.com - to the Seller net of the 13% gross discount.
After sending the funds to the Seller, Escrow Agent shall pay the commission according to the representatives listed in the IMFPA to this Agreement. Seller shall pay such commission in BTC within 24 hours of receipt of funds from Escrow Agent.
After payment of the entire first tranche to Buyer and payment of the commission, items 7. through 10. shall be replicated.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net, B2B, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : ZR..HO-Tele)
Post: 19.6.21
A seller in Europe is selling 100K BTC @ -8%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%
First tranche = 5000 BTC
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross, -4% Net, B2B, MT799, MT103, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : KS...GN)
Post: 1.2.21
Seller is selling 100K BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross, -4% Net
Buyer = 4%
Buyer Consultant = 1%
Buyer Facilitator = 1%
Seller Consultant = 1% (closed)
Seller Facilitator = 1% (closed)
First tranche = 5000 BTC
Payment shall be made by bank transfer via Swift MT799 blocked funds and Swift MT103 payment to the seller ́s nominated bank account.
1) Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer ́s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
2) Buyer sends Swift MT799 blocked funds to sellers bank.
3) Seller’s bank officer confirms receipt of the MT799 blocked funds.
4) Upon confirmation of the MT799 blocked funds, the seller transfers 100% of each tranche of
Bitcoins to the buyer’s wallets according to the tranche schedule listed in “Annex A” through BLOCKCHAIN at the rate of the day -4 % net discount. The transfer of BTC must be realized within 24 hours after confirmation of MT799 blocked funds. Minimum Face value is £100,000,000.00
5) After the buyer received the BTC in his designated wallets and after the Six (6) confirmations of blockchain, buyer pays the tranche by Swift MT103.
6) The commission must be paid by seller to the agents under the IMFPA listed in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
7) For additional tranches steps 3 – 9 will be repeated until the total volume is settled.
8) Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 500 up to 100K BTC @ discounts, Escrow, Mexico, Europe, Dubai, Hungary - Look For Buyer
(Seller : BD TM)
Post: 29.1.21
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Seller is selling 500 up to 100K BTC @ the following discounts:
500 BTC : - 3% gross, -1% net, 2% brokers (1+1)
50K BTC : - 5%gross, -3% net, 2% brokers (1+1)
100K BTC : -7% gross, -4% net, 7%, 3% brokers (1.5+1.5)
A. Buyer submits a LOI / Purchase Order with wallet and POF with tranche schedule
B. Seller shows wallet(s) POC
C. Buyer signs the Purchase Order
D. Seller execute invoice
E. Buyer deposits funds into Seller’s escrow as listed herein.
F. Seller sends bitcoins into Buyer’s wallet
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K-250K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Escrow, Lawyer, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TM PS)
Post: 20.8.2020
A seller has 100K-250K BTC at -6% gross, -3% net
Buyerside = 1.5 %
Sellerside = 1.5 %
First tranche = 1,000 BTC
Subsequent = 10,000 BTC
Bitcoin price is based on coinmarketcap.com
1. Buyer and Seller sign an Agreement for Agreed total BTC Contract
2. Buyer sends Fresh Dated POF of the first tranche to the Seller.
3. Seller sends POC of the first tranche to the Buyer.
4. Buyer sends Funds to the Seller's Escrow Account/ Seller's Lawyer's account of the first tranche of 1000 bitcoins
5. Upon receipt and confirmation by the Seller's lawyer, the seller will immediately sends 1000 bitcoins to Buyer's wallet.
6. On receipt and conformation of bitcoins by buyer on his wallet, the seller's lawyer will immediately release funds to the seller less commission and also pay all intermediaries.
Interested parties should contact :
NEW: 150K BTC @ -10% Gross, -8% Net, Bank2Bank, EU - Look For Buyer
(Seller : VC XN)
Post: 12.8.2020
A seller has 150K BTC at -10% gross, -8% net
Buyerside = 1 %
Sellerside = 1 % (closed)
Minimum purchase = 10000 BTC
1. Buyer and consultants sign a confidentiality and rights protection contract. The buyer sends CIS.
2. The buyer sends a corporate request letter to the attention of the seller.
3. The buyer issues ATV on behalf of the seller.
4. The parties sign the contract.
5. The Bank of the EUR provider issues SWIFT MT199 POF.
6. BTC provider sends a test micro transaction to Satoshi.
7. The Bank of the EUR provider issues SWIFT MT799 Blocked Funds or MT103/72.
8. BTC-provider transfers bitcoins in tranches from its wallet to the wallet specified by the EU provider.
9. EU provider for each tranche of bitcoins makes payment in EUR to BTC-provider by SWIFT MT103 / 202.
We do not ask the Buyer for prepayment. That is, we give the bitcoins on the implementation of a deferred payment. From the Buyer it is only required from the bank to the bank to release an informational SWIFT that he has money. The seller sends bitcoins.
Interested parties should contact :
NEW: 50K BTC R+E @ -7% gross, -4% net, B2B, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP KL)
Post: 28.12.2019
It is a bank to bank deal in the EU preferably with a 7/4 discount
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
1 proof of funds
2 send wallet and proof of coin will be sent
3 kyc and aml
4 DOA contract signed
5 seller will send coins with blocked funds
6 buyer will send payment
7 seller will release coin
This can be done anonymously or via video conference call
The discount will be -7 gross 3 commisions and -4 for buyer.
Discount based on 50,000 coin contract with roles and extensions.
First tranche 1000 minimum and 5000 per week minimum until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -6% gross, -4% net, Escrow , USA, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AR KH)
Post: 16.10.2019
I am direct to Seller Mandate
I have a US seller selling 100,000+ BTC at -6% gross, -4% net to buyer, 2% Buyerside
Buyerside = 2% (Ray+Rep+Mandate=3 max)
Sellerside = Closed ( mandate commission paid by seller separately )
Julius Baer is just one of several bank/attorney escrows seller is willing to utilise in Switzerland, Europe.
A Buyer's full application packet available, along with KYC information.
1. Fill out Client Application packet/Trade KYC
2. Fill out escrow agreement.
a. Seller has banking/escrow in place in USA, Europe, and other locales depending upon locations buyer. -
3. Fund escrow account with $6MM or €5MM.
a. This serves as safety deposit. It is never touched unless buyer fails to pay tranches. Then seller had to go through court ordered judgement procedures to be able to get to it.
b. Seller can issue a credit back to buyer in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit back to buyers back for the full $6MM or €5MM. -
4. Seller sends out 1st tranche to buyer’s wallet. Buyer has 31 banking hours to make payment on first tranche. The next day tranche 2 is sent out to buyers wallet. Again buyer has 31 banking hours to pay for 2nd tranche. This is ongoing until full contracted amount of BTC is sent. This process keeps the tranche schedule running smoothly. No one will be waiting for wires/coin etc. tranches and payments are ongoing.
5. Price for the day is set at 12:00pm GMT. If the price goes up, seller eats the difference. If it goes down more than 3%, seller will halt trades and reset price. Buyer is price protected for that 24 hour period. Buyer has the option daily whether to trade that day at the price.
6. When full contract has been executed, escrow amount is released to buyer.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 250K BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, Switzerland, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller: RC CB)
Post: 5.7.2019
I am direct to Mandate. Short chain.
European seller has 250K BTC at -2% gross, -1% net, 1% commissions
Procedure : Bank2Bank
KYC : Yes
LOI : No
POC : Satoshi test
Face-2-face meeting : N/A
1. Intermediaries sign NCNDA. Buyer, seller and mandates sign NCNDA.
2. Buyer provides CIS, KYC and issues SWIFT MT199 Proof of Funds message.
3. Seller vets KYC and POF.
4. SPA / IMFPA produced with deal code shared.
5. Seller provides POC via Satoshi test.
6. Buyer vets POC.
7. Buyer opens a weekly MT799 Blocked Funds (covering 5 days) with the following tranche schedule:
a. Tranche #1 = 1,000 coins
b. Tranche #2 = 5,000 coins
c. Tranche #3 and subsequent = 10,000 coins per day thereafter Tranche #1 and #2 can be executed on the same day if the buyer prefers, or can be done on day 1 and day 2 separately.
8. Buyer wires payment after each well received tranche (partially releasing the blocked funds).
Interested parties should contact:
NEW: 200K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Tel Aviv, Israel, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller: G....E)
Post: 17.6.2019
1. The Seller confirms by his signature that he understands the below procedure and agrees with its wording. The procedure thus confirmed will be sent back to the buyer via e-mail or any other messenger ( WhatsApp, Telegram ).
2. The seller makes Proof of coins (POC) – it means that seller will prove the existence of the currency in his wallet for first tranche. In this case will be executed a test transfer of Sathoshi with the volume specified by the buyer in advance. The source wallet must contain at least 2,000 BTC that are visible on Blockchain.com. Please note that Sathoshi sent from accounts (wallets) on other platforms that do not allow visibility of the total balance on Blockchain.com are worthless to us!
3. In the case of a successful POC, the Buyer will submit a draft contract to the seller. Once the draft contract has been agreed by both parties, contract will be signed and both parties will transfer the contract to their banks for compliance proces during which the buyer's financial readiness will also be examined.
4. Once the compliance proces is successfully completed, the meeting in Tel Aviv will be set.
1. Buyer and Seller meet in the Seller's lawyer office.
2. At the meeting Buyer provides fresh POF.
3. After checking the POF the Seller should create a new blockchain wallet in front of the buyer. The wallet has to be presented on a seller’s mobile device on hand during the entire time of the deal.
“mobile device” = SmartPhone with local SIM card, all access codes for the applications will be held by the Seller.
4. In order to verify the wallet the Buyer will send 0.5 BTC test to the created wallet.
5. After receiving the test BTC from the Buyer, the Seller should send it back to the buyer's wallet. Once received, it makes the verification procedure completed.
6. The Seller transfers bitcoins equal to the agreed amount to his new just created wallet.
7. The Buyer checks the new wallet address in the blockchain.com whether the coins have already been transferred to the seller's new wallet.
8. After verification ( at least 6 confirmations on Blockchain ), the Buyer transfers the sum equal to the amount of BTC in the new wallet to the Seller's Bank account.
9. Once confirmed that the amount credited his Bank account, the Seller transfers the coins from his new wallet to the buyer's wallet.
10. Steps 6,7,8,9 repeat until the closing of the transaction. The mobile device does not leave the area of transaction until it is fully closed
11. The Commission must be paid to the agents under the IMFPA.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : J P - Tel)
Post: 15.6.2019
I'm direct to seller rep who is direct to Mandate.
A new Europe seller has 300K BTC, -4% gross, -2% net, 2% commissions.
1. The Bank of the EUR-provider issues SWIFT MT199 POF and non-operational form SWIFT MT103/72, to the Bank of BTC-provider
2. After the final approval of the SWIFT MT103/72 form, the BTC-provider sends a test micro transaction of Satoshi to establish a connection between the wallets of the BTC-provider and the EUR-provider.
3. EUR-provider checks the legitimacy of the wallets.
4. After checking the bitcoin wallets, Bank of EUR-provider issues operational form SWIFT MT103/72 in the amount of weekly delivery €2,405,000.00 (Two million four hundred five thousand Euros) to the details specified in clause 2.2.1 of this agreement.
5. Bank of BTC-provider together with Bank of EUR-provider conducts verification and authentication of SWIFT MT103/72.
6. BTC-provider transfers bitcoins in tranches from its wallet to the wallet specified by the EUR-provider.
7. The EUR-provider for each tranche of bitcoins makes payment in EUR to the BTC-provider by SWIFT MT103/202. The final price of bitcoins is determined by the exchange rate on the day of sending bitcoins. The EUR-provider pays 100% EUR for 105% of the received BTC to the bank details
8. After receiving the Euro for the transferred BITCOINS, the BTC-Provider pays a commission of 2.5% to the EUR-paymaster).
9. Further tranches are processed according to the tranche schedule until the total volume of the contract is reached.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K+ BTC @ -4% gross, -1.5% net, Eastern Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : J P - Tel)
Post: 30.5.2019
I'm direct to seller rep who is direct to Mandate in Malta and seller in an Eastern European country
1/ Buyer draft his detail with SPA (joined to this email)
2/ Seller send back SPA counter signed within 24h and propose MT199 verbiage
3/ Buyer send MT199 to bank in UAE or Credit Suisse
4/ Once MT199 confirmed, Seller send Satoshi
5/ Buyer send conditional payment, MT799 or Mt103.72 or MT760 (last one possible but more complicate)
6/ Optional : Seller representative travel to buyer for F2F
7/ Buyer receive the coins first
8/ Once coins are confirm, 6 transactions, Buyer release conditional payment or send turbo swift to Slovakian bank -
Bermuda buyers also welcome
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, Bank2Bank, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : Ra Ce)
Post: 17.5.2019
Seller from Europe has 100K btc and offers -10% gross, -5% net for buyer, 5% brokers
2.5% Buyer side, 2.5% seller side
Bank : Credit Suisse
MT 199 as POF
MT 103/72
Satoshi from multiple wallets as POC
Coins come first before MT 103/72 is finalised
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 400K BTC @ -4% net, SWIFT MT799, Bank2Bank, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : E P)
Post: 30.4.2019
Seller has 400K btc and offers -4% net for buyer (2% buyer side paid by buyer ), ( % seller side paid by seller )
2% Buyer side = 0.67% Buyer rep + 0.67% Buyer rep + 0.67% Buyer Mandate
1. The Seller hereby sells to the Buyer and the Buyer hereby purchases from the Seller 400,000 Bitcoins (“BTC”).
2. The Purchase Price to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller in consideration for BTC in accordance with the Transaction Schedule is: The average price of the day prior to the date of the tranche according to the price from Gemini (published at https://cryptowat.ch/markets/gemini/btc/usd) minus 3% (three percent) on Delivery („Purchase Price“).
3. The BTC-provider provides to the EUR-provider form of SWIFT MT799. The bank of the EUR provider must complete this form and send it back to the BTC-provider for approval.
4. After final approval of the SWIFT MT799 format, the EUR-provider’s Bank issues SWIFT МТ799 to the BTC-provider’s Bank
5. The BTC-provider sends a test micro transaction of Satoshi to establish a connection between the wallets of the BTC-provider and the EUR-provider.
6. EUR-provider checks the legitimacy of the wallets.
7. BTC-provider transfers bitcoins in tranches from its wallet to the wallet specified by the EUR-provider.
8. The EUR-provider for each tranche of bitcoins makes payment in EUR to the BTC-provider by SWIFT MT103 / 202 in the amount of 100% minus the “Net discount” (multiplied by the exchange rate of bitcoins at the current moment), namely, 97% EURO for every 100% BITCOINS
9 After receiving the Euro for the transferred BINCOINS, the BTC-Provider pays a commission to intermediaries and agents of the Seller by himself. The buyer pays remuneration to his intermediaries, agents and advisers from his own funds and under a separate Agreement.
10. Further tranches are processed according to the tranche schedule “A”, (with clauses from item 4. to item 9. of the Transaction Procedure), until the total volume of the contract is reached.
11. Further, the Buyer pays by SWIFT MT103/202 or SEPA, and the Seller transfers 400,000 BTC from its wallets to the wallet of the Buyer in the following tranches:
a. First week…….20, 000 BTC
b. Second week…….20, 000 BTC
c. Third week…….20, 000 BTC
d. Fourth week…….and all time thereafter 20,000 BTC until the fulfillment of the 400,000 BTC or exhaustion of the supply.
12. The BTC remains the sole property of the Seller until full payment of all claims of the Seller under this contract.
13. Bitcoin are successfully delivered if and only if the bitcoin where send from the wallet shown to the buyer prior to sending the tranche, the transaction is not become invalid for whatever reason e.g. the transaction transferred the bitcoin to the wallet of the buyer is not part of the longest chain in blockchain (the transaction is in an orphan block) and the transaction has at least six (6) confirmations in the blockchain.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5000 BTC Per Day @ +10% gross, +15% net, F2F, Cash, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : C T)
Post: 15.4.2019
The seller is a wealthy individual –specialised on cash deals with BTC.Deals are executed face-2-face in Europe. The seller and the buyer both agree on the time and venue for a face-2-face meeting and make a transaction right at the meeting.
I am direct to Seller Mandate. He is a very good friend of Seller
Amount(min): n/a
Amount(max): 5000 BTC per day.
Unlimited amount to sell. Can sell 100 k or 200 k or 300 k but max 5 k per day for cash
+10% gross, +15% net, +5% brokers
Seller Mandate: 2.5% commission
Buyer Mandate: 1.25% commission
Buyer Rep: 1.25% commission
KYC - no
LOI - no
POF type - no
POC type - no
Agreements type: no
Face-2-face meeting: In every european country, Paris, Zurich, Amsterdam, Barcelona ,Brussels...Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Monaco
Deals are committed face to face. Satoshi can be provided. Amount max 5 k BTC per day, every amount. Only cash deal Preference is given to buyers who are willing to purchase on are regular basis. Meeting in the office or in hotel, cash on the table, once money is verified and counted by Cash collector then BTC is sent. Money stay on table till buyer receive btc
Satoshi can be provided as well if necessary, but in this case POF will be required.
1. BUYER provides client information
2. BUYER and SELLER agree on time and venue for committing the deal. Usually the venue is a hotel or an office meeting room.
3. BUYER and SELLER meet in person at agreed time and place.
4. BUYER provides cash for checking and recounting. SELLER recounts the cash and verifies the authenticity of banknotes.
5. SELLER transfers BTC to BUYER’s wallet.
6. Money stay on table till buyer receive 5000 BTC, Seller takes the cash.
7. The next tranches follow the same procedure, starting with Step 4.
8. SELLER MANDATE only speaks with mandate or direct buyers. Don't want to talk to intermediaries
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500 BTC Per Day @ +8% gross, +12% net, F2F, Cash, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 19.3.2019
The seller–a partner of xxxxxxx –specializes on cash deals with BTC.Deals are executed face-2-face in Europe. The seller and the buyer both agree on the time and venue for a face-2-face meeting and make a transaction right at the meeting.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 50 BTC
Amount(max): 500 BTC per day
+8% gross, +12% net, +4% brokers
KYC - no
LOI - no
POF type - no
POC type - no
Agreements type: no
Face-2-face meeting: Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Monaco
Deals are committed face to face. The first deal cannot exceed 100,000EUR, but may be lower if preferred by the buyer. Preference is given to buyers who are willing to purchase on are regular basis. The seller does not accept 500 EUR bank notes. Prior to the meeting a conference call could be arranged.
1. BUYER provides client information as per the brief.
2. BUYER and SELLER agree on time and venue for committing the deal. Usually the venue is a hotel or an office meeting room.
3. To avoid inconvenience, prior to the meeting BUYER and SELLER exchange ID/Passport copies.
4. BUYER and SELLER meet in person at agreed time and place.
5. BUYER provides cash for checking and recounting. SELLER recounts the cash and verifies the authenticitiy of banknotes.
6. SELLER transfers BTC to BUYER’s wallet.
7. Once the BTC transaction has 3 confirmations on the blockchain, SELLER takes the cash.
8. If the deal is structured in tranches, the next tranches follow the same procedure, starting with Step 5.
Usually first tranches are small, in order to get to know each other and get used to the procedure. The smaller the tranches are, the safer the whole process is for each party.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 800K BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, B2B, HSBC, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 16.3.2019
The seller is a large private equity fund, located in Germany. The fund is in the middle of liquidating its crypto division, thus a large amount of BTC is offered for sale. The procedure is based on MT760 SBLC protocol, which is safe both for buyer and seller and makes buyer’s bank act like an escrow agent in accordance with the contract terms.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 100 BTC
Amount(max): 100,000 BTC
-2% gross, -1% net, HSBC Bank London (priority account), Solaris Bank Germany
KYC - yes
LOI - no
POF type - MT799 informational message (optional)
POC type - 10 BTC test transaction showing BTC that equals to the amount of funds announced in the MT-799 message
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-face meeting: n/a
MT760 SBLC is executed to block buyer’s funds for the whole amount of the deal. Seller starts sending tranches of BTC, each tranche is followed by release of the corresponding amount of blocked funds and transfer it to the seller. Thus MT760 SBLC de-facto is a safe purchase procedure.The procedure can optionally be started with a test transaction (10 BTC) in order to let the buyer see seller’s transaction wallet and perform all desired checks
1.BUYER submits CIS, signatory’s passport, statutory documents of the company to SELLER.
2.BUYER and SELLER sign the Purchase-Sale Agreement.
3.If only BUYER wishes to start with a test deal, the parties should go through the following steps “a” – “d”:a.BUYER’s bank issues SWIFT MT799 information message to SELLER’s bank stating that BUYER is ready to execute MT760 SBLC for the whole amount of the contractb.BUYER transfers to SELLER via SWIFT MT103 the amount of funds equal to 10 BTC at the current rate on bitfinex.comc.SELLER transfers to BUYER 10 BTC from the wallet which should contain the amount of BTC equal to the amount of funds announced in the MT799 message issued by BUYER at step “a”.d.BUYER performs any and all desired checks of SELLER’s coins
4.BUYER executes MT760 SBLC for the whole amount of the contract.
5.SELLER transfers the first tranche of BTC in accordance with the Agreement.
6.The corresponding amount of blocked funds (under MT760 SBLC) is released and transferred to SELLER.7.Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the next BTC tranches until all BTC are transferred and paid in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K - 800K+ BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, EU, US - Look For Buyers
(Seller: J G)
Post: 12.3.2019
I a direct to Seller Mandate
We are interested in doing business with the following list of buyers
all buyers must follow our procedures with no changes commissions
seller side closed buyer side open and starts with you. -
1. Buyer completes Bitcoin Purchase Agreement, passport copy or photo
ID, current bank statement(POF) and IMFPA send to seller mandate,
Seller countersigns agreement ,and send a copy to buyer with escrow
agreement the buyer SIGNS ESCROW AGREEMENT , seller signs and escrow
attorney signs and provides a copy to buyer. At this point buyer
establishes a new wallet with omniwallet.org and provide the login
information to the seller (such as wallet ID email address and
password) -
2. Seller will transfer bitcoins to the new wallet and private key
will be issued by blockchain to complete the transaction. -
3. Buyer will confirm the bitcoins and send the payment to the seller's
ESCROW ATTORNEY BANK ACCOUNT and change the login password for security purposes -
4. Upon confirmation of the payment, seller will release the private
key to the buyer to complete the transaction -
5. Buyer will move the Bitcoins to another wallet for safe keeping.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 400K BTC @ -5%gross, -2% net, Satoshi, Escrow, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller: -S N)
Post: 3.1.2019
We have Eastern European seller
Immediate sale of 400K BTC available
-5% Gross, -2% Net.
The process and procedures:
1. Buyer mandate and seller mandate will communicate the offer and describe the transaction and duties and responsibilities of parties, and the terms and conditions of the forwarded Deed of Agreement.
2. Buyer issues LOI and Seller shall via his mandate show BTC balance of his Trezor Wallet for the first tranche. The POC will be done via Skype Live Screen Sharing Transmission with both the buyer and the seller on the call. Seller will show buyer the available balance of each account in the Trezor Wallet and send a Satoshi Amount from one of the Wallet Accounts to buyer as proof of ownership of the wallet. Buyer then sends back the Satoshi amount to the seller’s wallet. The POC Skype Live Screen Sharing Transmission will be closed upon satisfaction of the buyer.
3. Buyer shall show Proof of Funds for the First Tranche in currency required by the Seller and agreed as a transactional currency. The Proof of Funds must have a Bank Statement not more than a week old. The seller will only accept verifiable POF from the buyer.
4. The seller will issue the Draft Contract to the buyer for review and Upon acceptance of the terms and conditions by the BUYER, the Bitcoin (BTC) sales and agreement will be signed by all parties and trade begins.
5. Upon receipt of the signed agreement by the seller, seller issues the invoice for the first Tranche and sends copy to buyer.
6. Within 24 Working Hours upon receipt of the seller’s invoice by the Buyer, the buyer makes payment via Wire Transfer to Escrow Agent and sends proof of payment.
7. On notice from the Escrow Agent to Seller that the requisite sum has been received from Buyer and credited to the Escrow account, Seller will immediately release the coins to the Buyer.
8. Escrow pays seller’s intermediaries and releases the funds to seller.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -10%gross, -6% net, Swiss, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller 1)
Post: 26.10.18
C. 100K BTC - 10% Gross
REAL Proven BITCOIN SELLER - 10% Gross Discount - A Deal Closed within 48hrs
If you have a real buyer, we are dealing with real proven seller that can provide Satoshi.Our latest buyer received satoshi from the seller within an hours of buyer sending LOI with CIS and POF to seller in a secured manner.
BitcoinQuantity = Seller have up to 100,000 bitcoins with R&E to sell (Minimum to get the 10% discount = 1,000.
Minimum purchase is 100 bitcoins, this will attract lower discount)
Gross Discount = 10%
Closing Methods = Bank to Bank, Escrow and Face to Face/TTMProof of Coin = Seller can provide Satoshi or other preferred means as POC to buyer
Here is the SIMPLE procedure:
The procedure for this new seller is as follows:NCND/ IMFPA will be executed before principals are connected.
1. Buyer will submit LOI with CIS and POF *(Buyer/Mandate will know who they are dealing with, this is real seller and real transaction)*
2. Seller will contact the buyer and arrange for ESCROW, B2B or F2F or TTM ( if the buyer requires satoshi, seller will arrange for it). *Seller prefers Escrow/b2b and have closed last few deals successfully and smoothly through this methods*
3. Both parties agreed on transaction procedure that mutually work for both parties. Contract is signed.
4. 1st Tranche executed, Intermediaries paid and other tranches executed with Intermediaries being paid each time*
ONLY SERIOUS group that are ready to produce required docs to move deal forward and close ASAP should contact me. My partner on this deal is an international trade and criminal lawyer*
Is seller corporate, individual, or fund ? Individual
What is the source of the coins ? Mining for almost a decade
Which bank and what is the country located ? Swiss
Which escrow are they ok with ? He currently have reputable and insured escrow lawyers in USA, Canada and Spain. Will not use those exchange platform escrows
Where can they do F2F ? Seller will use escrow to close any where in the world. Seller will only do Face to face in Europe.
Is the wallet remote wallet ? Seller have both private and public wallet
Do they bring the cold wallet to F2F transaction ? Yes
And how far are we from the seller/mandate ? I work directly with seller rep and I have all the sellers info. I setup all the prelimilinary paperwork and make connections.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited