NEW: 50K - 500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net, L2L, Double Escrow, Hamburg, Germany, USA, Argentina, India, Russia, Poland, Switzerland - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TA LB -Link)
Post: 23.5.21
A Buyer is looking for 50K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7 %
Buyer Mandate =1%
Buyer Side Intermediaries = 1,5% (0,75% x 2)
Seller mandate = 1 %
Seller Side Intermediaries = 1.5 % (0,50% x 3)
Escrow Agent of the Seller = 1%
We specify that Escrow already has the Buyer's funds in custody!
Buyer operates through International Escrow Agent with registered office in Hamburg (Germany) and offices in the USA, Argentina, India, Russia, Poland, Switzerland.
1. The buyer and the seller sign this purchase contract. The Contract shall contain the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives and intermediaries.
2. the signed Contract is deposited with the respective Escrow Agents who sign it for acceptance and endorsement and provide copies to the Parties (Buyer, Seller, Buyer Mandate, Seller Mandate, Intermediaries Seller Side and Buyer Side).
3. within 24 hours of ratification by the Escrow Agents, they exchange proof of funds for the first tranche: The Buyer via a recent active bank statement of US Dollars or Euros via screen or email; The Seller shall show a screenshot to the Buyer via screen or email one of his wallets showing the BTC available for the first tranche.
5. After verification of the proof of funds, within 48 the Buyer will transfer to Escrow Agent, the funds and seller will deposit to Escrow Agent xxxxxxxxx the wallet of 51,250 BTC
6. Escrow Agents will notify each other of receipt of funds/BTC
7. Buyer Escrow Agent and Seller Escrow Agent will agree on the procedures for exchange of their respective Funds VS 50,000 BTC and proceed to execute it.
8. After mutual delivery has been completed, within 48 hours, Buyer Escrow Agent shall forward the 50,000 BTC to Buyer's wallet and Seller Escrow Agent shall proceed to send the counter value net of 13% discount to Seller by wire transfer.
9. At the same time, the two Escrow Agents shall respectively execute the payments as per Art.1 "The Commissions".
10. Subsequent tranches shall proceed in a similar manner, tranche by tranche.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10 BTC to 1,000,000+ BTC @ -2% Net, F2F, USDT to BTC Swap, West Coast, Hamburg, Germany - Look For Buyer
(Seller ; KA PE-TELE)
Post: 22.8.22
Seller is selling 10 BTC to 1,000,000+ BTC @ -2% Net. Offers to Buyers a maximum of up to -2%
The rep is direct to the platform owners and will be buying from them personally
Note: ( They’re negotiating a -3% net discount so they can do 1500 btc a day for 365 days…That discount was based on the daily guaranteed volume and buyer offering to pay intermediaries )
F2F anywhere in the world if Buyer pays for Seller to go there
Depending on the quantity, Seller may ask for POF before he travels anywhere
Buyer = 3% (2%+1% included for buyer brokers)
Buyerside = 1% (paid by buyer)
Sellerside = nil (direct miner - no broker on sellerside)
Buyer = 1%
Buyerside = 1% (paid by buyer)
Sellerside = nil (direct miner - no broker on sellerside)
A solid seller (miner) for usdt into btc swaps
Seller can travel internationally to help do the transaction
Seller/Platform Owner is happy to travel worldwide from Hamburg, Germany and sit with the Buyer directly within their Bank to provide comfort and allow the transaction to happen face to face in a secure setting.
Purchase through Private Platform with groups of BTC Miners
Able to purchase daily/weekly/monthly BTC in excess of 1,000,000+ BTC directly from Miners on their platform
Transactions can begin from as low as 1-2 BTC to build trust
Payment method (USDT & FIAT are acceptable) and contract length negotiated.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577