NEW: 50K BTC @ 5% gross, 2% net, Noble - Look For Seller
(Buyer AG)
Post Date: 5.10.2018
Do you know anyone who is direct to sellers with Noble?
We have a buyer for 50k which is already onboard with Noble
Please let me know if you have such a seller.
They are looking for -5/-2
Only reach out to us if you are direct to seller, or direct to mandate.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ 5% gross, 2% net, Noble - Look For Seller
(Buyer A..X)
Post Date: 1.10.2018
We have a contract for 100k for Noble or TMF
Please let me know if you have such a seller.
They are looking for -5/-2
Only reach out to us if you are direct to seller, or direct to mandate.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited