OTC Deals
OTCbid - Will the Bitcoin price rise 1,400% in 2023?
" Past data show that we are approaching one of the best times to buy Bitcoin.
" It certainly was a difficult year for the Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) price in 2022.
As we covered here, rising interest rates, tech selloff, and numerous industry scandals and collapses led to the world’s largest cryptocurrency losing approximately 65% of its value.
Will things be better for the Bitcoin price in 2023?
While forecasting the Bitcoin price seems like an impossible task, that hasn’t stopped a number of analysts from giving it a shot.
Unsurprisingly, these analysts have vastly different expectations for the cryptocurrency.
For example, according to CNBC, Bitcoin bull Tim Draper from Draper Fisher Jurvetson believes the cryptocurrency could climb almost 1,400% to US$250,000 in 2023." - Read More
-6% Gross, -3% Net, Brite Banc Escrow, US
NEW: 150K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Brite Banc Escrow, US - Look For Seller
Post: 6.1.23
Buyer is buying 150K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net via Brite Banc Escrow platform.
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5% ​
Tranches = 5000 BTC
Escrow buyer move funds directly into seller's Brite banc account.
Buyer's Attorney escrow officer has the funds from the buyer
Seller sends BTC from his Brite Banc acct. to buyer's account within allotted time
No long procedures
Escrow, Attorney.
Buyer is available to talk to seller.​
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