Cape Town
NEW: 100K-250K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Escrow, Lawyer, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TM PS)
Post: 20.8.2020
A seller has 100K-250K BTC at -6% gross, -3% net
Buyerside = 1.5 %
Sellerside = 1.5 %
First tranche = 1,000 BTC
Subsequent = 10,000 BTC
Bitcoin price is based on coinmarketcap.com
1. Buyer and Seller sign an Agreement for Agreed total BTC Contract
2. Buyer sends Fresh Dated POF of the first tranche to the Seller.
3. Seller sends POC of the first tranche to the Buyer.
4. Buyer sends Funds to the Seller's Escrow Account/ Seller's Lawyer's account of the first tranche of 1000 bitcoins
5. Upon receipt and confirmation by the Seller's lawyer, the seller will immediately sends 1000 bitcoins to Buyer's wallet.
6. On receipt and conformation of bitcoins by buyer on his wallet, the seller's lawyer will immediately release funds to the seller less commission and also pay all intermediaries.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Text Now: +1 (786) 438 2844