OTC Deals
OTCbid - Billionaire Mark Cuban Says He Wants to Buy Bitcoin at Much Lower Prices
" Past data show that we are approaching one of the best times to buy Bitcoin.
" Billionaire Mark Cuban continues to believe in Bitcoin, but he wants to buy it at much lower prices
On an upcoming episode of comedian Bill Maher's podcast, "Club Random," Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban expressed his interest in purchasing more Bitcoin. That said, he commented that he wanted the largest cryptocurrency to ”go down a lot further" before investing more, Fortune reports. The episode is set to be released Monday.
During his appearance, Cuban pushed back against Maher's statement about gold being a hedge against inflation by saying, "You know what? If you have gold, you’re dumb as f--k." - Read More
-10% Gross, -5% Net, USDT Swap With BTC, Escrow, Fireblocks
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 100K-400K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net, USDT Swap With BTC, Escrow, Fireblocks - Look For Seller
(Buyer : MMEE...TRA-TELE)
Post: 26.12.22
Buyer is looking for 100K-400K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2.5%
Sellerside = 2.5%
The buyer wants to know whether the coin is already loaded to Fireblocks.
If it’s not loaded, the seller can send the Fireblocks ID to the buyers attorney.
CC on whatsapp with sellerside .
Buyerside and sellerside will exchange Fireblocks ID to do verification
Need sellers ID to verificate if is registered on Fireblocks
The Transaction Contract including IMFPA is signed by both parties.
Buyer connects with seller on Fireblocks on live zoom.
Buyers sends USTD to Seller's Wallet.
Seller sends BTC to Buyer's Wallet.
Seller pays commission after each tranche is concluded.​​
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577