OTC Deals
OTCbid - Stockhead: Here’s how a ‘doom loop’ has Arthur Hayes claiming $1m Bitcoin can happen
" As Bitcoin languishes below $20k, a crypto guru has predicted a macroeconomic “doom loop” could lead it to skyrocket to $1 million.
While Bitcoin attracts more predictions than a fortune tellers’ convention, one BTC downside figure that seems to be reaching a level of consensus is US$10k.
Meanwhile former BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes sees a massive rally ahead, if you’re patient.
At the time of writing, the OG crypto asset has dipped back under US$20k and is down about 71% from its November 2021 $69k all-time high.
And from scanning through Crypto Twitter recently, it’s clear that many pundits of various levels of professionalism seem to think Bitcoin could head as low as US$10k.
And that’s partly based on the grain-of-salt premise that previous bear market drawdowns sent the asset tumbling by about 80%-85% from prior peaks … which brings 10k right into play. " - Read Full Article
Source: News
-6% gross, -3% net, F2F, Bank2Bank, Zurich
NEW: 10K-100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, F2F, Bank2Bank, Zurich - Look For Seller
(Buyer : GA SE-TELE)
Post: 15.7.22
A Buyer (a registered financial institution) is looking for 10K-100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
( Super Urgent - Need a bonafide seller who can fly into Zurich or who is already there. )
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
A solid Buyer with a Corporate entity in Zurich, is a registered financial institution with Finma (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority).
The Seller must be able to attend their offices in Zurich to close the deal.
F2F, Bank2bank. Buyer and seller mandates will have a call beforehand and line it up so the seller can attend securely
The Buyer account is with a regulated Bank, so that any seller can fly in Zurich and feel comfortable with the deal.
The buyer is truly amazing. It's an ideal buyer for any private sellers worldwide.
Where sellers are outside of Switzerland, they can fly in Zurich and we can close the deal securely.​
We are closing with another seller over the next few days. So once that's done, we can line up additional sellers to make new deal happen also.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577