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OTCbid - When Will the Next Crypto Bull Market Arrive? Decoding the Possible Triggers
" The world of cryptocurrencies, like a turbulent sea, navigates through alternating waves of optimism and anxiety. These waves, familiarly known as bull markets and crypto winters, showcase the pendulum-like nature of crypto prices.
At the moment, we're still underwater in a bear market, with leading cryptocurrencies' valuations significantly below historical peaks.
It should come as no surprise then that many crypto enthusiasts are focused on a single question: when will the next crypto bull run begin? It is inevitable that bear markets, however prolonged, will end up like everything else that is transient.
While we cannot pinpoint the precise timing of the crypto bull run, we can certainly see the contours that will shape it. Ultimately, predicting the precise onset of a crypto bull market is like peering into a crystal ball – a blend of analysis, intuition, and, truth be told, a little more than educated guesswork.
The peak of cryptocurrency exuberance occurred on November 10, 2021, when Bitcoin reached $69,044.77. Yet, the intervening bear market has overthrown that ascent, propelling the price to the current low of $29,385. Nevertheless, many industry experts believe a bullish revival is coming. ” - Read More
1K-50K BTC SELLER AVAILABLE-6% Gross, -3% Net, BTC for USDT, Escrow
NEW: 1K-50K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, BTC for USDT, Escrow - Look For Buyer
Post: 14.8.23
Seller is selling 50K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net.
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
1. The buyer reviews the following procedures and provides acceptance.
2. Upon buyer acceptance, the seller provides the Escrow Agreement to the buyer, outlining the terms and conditions of the transaction.
3. Buyer reviews and signs Escrow Agreement, indicating their acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions.
4. Seller transfers private wallet with BTC to Escrow Attorney who confirms via letter of attestation that he has custody and control of the wallet
5. Buyer sends USDT to Escrow Attorney
6. Escrow Attorney confirms receipt of USDT and sends the total tranche of BTC to the Buyer’s wallet.
7. Upon reception and confirmation of the BTC by the Buyer, the Escrow Attorney sends the USDT to the Seller.
8. Repeat until contract is exhausted.
We can arrange a call....and finalize
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577

-6% Gross, -3% Net, BTC for USDT, Escrow
Email : otcbid@gmail.com
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)