NEW: 1200 BTC @ -4% Gross, -1% Net, B2B, F2F, Spain, Belgium - Look For Seller
(Buyer : RP CM)
Post: 8.4.2020
A Spanish buyer is looking for 1200 BTC at -4% gross, -1% net
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyer ( needed 1200BTC)
Nationality of buyer : Spanish
Countries able to transact: Spain , Belgium.
Bank: BBVA Bank
Prefered First Tranche size: max 5 BTC
Subsequent every second week Tranche 200 BTC
Transactiom type preferred : Bank transaction B2B or Cash (better)
We can do KYC process
After that, face to face meeting in our office. We can organise that after this pandemic 😷
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 40000 BTC @ -8% Gross, -4% Net, lawyer, Bank in Luxembourg, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium - Look For Buyer
Post: 4.11.23
Seller is selling 40000 BTC @ -8% Gross, -4% Net.
Seller is selling 3900 BTC @ -6% Gross, -2% Net.
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5% (open)
Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)​
Intermediary = 1% (closed)​
LOI + Buyer’s Company Profile or a letter from (law office or fiduciary) which confirms the interest to buy by their client. LOI must specifying the quantity that the buyer wants to buy, the country and the bank where is the fund. LOI must including the Passport of the responsible person who can sign the contract (Owner or his mandate with written POA Power of Attorney duly signed on his headed letter)
CC for confirmation of the sales methodology, presentation of the wallet concerning by the offer, instructions on sending the POF
Zoom call between buyer and lawyer’s office
At the end of this ZOOM communication, if the buyer and the seller still wish to proceed, we sign an IMFPA by the SELLER and the BUYER for the 2 groups which must be paid by the seller in BITCOINS
The seller receive an invitation to the buyer’s bank. The Seller has a preference for these countries/ Luxembourg, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium
The buyer opening an account with two signatures (buyer and seller)
Minimum deposit of €100M
Within 30 minutes the BTC are sent to the buyer and the funds are released for the seller
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/
NEW: 3.9K-40K BTC @ -8% gross -5%Net, Bank, Lawyer, Switzerland, Monaco, Belgium, Luxembourg, - Look For Buyer
Post: 22.10.23
Seller is selling 3.9K-40K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net.
3900 BTC: 6/3%
40000 BTC: 8/5%
Buyer = 5%
Broker A = 0.6% (closed)
Broker B = 0.9% (Ray+1)
Lawyer = 1.5% ​
1. LOI specifying the quantity that the buyer wants to buy, the country where is the fund and the agreement of the seller’s procedure
2. Zoom call for verification of the proof of fund before giving authorization to the law firm to do the Satochi.
3. We sign an IMFPA by the SELLER and the BUYER for the groups which must be paid by the seller in BITCOINS
4. The seller wants an invitation to the buyer’s bank. The seller has a preference for these countries/ Luxembourg, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium
5. opening an account with two signatures (buyer and seller)
6. minimum deposit of €100M
7. within 30 minutes the BTC are sent to the buyer and the funds are released for the seller Commission: 1/ 1.5% closed by the law office in Switzerland which is in charge of the sale of BTC and satoshi for the two wallets. 2/ 1.5%: 0.60% closed and 0.90% open (start from you)
Note: Will not accept any other procedure
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/