NEW: 100K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net, USDT/BTC Swap, F2F, Lisbon, Portugal - Look For Buyer
(Seller : GCD...X3D-TELE)
Post: 5.8.23
Seller is selling 100,000 BTC @ --10% Gross, 5% Net.
Looking for qualified USDT buyers of BTC that have accepted full procedures and willing to send a test of less than $32 from a wallet of $100M or more that they control.
Then, Seller will send 100 BTC first tranche for Buyer’s payment. BTC MOVES FIRST
Very simple procedure: everything done remotely; Seller does NOT want to get on a call
OPTIONAL: face-to-face meeting in Lisbon, Portugal
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2.5%
Sellerside = 2.5%
PARTIES WALLET ADDRESS APPROVALS: USDT-ERC20 Provider sends USDT payment wallet address for approval by BTC Provider. USDT-ERC20 Provider Wallet must have a minimum balance of 100,000,000 USDT-ERC20 and fewer than 100 Transactions.
BTC provider sends BTC payment wallet address for approval by the USDT Provider. BTC provider wallet will have fewer than 100 transactions.
USDT PROVIDER HANDSHAKE: USDT Provider sends the amount given by BTC provider from the approved USDT-ERC20 transactional wallet to Seller-provided USDT-ERC20 wallet.
BTC PROVIDER FORENSICS: After receipt of USDT, Provider runs forensics on USDT-ERC20 wallet within 1-2 hours.
BTC PROVIDER SENDS FIRST TRANCHE IN BITCOINS: After USDT Provider has confirmed receipt of BTC handshake, then BTC Provider sends FIRST TRANCHE of 100 BTC to Buyer’s receiving BTC wallet.
USDT PROVIDER SENDS PAYMENT IN USDT TO BTC BUYER: USDT-ERC20 Provider does forensics & then sends Payment to BTC provider, as per for the received 100 BTC and as per tranche schedule within two hours of receiving BTC.
BTC PROVIDER USDT CONFIRMED: USDT-ERC20 payment is confirmed and BTC provider sends next tranche.
BTC PROVIDER PAYS FEES AS IN IMFPA: Fees paid to all consultants in BTC provider as per Exhibit A.
Repeat steps 4-8 until BTC is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577