OTC Deals
OTCbid - No pension. No savings. No future. No wonder we’re betting the house on crypto.
" We need a way out. We need a way up. That’s why I – and so many others – have jumped into cryptocurrency with both feet
I must begin this article by stating that the information I’m providing is not financial advice. I think I legally have to say that because I heard it on a podcast or whatever, I really don’t know. But, if you’re taking crypto advice from me, that might be your first problem.
It all started with a missed shot.
Let’s go back to 2004, when I invested my $5,000 life savings into Apple, a company I truly believed in. It was my first stock purchase, and the first grown-up thing I did for my future immediately after graduating college. Unfortunately, life quickly became expensive. Within three years of my initial purchase, I was forced to sell all of my Apple shares because bills, housing and beginning a new life in NYC on a $29,000 salary didn’t come cheap.
Source: TheGuardian
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-7% gross, -4% net, Bank, Escrow Norton Rose, Canada
Seller Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 1500 BTC with up to 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Bank, Escrow Norton Rose, Canada - Look For Seller
(Buyer : PJES ANEA-linkl)
Post: 25.11.21
A buyer is looking for 1500 BTC with up to 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net​
1500 a day for 60 days with rolls and extensions up to 100,000 after the first 60 days
Buyer = 4%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Intermediaries = 1%
First tranche = 250 BTC
Buyer mandate wants his fee agreement signed by seller first, then the following procedures.
1. A call with the actual buyer (us) and Actual Seller to make sure they truly agree on procedures and KYC needed.
2. KYC is exchanged and checked
3. POF via coins (we will do cash later, but we keep most money in coins for hedging purposes) and then POC. *If KYC is strong, we may push this step back and go right into the Norton Rose call.
4. Call with ESCROW and discussion to finalize SPA and Escrow Agreement.
5. Signing of SPA and Escrow Agreements
6. We put cash into Norton Rose worth 250 coins
7. Coins sent to our wallet
8. We send money to them via our Signature bank account.
9. If they have US banking, steps 7-8 are repeated 4-6 times a day with money staying on Norton Rose to maintain payment guarantee for the Seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577