NEW: 37K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, BTC/USDT, Cyrpto 2 Crypto, Canada - Look For Buyer
Post: 2.2.24
Seller is selling 37K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net.
Buyer = 3%
Sellerside =1% (closed)
Buyerside =1%
Minimum Tranche = 1000 BTC
1 Purchase Order (P.O)
- Buyer issues its Purchase Order with formal request to purchase BTC against USDT by tranche schedule and date to start, accepting these procedures which will be included in its purchase order fully.
- Buyer issues its wallet with a minimum quantity of USDT for at least 5000 BTC equivalent, better higher if there is interest in very large quantity deals over 100, 000 BTC. -
This Purchase Order needs to be delivered to the attention of Ms M and Mr R for approval and execution of Handshakes ( next point)
2 Handshake between buyer and seller.
- Buyer purchases a specific amount from the seller's wallet (example: 34.16 sellers TRC20 returns into buyer BTC wallet same value)
3 Satoshi
- Satoshi code from buyers TRC20 transaction wallets with high proof of funds or more.
4 Invoice Contract
- Seller Purchase/Sale operation will start to issue and invoice-contract approval to transact, operating at specific day Canadian time zone with
5 Full Seller Detail.
- Sellers full details will be available on the Invoice.
6 Calls and or Communications between buyer and seller
- If the buyer will need a call we will arrange a time always after handshake to avoid any losing face on both sides.
Interested parties should contact :
NEW: 3K-500K BTC With R&E @ -8% gross, -4% net, Bank2Bank, Vancouver, Canada - Look For Buyer
(Seller : SMIC...SGR-Gail)
Post: 11.10.21
A seller is selling 3K to 500K BTC with R&E:
1) 3K - 34,999 BTC = -4 % Gross, -2 % Net, Commission -2% (buyerside/sellerside = 1% / 1%)
2) 35K - 49,999 BTC = -6 % Gross, -3 % Net, Commission -3 % (buyerside/sellerside = 1.5% / 1.5%)
3) 50K - 500K+BTC = -8 % Gross, -4% Net, Commission -4% (buyerside/sellerside = 2% / 2%)
1. Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill in with Buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA and Proof of Funds (POF) with Seller’s personalized code to the Seller. Within 24 hours, Seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
2. A video call is made between buyer and seller.
3. Proof of Identities will be exchanged during the video identity verification by the buyer and the seller as follows:
a) Identity: Original Passport must be presented on video by both parties. Seller will ask for additional ID if necessary.
b) Wallet: Buyer´s receiving EMPTY wallet will be submitted privately to the Seller.
c) Proof of coins (POC): Seller will play the recorded proof of coins video (POC) with personalized code given by the buyer. (No Satoshi or A-B wallet test available).
Buyer´s Bank Officer will initiate an MT199 communication to Seller´s bank, informing the bank of the upcoming transfer with stated exact date of the transaction.
4. Upon the confirmation of the Seller´s Bank Officer, Seller issues the invoice and Buyer pays the agreed amount of BTC using MT103 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
5. Upon the confirmation of the Seller´s designated bank of the confirmed cleared funds payment by the Buyer to the Seller, the Seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the Buyer´s wallet, and then the Seller will send the screenshot to the Buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
6. Buyer has to wait until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in Buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the Seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer.
7. Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the annexed IMFPA-[Insert Code……], and move to the next tranche until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 650K BTC @ -12% gross, -4% net, Escrow, MT103, Bank of Montreal, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, US - Look For Buyer
(Seller : WIAN SBUR-Link)
Post: 3.10.21
A seller is selling 650K BTC @ -12% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside = 4%
Buyerside = 4%
First tranche = 100K BTC
1. BUYER fills in the contract details and initials each page to validate the contract procedures are acceptable. (Amendments can be REDLINED in the agreement)
2. BUYER or the authorized BUYER Representative and SELLER or the authorized SELLER Representative communicate on the execution of the transaction
3. SELLER completes the contract details and initial each page.
4. BUYER and SELLER shall execute the purchase agreement.
5. Upon receipt of executed purchase agreement, the SELLER shall show proof of life for the entire amount of bitcoin within the transaction (650,000) via screen shot, Zoom call, or email along with wallet address and identification. The BUYER shall show proof of funds for the complete transaction amount (650,000 Bitcoin) via an active recent bank account statement of (USD/Euros) to SELLERS attorney via screen shot, email or MT199. This Proof of Funds and Proof of bitcoin shall be done simultaneously via Trust Officer at Bank of Montreal.
6. Buyer to fund escrow of the amount show in the Proof of life.
7. Escrow shall be third party escrow agreed to by both seller and buyer out of the UK.
8. Seller shall conduct (wallet A to wallet B) test with a (Satoshi) for the amount requested by the BUYER or with the entire amount requested for the first tranche. Bank shall do simultaneous swap of bitcoin for payment via Bank Trust Officer.
9. The Buyer shall pay the Seller Ledger to Ledger.
10. SELLER shall then, after receipt of Ledger-to-Ledger payment, initiate placement of the first tranche of the (BTC) directly into the BUYER’s wallet, as well as COMMISSIONS according to the IMFPA to consultants. Buyer shall provide its (BTC) wallet information upon execution of the purchase agreement.
11. SELLER shall provide evidence of said deposit of (BTC) after receipt of confirmation of the BUYER’s funds. SELLER shall also supply evidence of said deposit to intermediaries nominated bank account. Intermediary fees shall be distributed to the nominated IOLTA account attached as Exhibit “A”.
12. Thereafter, BUYER shall confirm receipt of the evidence of the deposit in its wallet after six confirmations on the Blockchain.
13. Steps 5-9 shall be repeated for subsequent tranches.
14. Payment to intermediaries will be per the executed IMFPA. 15. Buyer will fund escrow once both parties have executed contract and Item 5 of 2.2.2 Transaction Procedure “MT103”: has been completed to the satisfaction of the buyer 16. Intermediaries will be paid based on agreed commissions between the groups.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 15K-1M BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, Bank2Bank, Canada - Look For Buyer
(Seller : DS JS-Gail)
Post: 19.5.21
A Seller is selling 15K- 1M BTC @:
-4 % / -2 % (first tranche min. 5k BTC)
-6 % / -3 % (first tranche min. 35k BTC to receive -3 % net)
-8 % / -5 % (first tranche 50k BTC to receive -5 % net)
First tranche = 5000 BTC
Minimum fifteen thousand Bitcoin (15,000 BTC), with up to one million (1,000,000 BTC) with rolls and extensions as agreed by buyer and seller.
Payment shall be made by bank transfer via SWIFT MT103 Cash Wire Transfer or Telegraphic Transfer (TT) to the seller´s nominated bank account.
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
A video call is made between buyer and seller. Proof of funds (POF) and proof of coins (POC) will be exchanged during the video identity verification by the buyer and the seller as follows:
Identity: Original Passport must be presented on video by both parties. Seller will ask for additional ID if necessary.
Wallet: Buyer´s receiving wallet will be submitted privately to the seller.
Proof of funds (POF): Buyer has to login to his/her bank account to show the proof of funds (POF).
Proof of coins (POC): Seller will play the recorded proof of coins video (POC) with personalized code given by the buyer. (No Satoshi or A-B wallet test available).
Buyer´s Bank Officer will initiate an MT199 communication to seller´s bank, informing the bank of the upcoming transfer with stated exact date of the transaction.
Upon the confirmation of the seller´s Bank Officer, seller issues the invoice and buyer pays the agreed amount of BTC using MT103 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
Upon the confirmation of the seller´s designated bank of the confirmed clear receipt of payment to the seller (it takes 72 hours), the seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the buyer´s wallet, and then the seller will send the screenshot to the buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
Buyer has to wait until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer.
Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the annexed IMFPA-[Insert Code……], and move to the next tranche until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 139K BTC @ -6% gross, -2% net, MT103/GPI, Bank of Montreal, Canada - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PA SM)
Post: 2.5.21
A Seller is selling 139K BTC @ -6% gross, -2% net
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 2% paid by Seller
Sellerside = 2% paid by Seller
The Buyer signs the contract and returns to Seller in Word format.
Seller countersign and returns signed agreement to the Buyer, including Seller’s source BTC wallet(s) public address for Buyer’s forensics analysis verification including amount of the BTC in Seller’s wallets at the time sending (and BTC will remain in Wallet until execution of agreement and movement of coins).
Both Seller and Buyer will confirm the signed agreement has been received in good order and thus ready to proceed.
Directly after agreement is signed by both parties and within 24 hours, the Seller will show the readiness to proceed for the full amount of the BTC split in several wallets according to availability.
After the Buyer receives Seller contract and returns it duly signed, Seller will confirm that Seller is ready willing and able (“RWA”) to start the payment operation, and, as soon as the amount of the agreed tranche is deposited in the TRUST ACCOUNT XXXXX, Seller will start the BTC wallet unlock operations.
Please note that there will be few hours required by the Seller to unlock their BTC wallets and to start delivery to Buyer (which specific timing and sequencing of tranches will be provided to Buyer accordingly). The payment from the Buyer must be via TURBO SWIFT MT103/GPI and shall be acknowledged by Seller as completed at the following email addresses domain@gmail.com and domain2@gmail.com
Seller’s bank officer must reply thru Swift to Buyer’s bank stating the successful receipt of the TURBO SWIFT MT103/GPI in order to establish a communication channel between Buyer’s and Seller’s bank.
After receiving the confirmation of the TURBO SWIFT MT103/GPI notification at Seller‘s bank (see Annex B), the Seller transfers Bitcoins to the Buyer’s BTC wallets (to be supplied to Seller), for the amount stated in the TURBO SWIFT MT103/GPI through the BLOCKCHAIN at the BTC exchange rate of the day minus Gross discount of four percent (4%) determined by (www.block-chain.info) or (https://www.coindesk.com/ ) at the time of transaction. The transfer of BTC must be realized within 24 hours after receipt of TURBO SWIFT MT103/GPI notification duly entered in Seller’s Bank account (as per our bank officer notification which can be supplied to Buyer, if required, on specific demand).
After the Buyer receives the BTC in Buyer’s designated BTC wallets (after the Six (6) confirmations of Blockchain), Buyer’s bank or the Buyer himself, (see Annex C) releases immediately the confirmation to Seller’s email at the following email addresses: hun2399@gmail.com and domain@gmail.com.
Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 250K BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, Bank, Escrow Agents, Canada - Look For Buyer
(Seller : BJ....HN)
Post: 5.1.21
Seller is selling 250K BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net
(Large volume BTC and discounts from BTC miners worldwide)
Buyer = 5%
Selleside = 3% (closed)
Buyerside = 2%
Test tranche = 1000 BTC
First tranche = 5000 BTC
1. The Buyer will transfer the agreed funds to the Escrow agent, Buyer escrow lawyer who will confirm by official communication to Seller's attorney, the financial capability of the Buyer to purchase the agreed quantity of BTC as per this agreement.
2. After funds confirmation by official communication, Buyer escrow lawyer will provide to Seller's attorney its escrow wallet for the transaction. XXXXX will provide the wallet address so that the BTC transfer can be verified by Seller's attorney. This is also serve as a proof of concept of the process and provide confidence to both parties for the following tranches. The seller sends a tranche of the agreed BTC to the Buyer escrow lawyer escrow wallet created on the agreed crypto currency exchange.
3. When Seller's attorney confirmed the transfer of the first tranche of BTC is present in Buyer escrow lawyer cryptocurrency wallet. The funds held in the trust account of Buyer escrow lawyer for the purchase of the BTC will be confirmed to be released to Seller's attorney escrow account.
4. After confirmation of the funds transferred by Buyer escrow lawyer to the Seller's attorney escrow account, the tranche of BTC held in Buyer escrow lawyer cryptocurrency wallet is to be transferred directly to the wallet of the Buyer.
5. When Buyer escrow lawyer cryptocurrency wallet receives confirmation of the transfer of the tranche of BTC, the funds are immediately transferred by Seller attorney to the Seller's nominated bank account.
6. This process continues until all the tranches of BTC have been successfully transferred or exhausted.
Using the private sale method to carry out the transaction guarantees that the transaction is made between the concerned parties only.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 15K-550K+ BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, B2B, MT 103, Canada - Look For Buyer
(Seller : IF...QR)
Post: 27.11.20
A Canadian BTC wholesaler has 15K-550K+ BTC at -8% gross, -5% net.
The seller is working with partner together and running several major mining farms worldwide
5K-34K BTC : -4% gross, -2% net (first tranche min. 5K BTC)
35K-49K BTC : -6% gross, -3% net (first tranche min. 35K BTC to receive -3% net)
50K-250K+ : -8% gross, -5% net (first tranche 50K BTC to receive -5 % net)
Buyerside = 1% or 1.5%
Sellerside = 1% or 1.5%
The minimum tranche = 5,000 BTC
Payment shall be made by bank transfer via SWIFT MT103 Cash Wire Transfer or Telegraphic Transfer (TT) to the seller´s nominated bank account. Due to Bitcoin market price fluctuations, payment shall be made within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving the invoice.
1. Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, buyer will fill out with buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller. Within 24 hours, seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
2. A video call is made between buyer and seller.
Proof of funds (POF) and proof of coins (POC) will be exchanged during the video identity verification by the buyer and the seller as follows:
a. Identity: Original Passport must be presented on video by both parties. Seller will ask for additional ID if necessary.
b Wallet: Buyer´s receiving wallet will be submitted privately to the seller.
c. Proof of funds (POF): Buyer has to login to his/her bank account to show the proof of funds (POF).
d. Proof of coins (POC): Seller will play the recorded proof of coins video (POC) with personalized code given by the buyer. (No Satoshi or A-B wallet test available).
3. Buyer´s Bank Officer will initiate an MT199 communication to seller´s bank, informing the bank of the upcoming transfer with stated exact date of the transaction. MT199 is now necessary to send from buyer ́s bank to seller ́s bank to confirm buyer ́s availability of funds.
4. Upon the confirmation of the seller´s Bank Officer, seller issues the invoice and buyer pays the agreed amount of BTC using MT103 Cash Wire Transfer, or Telegraphic Transfer {TT}. Then provide the official bank slip to the seller.
5. Upon the confirmation of the seller´s designated bank of the confirmed clear receipt of payment to the seller (it takes 72 hours), the seller will release the agreed amount of the BTC to the buyer´s wallet, and then the seller will send the screenshot to the buyer as proof showing that the BTC has been sent.
6. Buyer has to wait until the six {6} confirmation has been achieved and the Bitcoin {BTC} is finally sitting in buyer´s receiving wallet. Buyer will make it known to the seller by providing the screenshot of the confirmed complete transfer.
7. Seller pays commission to all involved parties according to the annexed IMFPA-[Insert Code……], and move to the next tranche until contract is exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Telegram @ OTCbidcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577