NEW: 500K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, Pay USDT, Escrow2Escrow, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 9.2.24
A Buyer is looking for 500K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%​​ ​
Escrow = Buyer and Seller pay their own Escrow fees.
Escrow-to-escrow transaction in the USA.
·Payment in USDT by our Buyer's Escrow in the USA.
(Open to the seller's escrow as well)
Penalty: Both parties contribute 3 BTC and USDT equivalent penalties before USDT deposit of the first trench and commence trading. Alternatively, you and I can exclusively exchange coins through an attorney lawyer in the USA. I'll provide you with a LOI today, and if you agree, we can proceed to sign a contract for 300,000 coin
Escrow ATTORNEY sends the BTC first and holds on to payment while the buyer does its forensics.
Buyer needs to have its own method to validate and verify the BTC.
1. Zoom call with your mandate
2. Fill out and sign SPA/IMFPA
3. Escrow Agreement
4. Buyer sends USDT worth first tranche to Buyer's Escrow account
5. Buyer Escrow sends USDT to Seller/Seller Escrow
6. Seller/Seller Escrow sends the first tranche BTC to Buyer's Escrow account
7. Buyer Escrow pays out BTC to Buyer; Buyer Escrow pays out USDT to Seller/Seller Escrow
8. Seller/Seller Escrow pays intermediaries.
9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8, as per the Buyer's tranche schedule.
Interested parties should contact :
48000+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, F2F, Escrow, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer : KNO...PAH-TELE)
Post: 3.6.23
Buyer is looking for 48000 BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%​​​
Buyer and Seller sign a Letter of Agreement or SPA with final details of the transaction. After vetting POF and POC, IMFPA to be signed by all parties (50/50 split)
Buyer transmits funds to nominated Escrow agency. Once the funds received, Escrow agency will authorise Seller to initiate BTC transfer.
Seller transmits BTC to Buyer and confirms with Escrow agency for validation. Escrow agency will validate with Buyer, and authorise Buyer's funds to be transferred from Escrow to Seller
Escrow company transmits funds to Seller, less fees, discounts and commissions. Escrow distributes funds or commissions to brokers, dealers and mandates etc.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 50K-87K BTC @ -5% Gross, 3% Net, USDT, BTC, Escrow, BriteBanc, Sheldon Vann Attorney, Florida - Look For Seller
Post: 9.2.23
Buyer is buying 50K-87K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3%, Escrow Brite Banc
Look for vetted transactional Sellers
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1% ​
The Buyer is in Brite Banc and Exclusively will use Escrow in this Bank. Could be Sheldon Vann or other Attorneys.
The Buyer is RWA,can use other Escrows in Brite Banc:
Michale Rubin
Thomas Florh
and few others -
Can Purchase USDT as well BTC.
Up to $2Billion at the moment
Can do a small tranche to start with then ramp up
Vetted Buyer
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC With R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, Escrow, Michael Rubin, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer ; KNO...TAH-TELE)
Post: 29.9.22
The rep is direct to Buyer
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%
First tranche = 100-500 BTC
Step A:
Buyer and Seller representatives will meet on a conference call to discuss the procedures and once agreed, set the time for executing the BTC Transaction(s) (“BTC Transaction”) and related Escrow arrangements via the Law Offices of Michael J Rubin. On the basis of a successful call, the transaction continues in its process, as follows:
All transaction related documents (e.g., fully signed NCND, Sale & Purchase Agreement (“SPA”), Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (“IMFPA”), Escrow Agreements and any other documents deemed necessary or appropriate to consummate the BTC Transaction (collectively the “BTC Transaction Agreements”) will be executed by both Parties before any assets are moved; and
The Buyer will show proof of funds (“POF”) through Escrow Attorney (Michael J Rubin), bank escrow accounts screen shot, Letter of Attestation (“LOA”) or bank confirmation letter (“BCL”) or tear sheet, or as
otherwise mutually agreed.
Step B:
Following all documentation and communication is in place, both Parties shall verify Proof of Coin (“POC”) & POC through the Law Offices of Michael J Rubin.
Step C:
After all Agreements are completed by both Parties, Seller shall send the first tranche (“BTC Tranche” or “Tranche”)) consisting of (100-500) BTC to Law Offices of Michael J Rubin as Escrow BTC Wallet (“Escrow Agent”). Escrow Agent shall notify Buyer that the asset(s) has been delivered by Seller into escrow wallet account.
After verifying that BTC is in Escrow, Buyer shall transfer first tranche of USD or USDT to Escrow Agent account.
Step D:
The Seller will then immediately send the relevant and full number of BTC for the remaining Tranches, to the Escrow Agent(s)’ s BTC Wallet, which must be verifiable by the Buyer.
Step E:
The Escrow Agent shall confirm, if it is the case, that all of the BTC under each of the BTC Tranches has been successfully received and that the relevant BTC Tranche(s)s is/ are completed.
Step F:
(This Step is completed by the Escrow Agent/Paymaster)
The Seller shall, within 3 (three) hours of its receipt of the transfer by the Buyer as referred to, transfer the Buyers & Seller’s Consultants Commissions (in full in BTC/cleared FIAT) to the Consultants’ relevant (to a bank account/BTC wallet address nominated in writing by the Consultants and in strict accordance with the provisions of that certain Bitcoin Consultants’ Fee Consultants’ Agreement dated [ ] relating to Transaction Code No. [ ] (“The Consultants’ Agreement”). Notwithstanding any other provision in these procedures or the Agreement to the contrary, the Seller shall always remain exclusively liable to pay the Consultant’s Commission.
Step G:
Seller and Buyer continue the BTC Tranches, on a daily or mutually agreed upon basis, until the Contracted Agreement total of BTC is completed, including any agreed upon rollovers and extensions.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Bank, Escrow, Michael Rubin, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer ; KNO...TAH-TELE)
Post: 15.9.22
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyer’s and Seller's Intermediaries = 1%
Minimum = 5000 BTC
First tranche = 500 BTC
The seller issues a draft SPA.
The buyer and the seller complete and sign the SPA.
The seller and the buyer will use the same escrow agent, The Law Office of Michael J. Rubin ESQ, who issues a draft Escrow Agreement which will be completed and signed by the seller / buyer / escrow agent.
The buyer transfers the funds to the escrow agent's escrow account.
The seller transfers the coins to the escrow agent's escrow wallet.
The Law Office of Michael J. Rubin ESQ Escrow BTC Wallet
The escrow agent verifies the coins through 6 confirmation process
The escrow agent confirms the buyer's funds to the seller.
After the escrow agent has verified the coins and the funds, he simultaneously transfers the BTC to the buyer's wallet, and the funds to the seller's designated bank
Agent/Paymaster) pays the fees for all the Intermediaries, Brokers and Consultants of this transaction mentioned above
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K-100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net, USDT, Escrow Attorney Warren Law
Brooklyn, NY, US, Canada - Look For Seller
Post: 10.9.22
I am direct to Buyer rep who is direct to Buyer
Buyer is buying 50K-100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -4% Net.
Buyer is a huge fund based in Canada and payment is not a problem
Buyer = 5% (Buyer 4% + Buyer pays Buyerside 1%)
Buyerside = 1% (Paid by buyer)
Sellerside = 1% (Paid by seller)
Escrow fee (Warren Law) = 0.25% (Paid by seller)
Daily tranche = 1000 BTC per day ( 250 BTC x 4=1000 BTC )
Note: Seller pays 25 bps to Warren Law Firm for escrow. Buyer brokers split 1% and Seller brokers split 1%. Buyer gets 5% discount and Buyer pays 1% commission to buyer brokers so Buyer nets 4% discount. Seller pays 1% commissions to seller brokers.
We prefer using USDT to pay the Seller as allows for more frequent transactions of 250 coins per tranche.
POC and POF are done at the same time on one video call.
Step 1) Proof of Coin
Seller will show actual control of coins by either sending the buyer a Satoshi or by doing an A-B wallet transfer, in an amount told to the Seller by the Buyer, while all pertinent parties are on a video call.
Buyer can show POF on the same call-in fiat and will move to USDT once proof of coin has been completed due to transaction costs involved in doing that before we know actual coins are available.
Step 2) Documentation and KYC
To start, both the Buyer and Seller need to pass KYC to the standards of all parties, including the escrow. Next the SPA and the Escrow agreement are agreed upon by the law firm serving as Escrow, the Buyer and the Seller.
*Note: The law firm serving as escrow has to have multiple lawyers within the firm and pass due diligence. Also, the Buyer will only pay commissions to the buyside. Seller will pay sellside brokers. Escrow fees can be discussed regarding how they will be paid.
Step 3) Transaction
a. The buyer sends the fiat or USDT (collateral) to the escrow agent.
b. Escrow attorney confirms the receipt of Fiat or USDT into both parties.
c. Seller confirms and sends BTC to the BUYER’S wallet within a designated amount of time that is agreed upon in the SPA and Escrow agreements.
d. Buyer sends USDT to Seller wallet within a designated amount of time that is agreed upon in the SPA and Escrow agreements.
e. If the Buyer does not pay for any one tranche of 250 BTC within the contracted period of time, then escrow attorney releases the Fiat or USDT to the Seller and transaction is over.
f. Repeat process as many times per day as possible, for as many days as needed, until all bitcoins are sold.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% gross, -3% net, F2F, Escrow,
BriteBanc, West Coast, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer : ZNU...KAH-TELE)
Post: 29.8.22
A Buyer in US is looking for 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Escrow = Buyer and Seller pay 50/50
Buyer will buy any amount of coins even if it’s very little like 100 BTC
Buyer/seller onboard and provide funded/BTC. Provide user name and screenshot of their dashboard or last 4 digits of the user name.
Buyer likes to meet with the seller for a corporate meeting to complete the transaction
1. Buyer sign up/onboard at BRITEBANC Crypto Escrow Bank and provide his account details (BriteBanc Account Username) and Screenshot of his account or CIS and LOI to Seller. Seller already has active account at BriteBanc.
2. Buyer send wire transfer to his own BRITEBANC account and prepare POF for Seller via BRITEBANC. Funds to cover first tranche or total Bitcoin contract amount.
3. Seller communicate with Buyer, and Seller confirm Buyer POF at BRITEBANC, and issue an Official Invoice on behalf of Buyer for total contract or first tranche required. First tranche can be 1000 BTC to 2500 BTC or more as Buyer need.
4. Seller loads 2500 BTC coins to his account with BRITEBANC for Buyer to verify POC of Seller as agreed between Buyer and Seller via BRITEBANC and/or Blockchain.
5. After Buyer verify POC of Seller at BRITEBANC, Buyer arrange funds via BRITEBANC for Seller.
6. Seller move coins to buyer’s private wallet and simultaneously Buyer make money transfer to sellers account via BRITEBANC or as agreed by both parties.
7. Deal close first tranche. Next tranche follows from step 2 above.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10K-150K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, USDT to BTC Swap, Escrow Attorney's IOLTA, New Jersey, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TALI 00-TELE)
Post: 27.7.22
A Buyer is looking for 10K-150K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Tranches = 1000 - 2500+ BTC per day, every day, until the seller run out of BTC
Tranches = Looking to do 20+ tranches per day
Buyer will send $5M - $10M in fiat to a US based escrow attorney's IOLTA account. If the seller has preferred attorneys, just send me a list and I'll check them out with the buyer. If not, we can provide the Seller with a few we work with.
The escrow just acts as a guarantee for the seller in case the USDT does not show up.
So the steps would be
1) Paperwork signed, etc
2) BUYER MOVES FIRST -- $5M - $10M into escrow
3) Seller sends $5M - $10M of BTC to Buyer's wallet
4) Buyer sends $5M - $10M of USDT to Seller's wallet
5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 up to 20 or more times per day
Escrow is NOT involved in the transactions. Again, it's just a guarantee for the seller and eliminates the "who moves first" in coin-to-coin transactions.
Please note that the buyer is not interested in using a custodian wallet. They would prefer to have the fiat sit in a US escrow IOLTA account which is insured and regulated. If, for whatever reason, the BTC does not arrive, they can get their funds back. If, for whatever reason, USDT is not received by seller after sending BTC, the seller is paid in full by the fiat in escrow. This eliminates the risk of who moves coins first in a wallet to wallet transaction.
Total coins needed -- Buyer can contract for almost any amount, but they are looking to transact 1000 - 2500+ BTC per day, every day, until the seller is out of BTC.
Tranche size -- equal to whatever is put in escrow -- in this case $5M or $10M. Seller would send $5M or $10M in BTC. Looking to do 20+ tranches per day
Currency to be exchanged -- stable coin, specifically USDT (any type) or USDC
PROCEDURES would therefore be (after paperwork and test tranches) :
1) Funds move to escrow.
2) Buyer provide seller with buyer's nominated wallet details to receive his BTCs.
3) Seller sends BTC equal to the amount of USD in escrow at market price.
4) Buyer sends USDT back to seller's nominated wallet at send price in #3
5) Steps 3 & 4 repeat 20x per day.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 25K-1.4M+ BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, USDT(ERC-20), Zurich, US, HK - Look For Seller
Post: 18.6.22
A Buyer is looking for 25K-1.4M BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer in Zurich and US, has up to $30 billion to spend
Buyer mandate in HK
Buyer = 3%
Group 1 = 1%
Group 2 = 1% (closed)
Group 3 = 1%
Buyer and Seller sign this agreement.
Buyer deposits USDT(ERC-20) equivalent of $ 1000 USDT to seller’s designated wallet address: 00000000000000000000000000000000000
Note: buyer must notify seller via email before deposit/transfer and obtain approval.
Seller makes a test transfer of Min $ 1000.00 equivalent BTC from a fresh / new storage wallet contaning not less than 1,200 BTC (with Max 10 transactions) to buyer’s designated wallet.
Buyer pays for the first tranche via USDT to seller’s designated wallet address.
Note: Before any payment buyer must notify seller (at least one hour before payment) via email and obtain approval via email.
Seller confirms the receipt of the USDT (ERC20) and credits the coins to buyer’s designated wallet.
Seller pays all commissions and discount by BTC/USDT or FIAT into the Paymaster IOLTA account/wallet address as applicable & other parties nominated wallet addresses.
Next tranches will continue as per steps 4&5 until contract exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 25K-1.4M+ BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, USDT(ERC-20), Zurich, US, HK - Look For Seller
Post: 18.6.22
A Buyer is looking for 25K-1.4M BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer in Zurich and US, has up to $30 billion to spend
Buyer mandate in HK
Buyer = 3%
Group 1 = 1%
Group 2 = 1% (closed)
Group 3 = 1%
Buyer and Seller sign this agreement.
Buyer deposits USDT(ERC-20) equivalent of $ 1000 USDT to seller’s designated wallet address: 00000000000000000000000000000000000
Note: buyer must notify seller via email before deposit/transfer and obtain approval.
Seller makes a test transfer of Min $ 1000.00 equivalent BTC from a fresh / new storage wallet contaning not less than 1,200 BTC (with Max 10 transactions) to buyer’s designated wallet.
Buyer pays for the first tranche via USDT to seller’s designated wallet address.
Note: Before any payment buyer must notify seller (at least one hour before payment) via email and obtain approval via email.
Seller confirms the receipt of the USDT (ERC20) and credits the coins to buyer’s designated wallet.
Seller pays all commissions and discount by BTC/USDT or FIAT into the Paymaster IOLTA account/wallet address as applicable & other parties nominated wallet addresses.
Next tranches will continue as per steps 4&5 until contract exhausted.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% gross, -3% net, Escrow, Brite Banc, US - Look For Seller
Post: 17.6.22
I am direct to buyer mandate. Buyer is available with mandate to transact.
A Buyer is looking for 100K+ BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Escrow fee = Buyer and Seller pay 50/50
Buyer and Seller sign SPA with details of the agreed transaction. After vetting POF and POC, IMFPA to be signed by all parties
Buyer, Seller and the Escrow agent Brite Banc sign Escrow agreement
Buyer deposits funds to nominated Escrow agency
Seller transfers BTC to nominated Escrow agency
Escrow Lawyers analysed, confirmed funds, coins and cleared history. Escrow agent provide evidence to parties.
Funds in Escrow transferred to Seller's Bank Account
Seller confirmed receipt of funds, lawyers transfer Seller's BTC to Buyer's private Wallet
Escrow distributes commissions to brokers, dealers and mandates etc.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 200K BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, B2B, Escrow, Norton Rose, Goodwin Procter NY, Italy, Europe, US - Look For Seller
Post: 20.5.22
Buyer (European Co) is looking for 200K BTC with R&E @ -8% gross, -5% net
Escrow GOODWIN PROCTER or other international escrow agents eg Norton Rose or others seller’s agent in US
Buyer = 5%
Buyer side = 1.5% (closed)
Seller side = 1.5%
First week = 5 -10 tranches daily for a total quantity 500 – 1,500 BTC
Weekly = 1,000 daily
1) Buyer and seller will meet in Escrow’s office. Transaction takes place in Escrow office.
2) After POC of the wallet with minimum 100 Bitcoins (with forensic analysis) and POF of the Buyer’s bank’s account, Buyer makes payment of the first tranche
3) After the verification of the payment tranche in the escrow’s account, Seller transfers bitcoins in buyer’s wallet within a few minutes. After six confirmations, the Escrow releases the funds to the Seller.
Only if agreed by the Seller:
Buyer can pay 2 tranches and receive one tranche of BTC, 1 tranche of fiat as guarantee for the Seller
Buyer can also pay with USDT for quick payment if agreed by Seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 250 - 500 BTC Per Day @ -0% Gross, +2% Net, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 13.3.22
Buyer is looking for 250-500 BTC per day @ -0% gross, +2% net
USA. 250-500 per day.
Over 10K BTC
Looking for a seller from USA
Buyer = +2% (premium)
Seller = 0%
Sellerside = 1% (paid by buyer)
Buyerside = 1% (paid by buyer)​
Norton rose as escrow.​
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577