OTC Deals
OTCbid - Gucci is not the only luxury company venturing into cryptos and NFTs
" Gucci now accepts 13 different cryptos as in-store payments in North America.
Gucci has become the first major brand to accept in-store payments of ApeCoin, the Bored Ape Yacht Club-affiliated cryptocurrency, but it is by no means the only luxury-focused company to be venturing into the world of digital assets.
In May, the high-end Italian fashion house also revealed it would be accepting 12 different cryptocurrencies as payment methods across North America’s 111 stores.
Earlier in the year, the retailer, which is owned by France's Kering, also unveiled various non-fungible token (NFTs) collections.
Gucci's move this week comes days after Tiffany & Co announced a collaboration featuring NFT trailblazers CryptoPunks in the form of limited-edition, custom pendants designed by its in-house jewellers
A total of 250 “NFTiffs” will be available to CryptoPunks holders for 30 Ethereum (approximately US$50,000 at the time of writing) each.
Each gold pendant will use at least 30 gemstones and diamonds to recreate a physical likeness of each NFT, with the series number engraved on the reverse alongside the Tiffany logo..'- Read Full Article
Source: proactiveinvestors
-3.5% gross, -1.5% net, MT103, Bank, Dubai
NEW: 5000 BTC @ -3.5% gross, -1.5% net, MT103, Bank, Dubai - Look For Seller
(Buyer : IF PDB-TELE)
Post: 3.8.22
A Buyer is looking for 5000 BTC @ -3.5% gross, -1.5% net
Buyer = 1.5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Exchange of CIS of seller and buyer
Seller Assigns Wallet A to Seller with minimum 5000 coins
Buyer to send Satoshi to Seller’s Wallet A containing 5000 coins, Seller to return the
Satoshi to Buyers Wallet to prove wallet control
Buyer wires transfer money for example 2000 coins to Seller’s Designated Bank Account
and shares MT103 Message
Seller confirms receipt of funds and credits the buyer’s wallet with the equivalent amount
in BTC
Buyer confirms receipt of the coins via Blockchain 6X confirmations and notifies all parties.
Next tranches will continue until contract exhausted
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