OTC Deals
OTCbid - Bitcoin Long-Term Holders Stay Strong Despite $20K Drop From Last Month’s High
" Long-term holders marginally trimmed their bitcoin positions in recent weeks despite a sharp price drop, data from analytics firm Glassnode show.
The leading cryptocurrency by market capitalization failed to break the $52,000 level on Monday and slipped to $49,300 in European trading hours on Tuesday.
Bitcoin prices have fallen almost $20,000 since November 2021′s highs of over $69,000. However, analytics show the supply held by investors has only dropped to 13.3 million BTC from 13.4 million BTC – a marginal change considering the massive price drop." - Read Full Article
Source: Coindesk
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-10% gross, -5% net, B2B, MT103, Escrow2Escrow, JP Morgan USA
Seller Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 300K+ BTC @ 10% gross, 5% net, B2B, MT103, Escrow2Escrow, JP Morgan USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer : JIFZ TAH -GAIL)
Post: 30.12.21
A buyer is looking for up to 300K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, USA
Minimum contract size and face value of Escrow is 5K BTC
Maximum contract size and face value of Escrow is 300K+ BTC
Buyer = 5%
Buyer side =2.5%
Seller side = 2.5%
1) Seller/BTC holder (Hereinafter referred to as "Seller") sends Agreement to Purchaser/Fiat Holder (Hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") Bitcoin (Hereinafter referred to as (BTC)
2) Buyer sends KYC/CIS with Passport for compliance. Buyer reveals bank and location of transaction.
3) Within 24 hours, Buyer will fill out with buyer ́s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller together with POF via the most recent bank account statement showing enough balance to cover the first tranche. Seller will fill out all required details. Once Buyer passes compliance, Seller will send Seller's KYC/CIS SPA and Escrow Agreement completely filled out with Seller's information, which will include Seller wallet address to buyer.
4) After Buyer is approved, a $1.00 BTC deposit from a wallet of 5,000 BTC or more will made as proof of coin to Buyer.
5) The Buyer shall pay the Seller for each and all BTC purchases via Swift MT 103 cash transfer in US$ currency sent to the Seller nominated receiving bank account via Escrow.
6) For each sales tranche, the Seller shall issue a Pro-Forma Invoice addressed to the Buyer quoting the agreed days market price for the BTC tranche quantities, and then the Buyer pays the invoice amount minus the Buyer discount of -5% net and the agreed Commission for each and every tranche to be paid by the Seller plus Contract renewal.
7) Buyer will wire funds for first tranche to Attorney Escrow account within 24 hours of receipt of approval to proceed from Escrow Attorney, along with signed invoice (via email seller CC’d) that will state the following; Gross Price of Coin; Number of Coins to be purchased in first tranche; Net purchase price for Buyer; Net Amount to Seller; Net amount to Intermediaries; Invoice will state in it that Buyer approves the sending of escrowed funds to the Seller (this document is not signed by buyer until BTC has been received and confirmations have been completed)
8) If Seller agrees to Invoice, Seller signs invoice, sends invoice to attorney via email (CC’d to Buyer). Seller will send BTC for first tranche to Trustee Execution Wallet address supplied by Buyer (may take between 2 to 4 hours for receipt)
9) Upon confirmation of BTC by Trustee is transferred to Seller’s Bank Account
10) Funds in escrow will be distributed upon the following; Buyer will have 6 confirmations, if Buyer’s confirmation is successful, Buyer will countersign invoice and email to escrow attorney (CC to Seller) Escrow Attorney will immediately remit escrowed funds to Seller.
11) The commission must be paid by seller to the agents under the IMFPA IC-MH300KR&E-BTC-2021 listed in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
12) All subsequent tranche sale of BTC is conducted according to the foregoing formula and shall commence at each stage after the BTC have been irrevocably received by the Buyer and the Seller has received appropriate payment for each previous tranche and invoice issued.
13) Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577