OTC Deals
OTCbid - BTC price to $1M? Bitcoin bulls dare to dream as NYCB hits 1990s levels
" Bitcoin BTC $44,189 million-dollar price tags are back as the United States regional banking sector dices with crisis.
Almost a year to the day that multiple banks, including crypto-focused Signature Bank, collapsed, its buyer is down 60% year-to-date.
Hayes keeps $1-million BTC price bet on the table
In what may end up a peculiar dose of déjà vu, Bitcoiners are witnessing what some say is the early innings of a second U.S. banking crisis.
Coming close to the one-year anniversary of the initial turmoil, New York Community Bancorp (NYCB) has seen the value of its stock plummet 30% in just five days.
Source: Cointelegraph
NEW: 500K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, Pay USDT, Escrow2Escrow, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 9.2.24
A Buyer is looking for 500K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%​​ ​
Escrow = Buyer and Seller pay their own Escrow fees.
Escrow-to-escrow transaction in the USA.
·Payment in USDT by our Buyer's Escrow in the USA.
(Open to the seller's escrow as well)
Penalty: Both parties contribute 3 BTC and USDT equivalent penalties before USDT deposit of the first trench and commence trading. Alternatively, you and I can exclusively exchange coins through an attorney lawyer in the USA. I'll provide you with a LOI today, and if you agree, we can proceed to sign a contract for 300,000 coin
Escrow ATTORNEY sends the BTC first and holds on to payment while the buyer does its forensics.
Buyer needs to have its own method to validate and verify the BTC.
1. Zoom call with your mandate
2. Fill out and sign SPA/IMFPA
3. Escrow Agreement
4. Buyer sends USDT worth first tranche to Buyer's Escrow account
5. Buyer Escrow sends USDT to Seller/Seller Escrow
6. Seller/Seller Escrow sends the first tranche BTC to Buyer's Escrow account
7. Buyer Escrow pays out BTC to Buyer; Buyer Escrow pays out USDT to Seller/Seller Escrow
8. Seller/Seller Escrow pays intermediaries.
9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8, as per the Buyer's tranche schedule.
Interested parties should contact :

-8% Gross, -5% Net, Pay USDT, Escrow2Escrow, USA
Email : otcbid@gmail.com