OTC Deals
OTCbid - Most Defi Hacks in 2021 Had to Do With Centralization Issues, According to Certik
" Certik, a blockchain security and auditing firm, has reported that the most common attack vector for hacks in decentralized finance (defi) protocols had to do with centralization in 2021. This data is present in Certik’s latest report, where the company also examines the growth of defi in 2021, and how other chains such as Avalanche and BSC rose as alternatives to Ethereum’s high fees.
Centralization Costs Defi Protocols $1.3 Billion in 2021
A new report issued by Certik, a blockchain security and auditing firm, has revealed that centralization issues in defi protocols were the most common attack vector for hackers in 2021. According to the firm, $1.3 billion were exploited using single points of failure. Certik made 1,737 smart contract audits during 2021, and found 286 instances of discrete centralization risks. The report states:
Centralization is antithetical to the ethos of DeFi and poses major security risks. Single points of failure can be exploited by dedicated hackers and malicious insiders alike. - Read Full Article
Source: Bitcoin
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-7% gross, -3% net, B2B, Performance Bond, JP Morgan Chase, London
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 10K-120K BTC @ -7% gross, -3% net, B2B, Performance Bond, JP Morgan Chase, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 19.1.22
Seller has 10K-120K BTC @ -7% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1%
Buyerside Facilitators = 1%
Sellerside = 1% (closed)
Sellerside Facilitators = 1% (closed)
The minimum contract size and face value of SWIFT GPI MT103 is 10,000 BTC
The maximum contract size and face value of SWIFT GPI MT103 is 120,000 BTC
In case of performance in tranches, each tranche will have a volume of min. 1,000 BTC.
100% Performance Bond Issued by Buyer's Bank for each and every Tranche to Seller’s Bank.
1) Sellers sends draft SPA to the Buyer
2) Buyer fully completes and signs SPA and returns completed SPA to the Seller.
3) Once DD is carried out, Seller completes and signs SPA. Final SPA is returned to Buyer via Seller (within 24 hours)
4) Proof of Funds (POF) done with balance of at least 10% of contract value. Buyer may choose 1:
• Buyer´s bank sends SWIFT MT199 POF to seller´s bank and seller´s bank officer confirms the receipt of the SWIFT MT199 POF
• Buyer sends a recent bank statement, along with ATV (authorization to verify)
• Bank to bank verification via bank officer secure email
5) Proof of Coins (POC) done from a wallet of 1,000+. Buyer may choose 1:
☐ The seller will show the readiness to proceed for the first tranche by sending a Satoshi test from his wallet to buyer´s wallet.
☐ A-B wallet test: Seller executes the POC A to B between two wallets from the seller. Seller provides both wallet IDs prior to the test. Buyer nominates the amount to be transferred into the fresh wallet.
6) (Optional) Buyer and seller may nominate a location for a TTM (table top meeting), at JP Morgan London.
7) Seller issues invoice to Buyer for the current tranche.
8) The Buyer shall pay the Seller for each and all BTC purchases via Swift GPI MT103 cash transfer in US$/EUR currency sent to the Sellers nominated receiving bank account (……………………… Bank). The Buyer can change sending bank account by prior written notice. Seller has full rights at this point to terminate SPA should the nominated Bank NOT meet Seller's due diligence.
9) For each sales tranche, once funds are received by the Seller's Bank, the Seller sends Bitcoins to Buyers nominated BTC wallet equal to the value received via SWIFT GPI MT103 minus the agreed 4 % discount from www.blockchain.com (Note: upon receipt of cleared funds into sellers nominated bank account the price & value of BTC will be communicated directly with Buyer on a call, the Buyer then has to confirm the agreed price on www.blockchain.com and transfer of BTC to buyers nominated BTC account takes place).
10) Steps 4 and 5 are repeated until the contract is exhausted.
11) Seller shall pay the commission to the Beneficiaries under the IMFPA …………………………… listed in "ANNEX C", which is included in this Agreement.
12) Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577