OTC Deals
OTCbid - ‘$500,000 In Five Years’—Elon Musk And Tesla Devotee Cathie Wood Reveals Huge Bitcoin And Ethereum Price Predictions. $100K in 2021
" Bitcoin and cryptocurrency price predictions have been coming thick and fast in recent months—with Tesla TSLA +0.3% bull Cathie Wood making a big call this week.
The bitcoin price rally that catapulted the world's largest cryptocurrency to a value of over $1 trillion has stalled in recent months, however, with the bitcoin price slipping under $50,000 and giving bitcoin a market capitalization of around $900 billion.
Now, celebrity investor and Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary has said he expects "another trillion dollars worth of buying" into bitcoin and plans to raise his exposure to crypto to 7% by the end of 2021, up from 3% currently.
Source: Forbes
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-7 Gross, -5% Net, B2B, Bit Shield Wallet, Switzerland, London
Buyer Mandate Only
- OTCbid.com
NEW: 50K-150K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net, B2B, Bit Shield Wallet, Switzerland, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : URI PHO-TELE)
Post: 18.9.21
A seller is selling 50K-1500K BTC @ -7% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1%
1. Tranche 500 -1000 – 5000 BTC
2. Tranche 5000 BTC
3. Tranche 5000 BTC
The parties sign this sales contract (SPA) in advance by email. In addition, each individual contract page is initially confirmed with the abbreviation so that no changes can be made later by third parties. Copies will be exchanged via email. * In addition, the identity card is attached by all involved. Buyer appoints a trustee, notary, or bank to handle the BTC.
Processing via Bit Shield WALLET:
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, then load 500 - 1,000 or 5,000 BTC for the first tranche onto the BitShield WALLET. Send screenshots of the loaded BTC including ID number to the lawyer / trustee / escrow. After checking the BTC on the BitShield WALLET, the seller's bank receives a pre-notification MT199 from the buyer's bank. After agreement between the banks, the buyer undertakes to immediately place a bank transfer with SEPA or MT103 / 202, including commission for the intermediary.
All transfers are made via MT 103 or SEPA (bank to bank) to an account of the seller or an attorney / escrow escrow account, which is determined in good time by the seller. At the latest, however, when the invoice is issued.
After successful receipt of payment, the seller must give clearance to his bank officer or trustee to transfer the number of BTC purchased from his BitShield wallet to the buyer's BitShield wallet, and both contracting parties declare that the transaction is complete. In the same context, the next transaction is being discussed and prepared by both sides. This process is repeated until the contract with BTC ... ..... has been fulfilled in full.
The purchase contract is deemed to have been completed as soon as the money is in the seller's possession and the bitcoins have been transferred from the seller to the buyer.
If the seller or the buyer violate provisions of the provisionally signed sales contract, he is obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 3% of the total order value.
All parties are bound to discretion and only persons who have been agreed in advance will be entrusted with this. Any breach is considered a breach of contract and leads to the agreed contractual penalty of 3% becoming due.
The seller confirms that the BTC are freely available, free from third party rights and do not originate from criminal activities.
The price is agreed as follows: According to the morning fixed price at 10 a.m. New York time, the BUYER pays the corresponding price minus the agreed gross discount of - xx%, and a fee of xx% is paid for intermediaries.
The buyer and seller decide on the transferring banks during the transfer period.
Interested parties should contact :
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