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OTCbid - Have Bitcoin price falls cemented gold as the best safe-haven asset?
" The Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) price is down 5% over the past 24 hours, currently trading for US$37,273 (AU$51,753).
Gold has gone the other way.
Bullion notched up another 0.4% overnight to trade for US$1,910 per troy ounce. That’s the highest gold price since August 2020.
Gold – and ASX gold shares – have been benefiting from increasing geopolitical uncertainty, and sliding when that uncertainty recedes.
The Bitcoin price, on the other hand, has tended to fall hard when investors look to park more of their money in perceived haven assets.
US-Russian summit proposal sent Bitcoin price higher
In yesterday’s trading, most ASX gold shares were well into the green in late morning trade even as the All Ordinaries Index (ASX: XAO) sold off. The Bitcoin price was also down 4% over the previous 24 hours.
Then news hit that United States President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin may meet for a face-to-face summit to defuse the chances of war in Ukraine.
As we reported here yesterday, gold shares sold off intraday while the All Ords rebounded.
What we didn’t report was that the Bitcoin price also leapt 2% higher on the news.
Which brings us back to Bitcoin’s concession to gold as the go to haven asset in times of turmoil.
An unlikely substitute for gold
In a report released last month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) noted that the Bitcoin price moves were much more in line with risk assets than haven assets like gold or investment grade bonds." - Read Full Article
Source: Fool
" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."
- OTCbid
-6% gross, -3% net, Bank, Performace Bond, NYC, Poland
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% gross, -3% net, Bank, Performace Bond, NYC, Poland - Look For Seller
(Seller : PWIL GST-GAIL)
Post: 23.2.22
Buyer ( A Bank) is looking for 100K BTC with R&E @ -6% gross, -3% net​
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
First tranche = 1000 BTC
Second tranche = 4000 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 5000 BTC
1. Buyer and Seller sign the agreement (SPA).
2. Buyer sends proof of funds by Swift MT199 to Seller’s bank and sends a copy to the seller.
3. Seller’s bank responds to MT199 and sends a copy to the Buyer.
4. Seller will send a Satoshi from a hot wallet containing at least 5,000 BTC.
5. Seller has the right to change its banking coordinates if required by Seller for receiving Swift MT103 wire transfer.
6. Within 6 (six) working days the Seller’s bank issues via Swift from a Tier 1 bank to the Buyer’s bank the Performance Bond (PB) covering 103% of the total amount of the BTC’s of the first tranche.
7. Buyer’s bank verifies the Performance Bond and within no more than 1 (one) banking day must transfer by Swift MT103 wire the amount in US Dollars for the first tranche to Seller’s bank account and shall provide a copy of the MT103 to Seller.
8. Once Seller’s bank confirms Swift MT103 confirming that funds are verified, accepted, and irrevocably credited in Seller’s bank account, the Seller releases the quantity of BTC equivalent to the amount received, according to the Blockchain rate of the day not more than 1 (one) banking day including the net discount of 3% of BTC to the Buyer.
9. Buyer confirms the BTC via Blockchain 6 (six) times confirmation, conducts satisfactory third-party audit and verification and notifies all parties.
10. Then Seller pays 3% commission to the beneficiaries listed in the NCNDA-IMFPA that will be signed as integral part of the agreement (SPA).
11. For additional tranches step 6 to 10 will be repeated until the total volume of the contract will be exhausted and settled.
12. Upon completion of all the tranches and the contract, both parties sign an Affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577