NEW: 3500 BTC @ +4% Gross, +7% Net, Escrow or B2B, Europe, Switherland, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : PE UL)
Post: 6.6.2020
A seller has 3500 BTC at +4% gross, +7% net. Looking for serious buyers
Buyerside = 1.5 %
Sellerside = 1.5 %
Cash in security house, bank VIP room or another secure facility.
Possible other options
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC with R&E @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, F2F, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AT KT)
Post: 28.2.2020
I have London seller for 50K+ BTC with R&E at -5% GROSS, -3% NET
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
F2F London 50K BTC available now with possible R&E
5/3 discount.
Minimum 2000 BTC first tranche
Buyer to specify number of tranches
Bitcoin rate based on Kraken or Coindesk
Cash transaction: premium rate +2%
Minimum 5000BTC at -6% gross, 0% net for buyer
buyerside = 2.25%
sellerside = 2.25%
intermediary = 1.5%
Min per day: tba
Buyer to specify daily, weekly or monthly tranches
Bitcoin rate based on Kraken or Coindesk
We are a UK OTC Desk. Same process as any OTC desk around the globe.
Step 1 - Onboard and Compliance. Client provides all documents. Compliance clears client for trading. Sign Trade agreement and setup trading platform
Step 2 - Load funds to trade. Send fiat or cryptocurrency
Step 3 - Trade. Request real time quote from OTC team to trade BTC into fiat. Receive a market price per BTC as per fees previously agreed. Agree the trade.
Step 4 - Settlement (Same Day). Receive fiat or cryptocurrency
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, F2F, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AT KT)
Post: 21.2.2020
I have London seller for 100K BTC AT -5% GROSS, -3% NET
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
F2F London 100K BTC available now.
5/3 discount.
5K first tranche; then 10K weekly
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% Gross, -1% Net, MT103, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS....KH)
Post: 20.12.2019
My rep is direct to Seller
I have a seller selling 100,000 bitcoin based out of London.-3% gross, -1% net,
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Countries available to transact: Remotely based out of London
Transaction type preferred: MT103, MT103/72, MT760 and escrow https://www.akirix.com
Bank/Currency: GBP, EURO and US DOLLAR
Minimum Contract size: 2000 BTC
Test Tranche size: 1 - 20 BTC
Basic background of Seller European
(Regulated Entity/Individual): Individual Private Seller
POF required (Type): Screen Short ( With ATV if asked )
POC available after POF? (and Type) : N
Buy one Coin in most cases or Deal Deposit for AB Wallet
Detailed Procedure(s):
2. Buy 1 BTC / POC
3. Sign SPA Buyer/Seller
4. Funds are paid MT103
5. Seller sends 1st tranche
6. 15,000 BTC sent each Biz Day Max
7. Continue until complete
This is a basic over view. 100K BTC Available
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP....KL)
Post: 15.10.2019
I have a seller selling 50,000 bitcoins in London.-4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Tranches: 5,000 bitcoins daily.
Recieving bank is HSBC.
Face to face in HSBC London.
Buyer sends KYC and POF.
Seller will then send a satoshi, contract and his KYC.
Payment must be sent first and bitcoins will be sent afterwards.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, Barclay London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AG....KE)
Post: 13.9.2019
A new seller has 200K Bitcoin for sale at -4% gross, -2% net
Sell in London at HSBC or Barclay
1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.
2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.
3. Seller provides proof of coin via wallet screenshot showing availabilities of the coin.
4. Both parties meet at seller appointed office within EUROPE.
5. Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.
6. Buyer within 24 hours credit fund via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.
7. Seller same day upon fund confirmation credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalent to the amount deposit by the buyer.
8. Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers.
9. Both parties depart to their various countries of origin
10. Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, F2F, Valens Bank, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP... KL)
Post: 10.9.2019
I have a seller selling 100K+ BTC at -2% gross, -1% net at Valens Private investment bank (LONDON).
Face to face or Remote (payment sent first before are sent)
Buyer must pay in EUROS.
Buyer sends CIS and POF.
Seller will then send SPA and satoshi.
Tranches of minimum 1K daily.
ASAP if you are a real BUYER.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, F2F, Valens Bank, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP... KL)
Post: 15.8.2019
A new seller is selling 100K+ BTC at Valens Private investment bank (LONDON).
Discount: 2/1, -2% gross, -1% discount to the buyer, -1% brokers
Tranches of minimum 5K daily.
Face to face
Buyer sends CIS and POF.
Seller will then send SPA and satoshi.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, F2F, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 21.7.2019
200k BTC at -4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers. Looking for buyer
Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London,
Buyer LOI
Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic
Buyer counter fills/signs -Buyer issues POF (mt199 ideally
Seller is happy to pay for that swift when transacting). If hsbc buyer account, then internal b2b pof -POC Satoshi will be issued once the MT799 Blocked Funds Instrument is Confirmed to Seller’s Bank Officer by Buyer’s Bank Officer.
Buyer issues mt103/72 or 799 or 760 based on whats agreed upon.
Seller sends coins
Buyer releases funds
There is possible a zoom call showing poc and pof before signing the SPA.
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5K-80K or 250K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, TTM, Cash, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AW KM)
Post: 18.7.2019
New Cash Seller - in London
Volumes from 5000 btc to 80,000 btc AND CAN EXCEED THIS IN CASH FUNDS
TTM in London
Cash is evidenced and counted with the relevant checking machines
Once seller has confirmed that the cash is ok the seller sends the equivalent btc to the buyers designated wallet
The purchaser confirms with his technical team the relevant 6 confirmations when the bitcoin hits the buyer’s wallet
Once purchaser has relevant confirmations the seller takes the cash less the brokers commissions out of the board room
Process is repeated until buyer funds are exhausted on a daily basis….
In certain cases the purchaser is able to assist in the UK system specifically to get cash funds after the transaction into the system (FROM 250K MINIMUM TO NO CAP)
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, B2B, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller: D....Y)
Date: 5.7.2019
B2B HSBC London:
1. Buyer LOI.
2. Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic.
3. Buyer counterfills/signs SPA+NCNDA/IMFPA.
4. Buyer issues POF/MT199.
5. Seller issues POC/satoshi test from Seller's wallet address that has been provided in SPA. Buyer can specify a certain quantity of satoshi for test.
6. Buyer issues MT103/72 or MT799 or MT760 based on what agreed upon.
7. Seller sends coins to the Buyer's wallet.
8. Buyer releases funds to Seller.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, B2B, TMF Group London - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AC KB)
Date: 5.7.2019
I am direct to Mandate. Short chain.
Seller in London has 100K BTC at -3% gross, -1% net, 2% commission
Procedure : Bank2bank with a security deposit
KYC : Yes
LOI : n/a
POF : Bank comfort letter / Unredacted Bank Statement / SWIFT MT199
POC : Wallet address provision, Satoshi test, signed message
Agreements type : Purchase Sale Agreement, Escrow Agreement
Face-2-face meeting : n/a
Escrow : TMF Group London (only, for holding the security deposit)
Note : 5% of the overall contract value will be forfeited by SELLER in its favour if BUYER does not complete the contract
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller : L K)
Post: 24.6.2019
I have a private Bitcoin seller in the UK willing to meet in London face to face.
He has up 200,000 bitcoins to sell.
Bank to bank HSBC - straight wire payment.
Gross is 4%, Discount is -2% net discount.
All is required is the buyer's KYC before the buyer will travel to London. The buyer will give his KYC too.
The Seller's wallet address with more than 10,000 bitcoins can be provided as POC before engagement.
This can be done in daily tranches of nothing less than 1000 bitcoins daily.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 21.6.2019
I have a big DIRECT seller in London selling 100,000 bitcoins.
KYC and POF no longer than 7 banking days old.
Face to face in London HSBC Bank to bank.
Tranches of 1k-5k daily to begin then can be increased.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500 - 20,000 BTC @ 0% gross, +2% net, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 16.6.2019
I have a seller in London, 500 BTC for a start and 20K BTC in total
The buyer to pay spot +2% spot price
2% commission for brokers
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net, F2F London - Look For Buyer
Post: 10.6.2019
300K btc seller who is ready to meet buyer face to face in London.
Seller can also do F2F in Turkey, Holland and Germany
Discount -8%, -4% net, 4% commission.
Seller side 2% (closed) , Buyer mandate 1%, buyer group 0.5%, seller group 0.5%
Contract can start from 100K btc with R&E
The first tranche must be not less than 5.000btc
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F London - Look For Buyer
(SELLER: I....L)
Post: 9.6.2019
I have a seller for a cash deal in London
100k btc, -5% gross, -2% net
Parties meet at Barclays UK.
The lawyer confirms he controls the coins.
Manager checks the notes. Or verify the check.
After confirmation, lawyer releases the coins to the selected address.
It can also be a cashier's check.
Buyer will need to confirm under penalty of perjury that the money is clear from any illegal activity. It's not money laundering and may even have to confirm the origins of funds.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, F2F London - Look For Buyer
Post: 6.6.2019
300K btc seller who is ready to meet buyer face to face in London
Discount 6%, 3% net, 3% commission ( 1% seller mandate , 1% buyer mandate, 1% intermediaries )
Contract can start from 100K btc with R&E
1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.
2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.
3. Seller provides proof of coin via wallet screenshot showing availabilities of the coin.
4. Both parties meet at seller appointed office within Europe or Dubai
5. Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.
6. Buyer credit fund -via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.
7. Seller credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalent to the amount deposit by the buyer.
8. Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers.
9. Both parties depart to their various countries of origin
10. Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.
11. The party that fails to perform within the given time will pay a penalty of $5m
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, B2B, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
Post: 2.6.2019
I'm direct to seller rep who is direct to Mandate
300k btc, -6% gross, -3% net, 3% brokers ( 1.5% buyerside, 1.5% sellerside)
Seller side closed
Buyer side open
Seller is in London
If buyer have account with HSBC London or any HSBC branch in the world, they can transact ledger to ledger for more safety
However if buyer can have an account with HSBC anywhere in the world, it will enable transaction move smoothly and fast, because HSBC bank officers of both clients will handle the transaction.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, TMF Group London - Look For Buyer
Post: 1.6.2019
The seller is a private holder, fairly well known in the crypto community. The procedure involves TMF Group (London) escrow agent which the Seller is onboard with and has passed KYC/AML check. The escrow agent keeps the security deposit while the parties transact via direct bank2bank method.
Amount (min): 5000 BTC
Amount (max): 100000 BTC with R&E
Rate: blockchain.com Gross Discount: -3% Net Discount: -1%
Procedure Type:
Bank2bank with a security deposit
KYC: Yes
LOI: n/a
PoF type: Bank comfort letter / Unredacted Bank Statement / SWIFT MT199
PoC type: Wallet address provision, Satoshi test, signed message
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement, Escrow Agreement Face-2-face meeting: n/a
Escrow: TMF Group London (only, for holding the security deposit)
The procedure is bank2bank with involvement of a security deposit, which is held by the escrow agent. Buyer has to get onboard with TMF Group, have passed all required KYC/AML checks, and then place the security deposit at TMF Group custody. Seller covers expenses for the escrow
1. BUYER reviews and signs the Procedure Statement and Purchase Order, accepting the transaction procedure and the terms. Along with that BUYER provides a Corporate Resolution stating the intent to purchase certain amount of BTC. All those documents have to be hand-signed, facsimile signatures would not be accepted.
2. A direct BUYER to SELLER introductory Zoom call may be arranged.
3. BUYER provides verifiable Proof of Funds (allowing SELLER to verify with bank officer) to minimum value of 5000 BTC in a form of non-redacted Bank Statement (less than 5 days old), Bank Comfort Letter or SWIFT MT199 message.
4. BUYER performs Escrow onboarding and KYC/AML compliance, if applicable.
5. Paymaster agreements/IMFPA are signed.
6. Sale and purchase agreement/deed of security deposit between SELLER and BUYER are signed.
7. SELLER provides wallet address with the first tranche of BTC on it (minimum 2000 BTC). Upon mutual agreement, Satoshi test / Signed message can be issued from that wallet.
8. SELLER, BUYER, and Escrow Agent sign Escrow Agreement.
9. BUYER as per security deposit agreement transfers Total Deposit to Escrow Agent comprising: (a) + (b) = Total Deposit; where (a) The 5% is calculated on the total gross contract (Contract Deposit); (b) The 125% is calculated as the highest tranche value (Tranche Deposit).
10. Escrow agent notifies SELLER of receipt of cleared Total Deposit at escrow bank.
11. SELLER provides Proof of coins by providing a wallet address of minimum of 2000 BTC for coin analysis. Also within 48 hours SELLER sends first tranche BTCs to transaction hot wallet and then from transaction wallet to BUYER’s wallet.
12. BUYER has 3 business days to effect the wire tranche payment to SELLER for the received tranche of BTC. Also BUYER may instruct Escrow Agent to use the funds deposited in escrow to cover the received tranche of BTC.
13. Funds have to be cleared before the next tranche of BTCs can be sent by the SELLER. If the Escrow deposit has been used to pay for the previous tranche, BUYER has to top up the deposit in Escrow to the amount specified in p. 9 before the next tranche of BTCs.
14. Repeat with second tranche BTCs and so on.
15. Total Deposit to be returned or set off at the option of the BUYER on the last tranche and/or upon successful completion of contract.
Note: 5% of the overall contract value will be forfeited by SELLER in its favour if BUYER does not complete the contract.
Note: 125% of the highest tranche value in the tranche schedule will be returned by the Escrow Agent unless tranche payment defaulted on for the BTCs
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Escrow, Citibank UK, DBS SIngapore - Look For Buyer
(Seller : S...M)
Post: 17.5.2019
200K BTC london Need a direct Buyer / Mandate
F2F, Escrows, Law firm or A reputable lawyer to lawyer with insurance.
F2F preferred.
1. Review and agree on proposed process by Seller
2. Buyers Submits KYC info for Seller to review and approve.
3. Buyer will schedule phone call with Seller to discuss all details and Seller will provide their KYC info.
4. Contract reviewed with respective parties' lawyers.
5. Once executed the bank of the seller will review contract and approve the transaction.
6. POC will be provided before every tranche through the sending of a satoshi.
7. Initial Test Tranche of 200+ coins depending on Buyers preference.
8. MT103/72 sent to Seller Bank (UK Citibank and DBS Singapore) which makes the payment conditional and gives control to Buyer’s Bank.
9. Coins sent to Buyer.
10. Upon 6 confirmations funds released by Buyer’s Bank.
11. Multiples Tranches per week depending on availability from seller. -
Amount up to 200k for -3% gross; -1% to buyer; 1% buyer side; 1% seller side;
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 20K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, HSBC London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : P E)
Post: 10.5.2019
The seller rep is going to London with a Brazilian seller , transacting with a -1% buyer. Large contract . For 20 btc , we can do spot price for you. Let me know. I will consider best offers. And will do satoshi test of the wallet that has your 20btc . Seller has HSBC UK account.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Escrow, HSBC London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 9.5.2019
The seller facilitates bitcoin sale for a mining group. The BTC supply is reliable and steady. Advanced Proof of Funds is not required. Proof of Coins is offered in a form of 1 BTC test transfer from seller’s wallet at the meeting. Procedure is simple and safe, based on conditional SWIFT MT103/202, committed at a face-2-face meeting or remotely.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 50000 BTC
Amount(max): 100,000 BTC with R&E
Discounts : -3% gross, -1% net, HSBC London
KYC: Passport copy
LOI : n/a
POF type : n/a
POC type : Wallet address provision, 1 BTC test transaction / Satoshi test
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-face meeting: London, other European cities possible
The procedure is simple and secure, based on the conditional MT103/202 which is issued by Buyer, but not released to the Seller until the coins reach the Buyer. The whole transaction is committed face-2-face in Seller’s Bank in London or other bank in a Europe mutually agreed by the parties. There are no requirements for blocking funds or providing POF in advance. Proof of control of the wallet is provided at the meeting by sending a test 1 BTC transaction.
PROCEDURE: face2face, conditional MT103/202
1. BUYER provides CIS and passport copy.
2. Parties sign the contract. SELLER’S wallet address is being inserted into the contract. Parties may set up a direct mandate-2-mandate call at this stage.
3. SELLER and his agent, BUYER and his agent will be present at Seller’s Bank London (or other agreed bank in Europe) at a mutually agreed date and time.
4. The availability of funds is approved by the BUYER ́s Bank officer.
5. BUYER gives a check in the name of the vendor's company for the amount of the first tranche, which serves as collateral for the payment of the first, second and third Bitcoins section, to a representative of the SELLER or in a safe deposit box of the bank where the transaction is made.
6. SELLER approves the check.
7. SELLER unlocks the wallet and sends 1 BTC from the SELLER ́s wallet named in this contract, which serves as proof of control of wallet of the transactional wallet.
8. BUYER checks the 1 BTC coming out of the contracted wallet and gives instruction to his Bank officer to issue the conditional SWIFT payment.
9. BUYER ́s Bank officer sends the conditional SWIFT MT 103/202 for the first tranche from the BUYER ́s account to the SELLER ́s bank account and gives a copy to the seller.
10. SELLER confirms the reception of the Conditional SWIFT MT 103/202.
11. SELLER and BUYER agree to the final fixing price as per blockchain.com with the discount according to the contract.
12. SELLER sends the Bitcoins for the first Tranche to the BUYER’s wallet, corresponding to the face value amount of the conditional swift MT 103/202.
13. After BUYER received the Bitcoins in his wallet verified with 6 confirmations in the Blockchain, the conditional hold will be lifted and SELLER will receive the funds on his account. And BUYER ́s Bank Officer will give the necessary codes to lift the conditional SWIFT MT 103/202 to SELLER ́s Bank Officer in order to remove the condition and allow the funds to be released to SELLER’s bank account.
14. The check will remain in the hands of the representative of the SELLER or the safe deposit box of the bank where the transaction is executed, as the payment is completed through MT103 / 202.
15. After the first transaction, the following tranches will be completed with the same payment procedure, according to steps 9-13.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, London, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller : P....L)
Post: 7.5.2019
I have a private Bitcoin seller in the UK willing to meet in London face to face. Can also be remote.
He has up 200,000 bitcoins to sell.
Bank to bank - straight wire payment.
Gross is 4%, Discount is -2% net discount.
All is required is the buyer's KYC before the seller will travel to London. The seller will give his KYC too.
The Seller's wallet address with more than 10,000 bitcoins can be provided as POC before engagement.
This can be done in daily tranches of nothing less than 1000 bitcoins daily.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
Telegram: https://t.me/otcarchitect
Telegram: https://t.me/otcbid
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, London, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller : P....L)
Post: 26.4.2019
I have a private Bitcoin seller in the UK willing to meet in London face to face. Can also be remote.
He has up 100,000 bitcoins to sell.
Bank to bank - straight wire payment.
Gross is 3%, Discount is -1% net discount.
All is required is the buyer's KYC before the seller will travel to London. The seller will give his KYC too.
The Seller's wallet address with more than 10,000 bitcoins can be provided as POC before engagement.
This can be done in daily tranches of nothing less than 1000 bitcoins daily.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 400K BTC @ -7% gross, -2% net, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : E P)
Post: 21.4.2019
Seller wishes to sell initially Four hundred thousand (400,000) tokens of Bitcoins to Buyer at a discounted rate of GROSS -7% / NET -2%. The Bitcoin market value will be determined by the average price of the day prior to the date of the tranche according to the price from Gemini (published at https://cryptowat.ch). Seller will accept payment in Euro (“EUR”).
400K BTC, -7% GROSS, -2% NET, -5% BROKERS
1% = Seller Mandate = closed
1% = Seller side (3 people) = closed
1% = Korea brokers (3 people) = closed
1% = Buyer Mandate = open / available
1% = Buyer brokers (2 people) = closed
1. The Seller hereby sells to the Buyer and the Buyer hereby purchases from the Seller 400,000 Bitcoins (“BTC”).
2. The Purchase Price to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller in consideration for BTC in accordance with the Transaction Schedule is: The average price of the day prior to the date of the tranche according to the price from Gemini (published at https://cryptowat.ch/markets/gemini/btc/usd) minus 5% (five percent) on Delivery („Purchase Price“).
3. The BTC-provider provides to the EUR-provider form of SWIFT MT799. The bank of the EUR provider must complete this form and send it back to the BTC-provider for approval.
4. After final approval of the SWIFT MT799 format, the EUR-provider’s Bank issues SWIFT МТ799 to the BTC-provider’s Bank on the following details:
5. The BTC-provider sends a test micro transaction of Satoshi to establish a connection between the wallets of the BTC-provider and the EUR-provider.
6. EUR-provider checks the legitimacy of the wallets.
7. BTC-provider transfers bitcoins in tranches from its wallet to the wallet specified by the EUR-provider.
8. The EUR-provider for each tranche of bitcoins makes payment in EUR to the BTC-provider by SWIFT MT103 / 202 in the amount of 100% minus the “Net discount” (multiplied by the exchange rate of bitcoins at the current moment), namely, 97% EURO for every 100% BITCOINS.
9 After receiving the Euro for the transferred BINCOINS, the BTC-Provider pays a commission of 2% intermediaries and agents of the Seller. The buyer pays remuneration to his intermediaries, agents and advisers from his own funds and under a separate Agreement.10. Further tranches are processed according to the tranche schedule “A”, (with clauses from
item 4.4. to item 4.9. of the Transaction Procedure), until the total volume of the contract is reached.
11. Further, the Buyer pays by SWIFT MT103/202 or SEPA, and the Seller transfers 400,000 BTC from its wallets to the wallet of the Buyer in the following tranches:
a. First week…….20, 000 BTC
b. Second week…….20, 000 BTC
c. Third week…….20, 000 BTC
d. Fourth week…….and all time thereafter 20,000 BTC until the fulfillment of the 400,000 BTC or exhaustion of the supply.
12. The BTC remains the sole property of the Seller until full payment of all claims of the Seller under this contract.
13. Bitcoin are successfully delivered if and only if the bitcoin where send from the wallet shown to the buyer prior to sending the tranche (see III. 4.), the transaction is not become invalid for whatever reason e.g. the transaction transferred the bitcoin to the wallet of the buyer is not part of the longest chain in blockchain (the transaction is in an orphan block) and the transaction has at least six (6) confirmations in the blockchain.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -10% gross, -7% net, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : J A)
Post: 20.4.2019
New 100K BTC Seller from London
Deal is B2B,not F2F; POF / Mt 199; Satoshi Test
1. Seller’s bank: (London)
2. Cryptocurrency: BTC
3. Currency: € (Euro).
4. Quantity: 100К - 1200 ВТС
5. Tranches: 20,000 BTC per week.
6. Sale price with a discount Gross 10%/Net 7% from the index Gemini (published at https://cryptowat.ch)
Commission: 3%. Seller pays commission.
7. Commission distribution:
Seller's side – 1.5% (closed)
Buyer's side – 1.5% (open) -
1. Brokers sign NDNC with me
2. Buyer and Seller signing a Contract +NCNDA/IMFPA.
3. Buyer’s bank sends POF/MT199 to Seller’s bank.
4. Seller sends Satoshi test.
5. Buyer sends payment MT103/72 to Seller’s bank.
6 Seller transfers BTC to the Buyer's wallet. After 3-6 confirmations in the blockchain system, transaction is considered successful.
7. Buyer will release funds with MT103/72 for Seller.
8. Buyer and Seller make the next tranche.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 800K BTC @ -10% gross, -7% net, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : W Y)
Post: 31.3.2019
The new 800K BTC Seller is from London
Seller has 800.000 Bitcoins
Price : -10% gross, -7% net
B2B or F2F ( not escrow account, lawyer office, test Satoshi)
Minimum : 100,000 BTC
Per week: 20,000 BTC
Non performance of 200,000 € ( buyer&seller)
1. Buyer send POF/Mt199
2. Seller send Satoshi
3. Payment Mt 103/72,103/202 -
Prefer buyer willing to escrow in USA
Seller can sell small quantity thrombosis mother wallet after signed contract. So buyer can see coins. Buyer must use MT 103 to purchase the test BTC. Then transact.
This can be done with F2F or B2B at HSBC London
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 400K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net, Escrow, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 21.3.2019
The Seller is a private investor. Purchase process involves an escrow agent and is based on Omni Protocol(seewww.omniwallet.org/about/omni) fortrust & simplicity. Seller transfers bitcoins into a transactional wallet as a first step that the Buyer can directly see and ultimately gets the control of it. During all the intermediate steps of the process this transactional wallet is controlled by the escrow agent.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 3000 BTC
Amount(max): 400,000 BTC
-8% gross, -4% net, HSBC London
KYC - Via escrow/law firm
LOI - yes
POF type - Escrow or bank statement
POC type - Uploading BTC to buyer’s Omni wallet
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
This proposal for purchase of bitcoins is based on Omni protocol and escrow services. Once agreement signed and POF confirmation from top-tier escrow law firm received, Seller transfers BTC tranches to Buyer’s new Omni wallet as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller via escrow only after each transferred BTC tranche.
1. Buyer’s representative sends LOI.
2. Buyer completes Bitcoin Purchase Agreement along with the IMFPA and sends them to the Seller along with a current unredacted Bank Account Statement as a POF that will be used to pay for the Bitcoins. If buyer already onboarded on escrow, POF could be confirmed via it.
3. Seller will countersign the Bitcoin Purchase Agreement and will send a copy to the Buyer along with the escrow agreement. Buyer onboards with the Escrow Law Firm and goes through their AML/KYC checks. The Seller has already been onboarded with a top-tier Escrow Law Firm.
4. Buyer signs the escrow agreement and returns the executed copy to the Seller.
5. Seller and Seller’s escrow attorney sign the Escrow Agreement and will provide an executed copy to the Buyer.
6. Buyer opens a new wallet with omniwallet.org and provides the login information to the Seller (such as the email address and password).
7. Seller will transfer bitcoins of the corresponding tranche to the new Omni wallet.
8. At the same time a private key will be issued by the Blockchain to the Seller in order to complete the transaction. The Seller will give this private key to the Escrow Law Firm
9. Buyer will confirm the bitcoins in their Omni wallet and change the login and password for their own security purposes.
10. The Buyer will then send the payment for the respective tranche to the Seller's Escrow Law Firm’s Bank account for safe keeping.
11. Upon confirmation of the receipt of the payment for that tranche, Seller and/or the Escrow Law Firm will release the private key to the Buyer to complete the tranche of that transaction.
12. Buyer can then move the BTC to a new wallet at their discretion.
13. Once the BTC is transferred and confirmed, the escrow firm is prompted to release funds to the Seller immediately
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -4% Gross, -2% Net, HSBC, JPM, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller: H...Y)
Post: 10.3.2019
100k BTC or 50k blocks @ -2% net -4% gross
HSBC and JPMorgan chase, Coinbase, overseas buyers are welcome
(London, UK) -
100k BTC can be bought in 50k blocks @-4 gross and -2net
2. Buyer sends POF (Bank Officer attestation or Lawyer attestation)
3. POC is done (signed message or LOA)
4. Seller provides purchase agreement
5. Coinbase Prime OTC account details of buyer is needed
6. Transact with buyer sending funds first through Coinbase account, then seller send
BTC. Coinbase fully insured up to $100M+ per day transactions.
7. If buyer doesn't want to onboard with Coinbase, the buyer can also choose to send a
normal wire transfer or SEPA payment directly to HSBC or JPMorgan chase account first, then BTC is
sent. No blocked funds accepted.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller: C B)
Post: 1.3.2019
Seller has 500K BTC London
Documents must be presented to the maximum possible level of excellence ( Letter head, passport copies, Seals, Signatures, etc ) .
These documents will be reviewed and analysed by :IMF. CENTRAL BANK OF EUROPE.
This Company, BTC SELLER is A member of an International Business CONSORTIUM.
It has established an active Business relationship with 250 top international banks around the Planet.
This Company, BTC Seller is ready to provide a minimum of 500,000 BTC and a maximum of an UNLIMITED REALISTIC BTC quantity.
PRICE : 5/2 discount
Seller side (closed) 1.5%
Buyer side (open) 1.5%, pays intermediates
Very important to inform you, this Company, SELLER, possess the flexibility to accept almost any qualified Bank, Escrow acc, and Payment mode that the BUYER proposes.
Can send Seller Corporate info once fee agreement is in place.
Buyer can do all DD based on the provided info.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller: B N)
Post: 20.1.2019
My seller rep has a very close and trusted associate personally with 10,000 BTC for sale.
[UK], Lawyer/Lawyer, Bank2Bank, Face2Face.
discount to be confirmed
Flexible procedures
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller 2)
Post: 31.1.2019
FTF in London (at Bank)
Our other buyer fell through...
200k coins available
POF / POC is exchanged IN THE BANK.
If you have a buyer that is ready to meet in the next 24-48 hours, hit us up.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 2M BTC @ -8%gross, -5% net, London, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller 1)
Post: 6.11.18
New seller with 2M btc, -8% gross, -5% net
( I will send your contacts this weekend as well
NEW USA/LONDON OFFER (2 Million BTCs available)
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 2M BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, London, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller 1)
Post: 22.10.2018
New 2M btc seller
NEW USA/LONDON OFFER (2 Million BTCs available)
Below are two procedures from JPMorgan Seller
8/5 Discount 3% commissions, can use your bank and Seller has bank accounts in the U.S. and London.
a. The Buyer and Seller execute this Private Exchange Deed of Agreement which shall be deemed a full recourse formally and legally binding commercial contract between the PARTIES. Buyer provide Proof of Fund within 24 hours of countersigned contract directly to seller .
b. Buyer open a wallet address from the seller trading platform http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx and
email the wallet address to seller .
c. Seller Credit buyer,s wallet address with minimum 5000 BTC on restriction of no further transfer to another wallet prior to payment confirmation.
d. Buyer sends the deposit placement of $xxxxxxxxxxxxx via Bank Wire Transfer to Seller's nominated Account.
e. On both Seller and Buyer's advice of posting status and screen details, Buyer shall verifies and authenticates the tranche posting.
f. Full payments is released to Seller specified bank account, of full purchase price of delivered BTC tranche(s), 3% commission for both SELLER and BUYER consultants/intermediaries.
Selling price is 8/5 net 3 -
1.% buy, 1.% sell, 1% escrow attorney
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -
BTC Procedure -
Documents Requested from the Buyer
▪ LOI -
All Documents have to come from the same legal Entity.
After the following actions will take place:
A) NCNDA will be issued.
B) Contract will be send from the Seller and signed from both Parties.
C) After the Buyers Lawyer (or Banker) will be connected to Sellers Escrow Agent and Lawyer to Lawyer confirmation / Proof will take place.
D) Transaction starting according to the Contract.
Looking forward to hear back from you. -
6/3 Discount
1. Buyer places funds with Dentons escrow account.
2. S&P and Escrow agreements to be drafted and signed by both seller and buyer parties
3. Both parties to agree a price that is locked in, and time of execution.
Once the price has been locked in, the transaction should be deemed irreversible. No party should be allowed to back out from this point on.
4. Seller sends xxxx btc to buyers wallet.
(Seller will need to provide all parties with the transaction hash)
5. Once the xxxx btc reaches the buyers wallet (which is verifiable by anyone via blockchain.info) and verified by Dentons, Dentons to release funds to seller. (please note Denton's is insured)
Verification that coins have reached buyers wallet should entail 12 to 15 confirmations by the blockchain.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited