OTC Deals
OTCbid - Here's When Bitcoin Will Head Back to ATHs, According to Ben Armstrong
" Past data show that we are approaching one of the best times to buy Bitcoin.
" Controversial YouTube crypto blogger Ben Armstrong, also known as "BitBoy," has shared several predictions about the future of the Bitcoin price for the upcoming three years. He believes that during this period the king crypto will return to all-time highs, and then it will be back to the bear market.
Here's how high Bitcoin may soar, he says offhandedly. Here's what will push BTC to new highs, per BitBoy According to a recent tweet by Armstrong, Bitcoin is at the moment at the level where he expected it to be — the $16,800 zone.
By the end of next year, he reckons that BTC will start heading close to the 30,000 level again. As for the possibility of going to new all-time highs, that is likely to happen at the end of 2024, per his tweet.
This will be the year when the next Bitcoin halving is to take place. In a tweet published earlier today, Armstrong stressed the fact that he believes BTC will go up after halvenings, when miners begin to produce half as much BTC from each block. He added, "Of course none of this is guaranteed, but these are my opinions."" - Read More
-5% Gross, -2% Net, B2B, USDT Swap BTC, F2F Dubai, Europe, Singapore, HK, US, London
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net, B2B, USDT Swap BTC, F2F Dubai, Europe, Singapore, HK, US, London - Look For Seller
Post: 28.12.22
High level institutional Buyer is looking for 100K+ BTC @ -5% Gross, -2% Net
Can be F2F or remotely. Doesn’t matter
Buyer = 2%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
1. Buyer and seller meet F2F in seller’s office
2. SELLER shall perform with a Satoshi from the wallet ______to buyers wallet
3. Buyer is performing with POF during the verification of sellers BTC wallet.
5. Upon authenticating the Satoshi and the contents of the Investment Receiver’s BTC wallet, Each Party submits the Investment Agreement to the Bank and, based on the “Bank-to-Bank” principle, conducts compliance for the entire scope of the Agreement.
6. After signing contracts and verifying POC /POF seller should repeat satoshi second time from same wallet :
7. BUYER shall transfer the first tranche of minimum 5000 BTC equivalent in AED to the account of the SELLER within 24 hours or issue Managers Cheque and place on Sellers account. If payment goes to next banking day – seller repeats Satoshi right before payment as per p.2 (by this moment Company is fully ready for immediate payment).
8. After the Payment is effected the BUYER provides Payment Documents for the SELLER.
9. Upon confirmation of receipt of the BUYERS cash transfer/managers cheque to the SELLER/reflection on SELLERS account - the SELLER shall immediately release the agreed amount of BTC to the BUYERS DEAL wallet:
10. SELLER shall provide video or screenshot of online banking any moment of BUYERS request.
11. The SELLER shall then provide the screenshots to the BUYER and to consultants as a proof that the BTC has been sent.
12. Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
13. Parties agree to increase Investment amount up to the equivalent value of ______ BTC as soon as the first tranche of funds have been successfully transferred to the Investment Receiver.
14. The Parties shall mutually agree on the tranche schedule going forward.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577