NEW: 50K up to 400K BTC with R&E @ -13% gross, -7% net, Escrow Kellerhals-Carrard in Lugano (CH), Europe - Look For Seller
(Buyer : PAL SB-Gail)
Post: 28.8.21
A Buyer is looking for 50K-400K BTC with R&E @ -13%gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Buyerside = 3%
Sellerside = 3%
First tranche = 3000 BTC
Second tranche = 7000 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 10000 BTC​ till contract exhausted
Buyer uses Escrow Kellerhals-Carrard in Lugano (CH)
Buyer and Seller sign SPA agreement and and sends it to the Escrow Agent.
After the signing of the Agreement by the Parties, the Contract is deposited with Escrow which will review the funds from Buyer and Seller.
Upon receipt and verification, the Buyer deposits the funds of the tranche.
Escrow will confirm to Seller that the deposit has been made and will communicate the wallet address of the BTC sending to the Seller.
Once the transfer has been completed (test 6 blockchain keys) Escrow will turn the funds over to the Seller
Pay the foreseen commissions and fees to all brokers
Operations will be replicated for each tranche.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 50K- 400K BTC with R&E @ -13% gross, -7% net, Escrow, PAA Capital group, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : KA CB-Gail)
Post: 6.8.21
A Buyer is looking for 50K-400K BTC with R&E @ -13%gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Buyerside = 3%
Sellerside = 3%
First tranche = TBA
Subsequent tranches = TBA
The Buyer (an asset management) has funds deposited in the escrow agent PAA CAPITAL GROUP.
The Escrow guarantees the Buyer and the Seller
The Escrow must receive the BTC from the Seller and the funds from the Buyer.​
Buyer and Seller sign SPA agreement and and sends it to the Escrow Agent.
After the signing of the Agreement by the Parties, the Contract is deposited with Escrow which will review the funds from Buyer and Seller.
Upon receipt and verification, the Buyer deposits the funds of the tranche.
Escrow will confirm to Seller that the deposit has been made and will communicate the wallet address of the BTC sending to the Seller.
Once the transfer has been completed (test 6 blockchain keys) Escrow will turn the funds over to the Seller
Pay the foreseen commissions and fees to all brokers
Operations will be replicated for each tranche. ​
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 40K BTC @ -13% gross, -3% net, MT103, Bank, Escrow, PAA Capital Group, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : FG HO-Gail)
Post: 2.8.21
A Buyer is looking for 40K BTC @ -13%gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 5% (closed)
Sellerside = 5%
Bank fees = 2.5%
First tranche = 3 BTC
Subsequent tranches = TBD
Buyer and Seller sign this Agreement and and sends it to the Escrow Agent.
Escrow Agent send e-mail [via Escrow’s mail xxx@xxxxx.com] to Buyer and Seller (and their mandates and intermediaries) Contract for proof of acceptance.
Step 1. The BUYER shall transfer the amount of the first 8 tranches - not less than USD 7,600,000 or EUR 6,500,000 - to its Escrow account at the PAA CAPITAL GROUP in First National Bank, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer's Escrow Account".
Step 2. The PAA CAPITAL GROUP Escrow shall confirm the receipt and deposit by a written notification and evidence to the BUYER and the receipt by the SELLER of the funds deposited in the escrow account.
Step 3. SELLER shall transfer the Bitcoin of the first 8 tranches - number 218 - to its Escrow PAA CAPITAL Escrow designated Wallet ID for the ACCORDING TO THE TRANCHES DEFINED IN THE SCHEDULE (Annex 4)
Step 4. PAA CAPITAL Escrow will confirm to the BUYER the receipt of the Bitcoins in the designated Wallet.
If the seller (SELLER) fails to transfer the amount of the Bitcoin tranche to the BUYER's wallet within 3 business days of receiving the funds in the buyer's escrow account, then the funds will be returned to the buyer.
Step 5. Within a maximum of 48 hours of receiving BTC in the designated wallet, PAA CAPITAL Escrow will transfer, net of 13% discount - the deposited funds from its escrow account to the Seller's escrow account.
Step 6. Upon receipt of the Funds by the Seller, for each executed tranche, Escrow will - using the balance of the discount (less the buyer's net discount) and retaining 2% of its own commissions - pay the commissions as per IMFPA.
Step 7. Repeat steps 1-6 until this contract is complete for all tranches - 100 per time or multiple - to complete the total Bitcoin trade. ​
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 300K BTC @ -9% gross, -4% net, Lawyer, Bank, Escrow, Kellerhals-Carrard, Baker McKenzie, Switzerland - Look For Buyer
(Seller : TWil SJ-Gail)
Post: 31.8.21
A seller is selling 300K BTC @ -9% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside = 2% (closed)
Buyerside = 2% (open)
Broker = 1% (closed)​​
Seller uses Kellerhals-Carrard or Baker McKenzie Attorney
1. Each party is represented by a respected law firm and the law firm is presenting an official offer of the seller with price (discount) and procedure. Both law firms confirm the genealogy of intermediaries.
2. After that seller's law firm will get a LOI from the buyer's law firm or authorized mandator
3. Nomination of a common Escrow agency
4. Funds must be sent to escrow agency as well as coins on the escrow agency's wallet
5. After confirmation of receipt to both parties the contract can be closed (face to face or on via video conference) inclusing IMFPA
6. First tranche can be started. BTCs goes to the wallet of the buyer and after that the escrow releases the funds in the value of the BTCs to the seller's destination account.
7. Next tranches can follow the same way
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 400K BTC @ -9% gross, -6% net, UBS, Kellerhals-Carrard - Look For Buyer
(Seller: SWIL PJE-Gail)
Post: 30.8.21
A Seller is selling 400K BTC @ -9%gross, -6% net
Seller is via UBS
Buyer = 6%
Buyerside = 1% (open)
Sellerside = 1% (closed)
Brokers = 1% (closed)
Accept Escrow Kellerhals-Carrard
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577