NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ 6% gross, 3% net, Bank, Russia, Canada - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SAP...LM -TELE)
Post: 6.12.21
An institutional buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net​
Buyer = 3%
Buyer side = 1.5%
Seller side = 1.5%​
Owner of Bitcoins issues LOI to the name of ХХХХХХХХХХХХ. Attn: ХХХХХХХХХХХХХ Director/CEO.
The LOI should indicate under what condition the owner of Bitcoins want to perform: sales, investment/loan contract and target discount.
The LOI should include basic Bitcoins owner information: contact details and active wallet information. Upon receipt of LOI ХХХХ
The Buyer (Institutional Financial Entity subsidiary of a Bank) and the Seller exchange a KYC.
The Buyer and the Seller sign SPA.
The Buyer opens for the Seller a primary General Commercial Operating Business Master Account in the name of the Seller for the purpose of transacting per the terms of SPA and Note: the business account of the Seller will be a Master Account and will contain two segregated business accounts, one will be a fully operational business account opened and the second is a security account (SKR). The Master Account and the segregated business accounts will all be in name of Seller).
The Seller to advise the Buyer of a wallet address under the control of the Seller with a minimum of 500 BTC for Buyer to run wallet analysis.
The Buyer transfers funds to the Seller’s security account (SKR), the amount of transferred funds should be 150% of the value of the tranches listed in the corresponding tranche schedule or value of the transactional wallet, it should be calculated on the current market value of the BTC in EUR and outlined in Annex A to SPA.
After the execution of the Contract between the Seller and the Buyer takes place; the Seller shall send the Party 2, EUR1000 worth of bitcoin (Satoshi) from the wallet address which will be confirmed by Buyer to verify that Seller is in control of the external crypto wallet/s that Seller is using for the transfer of the bitcoin tranches to the wallet address of Buyer for the purpose of concluding a sales and purchase transaction. Once the transfer fully settles on the blockchain in the wallet of Party 2, the EUR1000 equivalent of bitcoins are returned to the Seller.
The Buyer and Seller mutually agree to a schedule to be outlined in Annex A to SPA.
The Seller, transfers BTC to the Buyer’s wallet as per mutually agreed schedule; the BTC transfer is verified as received after 6 confirmations of transfer to the Buyer’s wallet as confirmed on www.blockchain.com explorer. In order to fix the BTC Price (EUR), at the moment the BTC transfer has been confirmed by Party 2, Buyer shall communicate to Seller the exact “settlement-BTC price” which is indicative of the BTC Price Fix (EUR) which is based on the average global market price of a BTC for acceptance by the Seller. The Buyer and the Seller choose to cross reference the average global market price with https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/btc-eur; the Buyer transfers funds estimated as per mutually agreed price ledger to ledger to the Seller’s operational account.
The Seller will generate the Seller Paid Invoice detailing the BTC Price Fix in (EUR), BTC Purchase Price in (EUR) having adjusted for the agreed discount, Total Units of BTC Sent by the Seller, and Total Fiat Amount Due (EUR) from the Buyer. The Seller’s Paid Invoice shall be delivered to the Buyer, at the end of the daily tranche so that trading can resume the following business day repeating until completing contractual quantity.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K-70K BTC @ -6% Gross, -2% Net, Escrow Lawyer, Russia - Look For Seller
(Buyer: KC AM)
Post: 3.1.2020
Russian Buyer is looking for 50K-70K BTC at -6% gross, -2% net
Budget: approx USD$350m-$490m
Direct Agent = 2%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyer = 2%
1. Escrow lawyer is introduced to Seller and Buyer.
2. Escrow lawyer explains Procedure to Seller and Buyer and enters into an Escrow agreement with both Seller and Buyer setting out Escrow’s duties as below.
3. Seller sends a proof of coin (satoshi) (.00000001 of a BTC) to CDS wallet – (with signed verified message).
4. Escrow lawyer as Escrow performs KYC/AML on Seller to satisfy source of BTC, verifying ownership of BTC to Escrow lawyer’s reasonable satisfaction.
5. Escrow lawyer as Escrow provides full detail on the Seller’s BTC that is for sale to Buyer on a discrete basis.
6. Buyer effects any additional due diligence they require on the BTC. [Seller ID not revealed to Buyer. Seller ID is fully revealed to Escrow]
7. Once Buyer is happy to proceed they advise Escrow lawyer of the Buyer’s pricing structure, number of coin and frequency of trading.
8. Escrow lawyer, as Escrow, certifies to Seller that the Buyer has demonstrated the availability of clear clean funding to acquire the BTC.
9. Escrow lawyer, as Escrow, certifies to Buyer the agreed BTC availability from Seller on the agreed terms.
10. Seller agrees sale contract and Buyer agrees purchase contract setting out key commercial terms:-
a. For Buyer - Escrow lawyer undertakes (as Escrow and Solicitors) to hold Buyer’s purchase monies in Client Account and to return on demand if BTC deal is not completed as agreed.
b. For Seller – Escrow lawyer takes control of BTC into its own wallet and undertakes to Seller to hold BTC to their order on basis of passing to Buyer on completion of sale or return of coin to Seller if not completed.
c. Escrow lawyer lodges BTC in Buyers’ wallet and releases sale proceeds to Seller.
d. Seller agrees time incremented or opportunistic sales strategy for any future trading between the parties.
11. (Any Intermediary sums/commissions retained by Escrow lawyer and paid out as agreed).
12. Escrow lawyer pays intermediates.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
Telegram: https://t.me/otcarchitect
Telegram: https://t.me/otcbid