OTC Deals
OTCbid - Meet the chief executive of an ASX-listed company who receives 5% of her salary in bitcoin
"Alongside the usual tranches of cash, property, and intangible assets, the balance sheet of ASX-listed DigitalX features one highly unusual addition: 216 bitcoin and a litany of other digital assets, worth around $24 million.
The part investment firm, part tech company’s chief executive – former NAB innovation head Lisa Wade – also receives 5 per cent of her after tax salary in bitcoin, though she admits she doesn’t really spend it on anything.
However, Wade is a crypto optimist and firmly believes digital currencies such as bitcoin will be able to be used for everyday purchases eventually, and that Australia’s corporates should start preparing to feature crypto on their balance sheets too.
The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald spoke to Wade for our weekly series You, Me and Web3, which aims to examine, challenge and demystify the ideas behind the emerging industry by speaking to the people who live and breathe it.
You started as CEO of DigitalX in March – looking at how the crypto market has fared, that seems like pretty bad timing!
Source: smh
-6% gross, -3% net, L2L, Bank, Manager’s Check, Dubai
Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, L2L, Bank, Manager’s Check, Dubai - Look For Seller
(Buyer : PAL TI-TELE)
Post: 16.7.22
A Buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
First tranche = 1000 BTC
Second tranche = 5000 BTC
Subsequent tranche = 5000 BTC
Upon signing this Letter of Understanding the TTM shall be set up following issuance of manager’s cheque, for which the generation receipt will be provided to the seller for the first tranche as detailed above.
On the agreed transaction date the TTM takes place in Seller’s bank, ABU DHABI COMMERCIAL BANK, Rigga Road,Deira- Dubai , the Buyer will raise a Manager’s Cheque Security check with respect to the first tranche, and each subsequent tranches agreed. The Manager’s Cheque Security check will be given to the Seller’s bank officer for verification and holding during face-to-face meeting in bank.
Upon verification of Manager’s Cheque Security check by the Seller’s bank officer, the investor shall release the invested assets to the buyer.
Upon receipt of the invested assets, the Manager’s Cheque Security check will be given to the Seller for immediate deposit into the Seller’s nominated account or ledger to ledger bank transfer made.
The Seller and the Buyer repeat the transactions in accordance with the schedule up to the agreed amount.​
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