NEW: 500K BTC @ -9% Gross, -6% Net, Pay USDT, Escrow2Escrow, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 8.2.24
A Buyer is looking for 500K BTC @ -9% gross, -6% net
Buyer = 6%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Escrow = Buyer and Seller pay their own Escrow fees.
Escrow-to-escrow transaction in the USA.
·Payment in USDT by our Buyer's Escrow in the USA.
(Open to the seller's escrow as well)
Escrow ATTORNEY sends the BTC first and holds on to payment while the buyer does its forensics. Buyer needs to have its own method to validate and verify the BTC.
I trust this seller, and have done successful transactions with them in the past.
1. Zoom call with your mandate
2. Fill out and sign SPA/IMFPA
3. Escrow Agreement
4. Buyer sends USDT worth first tranche to Buyer's Escrow account
5. Buyer Escrow sends USDT to Seller/Seller Escrow
6. Seller/Seller Escrow sends the first tranche BTC to Buyer's Escrow account
7. Buyer Escrow pays out BTC to Buyer; Buyer Escrow pays out USDT to Seller/Seller Escrow
8. Seller/Seller Escrow pays intermediaries.
9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8, as per the Buyer's tranche schedule.
Interested parties should contact :
1K-100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Escrow2Escrow, UK - Look For Seller
Post: 2.4.23
Buyer is looking for 1K-100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Escrow = 50/50 paid by buyer and seller
Min = 5000 BTC
Buyer and Seller shall sign the Purchase Agreement.
Buyer shall show proof of funds for the first tranche via an active recent bank account statement of United States Dollars in cash via screen or email. Seller shall show a screen shot to the buyer via screen or email one of his/her wallets showing available BTC for every tranche.
Buyer and Seller shall sign the Escrow Agreement. Buyer and Seller shall forward to the buyer Escrow and Seller Escrow Agent exact wire information and banking coordinates for the each of the parties and their respective representatives, buyer and seller escrows have to be first order banks.
Buyer and Seller Escrow Agent shall endorse the Escrow Agreement and shall circulate the completed Escrow Agreement to the Seller and buyer.
Upon execution of the Purchase Agreement and the Escrow Agreement, within ….. Hours Buyer Escrow Agent shall wire to Seller Escrow Agent the sum of FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS ($50,000,000 USD) to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of ….. BTC (“Initial Deposit”).
Seller Escrow Agent shall inform Buyer, Buyer Escrow agent and Seller receipt of the Initial Deposit.
Seller shall initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC directly into the Buyer’s Wallet-or
Buyer Escrow Agent Wallet during the next two hours after fiat money have been received for the buyer escrow. Buyer shall provide its BTC Wallet information upon execution of the Purchase Agreement.
Seller shall provide evidence of said deposit of BTC after receipt of confirmation of the Buyer’s funds.
Thereafter, Buyer shall confirm receipt of the evidence of the deposit in its Wallet.
Upon deposit of the entire first tranche with Buyer as evidenced by Seller, Escrow Agent shall disburse the remainder of the Initial Deposit less payments for commissions and payments due to Escrow Agent. All payments shall be made via wire transfer. Escrow Agent shall disburse funds within 24 hours of the transaction being consummated and after both Seller and Buyer verify the same in writing. If the tranche of BTC does not appear the next in 2 hours in the Buyer Waller, the Seller Escrow have to return immediately the fiat money to the Buyer’s Bank account.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 300K+ BTC @ 10% gross, 5% net, B2B, MT103, Escrow2Escrow, JP Morgan USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer : JIFZ TAH -GAIL)
Post: 30.12.21
A buyer is looking for up to 300K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, USA
Minimum contract size and face value of Escrow is 5K BTC
Maximum contract size and face value of Escrow is 300K+ BTC
Buyer = 5%
Buyer side =2.5%
Seller side = 2.5%
1) Seller/BTC holder (Hereinafter referred to as "Seller") sends Agreement to Purchaser/Fiat Holder (Hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") Bitcoin (Hereinafter referred to as (BTC)
2) Buyer sends KYC/CIS with Passport for compliance. Buyer reveals bank and location of transaction.
3) Within 24 hours, Buyer will fill out with buyer ́s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller together with POF via the most recent bank account statement showing enough balance to cover the first tranche. Seller will fill out all required details. Once Buyer passes compliance, Seller will send Seller's KYC/CIS SPA and Escrow Agreement completely filled out with Seller's information, which will include Seller wallet address to buyer.
4) After Buyer is approved, a $1.00 BTC deposit from a wallet of 5,000 BTC or more will made as proof of coin to Buyer.
5) The Buyer shall pay the Seller for each and all BTC purchases via Swift MT 103 cash transfer in US$ currency sent to the Seller nominated receiving bank account via Escrow.
6) For each sales tranche, the Seller shall issue a Pro-Forma Invoice addressed to the Buyer quoting the agreed days market price for the BTC tranche quantities, and then the Buyer pays the invoice amount minus the Buyer discount of -5% net and the agreed Commission for each and every tranche to be paid by the Seller plus Contract renewal.
7) Buyer will wire funds for first tranche to Attorney Escrow account within 24 hours of receipt of approval to proceed from Escrow Attorney, along with signed invoice (via email seller CC’d) that will state the following; Gross Price of Coin; Number of Coins to be purchased in first tranche; Net purchase price for Buyer; Net Amount to Seller; Net amount to Intermediaries; Invoice will state in it that Buyer approves the sending of escrowed funds to the Seller (this document is not signed by buyer until BTC has been received and confirmations have been completed)
8) If Seller agrees to Invoice, Seller signs invoice, sends invoice to attorney via email (CC’d to Buyer). Seller will send BTC for first tranche to Trustee Execution Wallet address supplied by Buyer (may take between 2 to 4 hours for receipt)
9) Upon confirmation of BTC by Trustee is transferred to Seller’s Bank Account
10) Funds in escrow will be distributed upon the following; Buyer will have 6 confirmations, if Buyer’s confirmation is successful, Buyer will countersign invoice and email to escrow attorney (CC to Seller) Escrow Attorney will immediately remit escrowed funds to Seller.
11) The commission must be paid by seller to the agents under the IMFPA IC-MH300KR&E-BTC-2021 listed in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
12) All subsequent tranche sale of BTC is conducted according to the foregoing formula and shall commence at each stage after the BTC have been irrevocably received by the Buyer and the Seller has received appropriate payment for each previous tranche and invoice issued.
13) Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 300K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net, Escrow2Escrow, Goodwin Procter, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer : OFRA SAL-Linkl)
Post: 23.11.21
A buyer is looking for 300K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Buyer side = 2%
Seller side = 2%
Intermediaries = 2% (Rxx + Fxx )(closed)
Escrow = paid by buyer and seller 50/50 equally.
First tranche =10,000 BTC
This transaction is strictly to be executed through Escrow to Escrow.
Proof of Funds (POF) and Proof of Coins (POC) will be conducted by the two escrows with authority of their Principals.
The Buyer and the Seller sign SPA. The Buyer and the Seller will forward to their escrow agents the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives.
Escrow agents must endorse the escrow agreement and must circulate the completed escrow agreement to their Principals, i.e., seller and buyer.
After execution of the Purchase Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and confirmation of POC, Buyer's Escrow shall transfer to Seller's Escrow the sum to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of 10,000 BTC.
Both Escrow Agents shall then inform both the Buyer and the Seller of the deposit and receipt of the funds.
Seller's Escrow shall then place the first tranche of BTC directly into Buyer's wallet through Buyer's Escrow Agent. The Buyer, through his escrow agent, will provide the information of his BTC Wallet at the time of the execution of the Purchase Agreement.
Seller will provide proof of BTC after receiving confirmation from his Escrow Agent of availability of Buyer's funds.
Thereafter, the Buyer will confirm receipt of the tranche of BTC in its Wallet.
Upon receipt of the BTC tranche, Escrow Agent shall pay the consideration - price on www.bitcoin.com - to the Seller's account net of the 10% gross discount.
After sending the funds to the Seller, Seller's Escrow Agent shall pay the commissions according to the structure and representatives listed in the IMFPA in this Agreement. Seller's Escrow Agent shall pay such commissions by direct bank transfers in USD within 24 hours of receipt of funds from Buyer's Escrow Agent.
After payment of the entire first tranche to Buyer and payment of the commissions, each of the remaining tranches shall be replicated as in the first tranche until full execution of the Agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 300K-500K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Escrow2Escrow, Goodwin Procter, NYC - Look For Seller
Post: 21.11.21
A Buyer is looking for 300K-500K BTC @ -7%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Escrow to escrow only
Buyer's escrow is Goodwin Procter
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 40K BTC @ -13% gross, -3% net, MT103, Bank, Escrow, PAA Capital Group, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : FG HO-Gail)
Post: 2.8.21
A Buyer is looking for 40K BTC @ -13%gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 5% (closed)
Sellerside = 5%
Bank fees = 2.5%
First tranche = 3 BTC
Subsequent tranches = TBD
Buyer and Seller sign this Agreement and and sends it to the Escrow Agent.
Escrow Agent send e-mail [via Escrow’s mail xxx@xxxxx.com] to Buyer and Seller (and their mandates and intermediaries) Contract for proof of acceptance.
1. The BUYER shall transfer the amount of the first 8 tranches - not less than USD 7,600,000 or EUR 6,500,000 - to its Escrow account at the PAA CAPITAL GROUP in First National Bank, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer's Escrow Account".
2. The PAA CAPITAL GROUP Escrow shall confirm the receipt and deposit by a written notification and evidence to the BUYER and the receipt by the SELLER of the funds deposited in the escrow account.
3. Within 48 hours of verification of the proof of funds, the Buyer will transfer funds to Buyer Escrow Agent, and seller will deposit BTC to Seller Escrow Agent
4. Escrow Agents will notify each other of receipt of funds and BTC
5. After mutual delivery has been completed, within 48 hours, Buyer Escrow Agent shall forward the BTC to Buyer's wallet and Seller Escrow Agent shall proceed to send the counter value net of 13% discount to Seller's bank account by wire transfer.
6. At the same time, the two Escrow Agents shall respectively execute the payments "The Commissions" to brokers.
Step 3. SELLER shall transfer the Bitcoin of the first 8 tranches - number 218 - to Seller's Escrow agent PAA CAPITAL Escrow designated Wallet ID for the ACCORDING TO THE TRANCHES DEFINED IN THE SCHEDULE (Annex 4)
Step 4. PAA CAPITAL Escrow will confirm to the BUYER the receipt of the Bitcoins in the designated Wallet.
If the seller (SELLER) fails to transfer the amount of the Bitcoin tranche to the BUYER's wallet within 3 business days of receiving the funds in the buyer's escrow account, then the funds will be returned to the buyer.
Step 5. Within a maximum of 48 hours of receiving BTC in the designated wallet, PAA CAPITAL Escrow will transfer, net of 13% discount - the deposited funds from its escrow account to the Seller's escrow account.
Step 6. Upon receipt of the Funds by the Seller, for each executed tranche, Escrow will - using the balance of the discount (less the buyer's net discount) and retaining 2% of its own commissions - pay the commissions as per IMFPA.
Step 7. Repeat steps 1-6 until this contract is complete for all tranches - 100 per time or multiple - to complete the total Bitcoin trade.
1. The buyer and seller sign the purchase contract. The Contract shall contain the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives and intermediaries.
2. The signed Contract is deposited with the respective Escrow Agents who sign it for acceptance and endorsement and provide copies to the Parties (Buyer, Seller, Buyer Mandate, Seller Mandate, Intermediaries Seller Side and Buyer Side).
3. Within 24 hours of ratification by the Escrow Agents, they exchange proof of funds for the first tranche: The Buyer via a recent active bank statement of US Dollars or Euros via screen or email; The Seller shall show a screenshot to the Buyer via screen or email one of his wallets showing the BTC available for the first tranche.
5. Within 48 hours of verification of the proof of funds, the Buyer will transfer funds to Buyer Escrow Agent, and seller will deposit BTC to Seller Escrow Agent
6. Escrow Agents will notify each other of receipt of funds and BTC
7. Buyer Escrow Agent and Seller Escrow Agent will agree on the procedures for exchange of their respective Funds VS BTC and proceed to execute it.
8. After mutual delivery has been completed, within 48 hours, Buyer Escrow Agent shall forward the BTC to Buyer's wallet and Seller Escrow Agent shall proceed to send the counter value net of 8% discount to Seller's bank account by wire transfer.
9. At the same time, the two Escrow Agents shall respectively execute the payments "The Commissions" to brokers.
10. Subsequent tranches shall proceed in a similar manner, tranche by tranche.
1. The buyer and seller sign the purchase contract. The Contract shall contain the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives and intermediaries.
2. The signed Contract is deposited with the respective Escrow Agents who sign it for acceptance and endorsement and provide copies to the Parties (Buyer, Seller, Buyer Mandate, Seller Mandate, Intermediaries Seller Side and Buyer Side).
3. Within 24 hours of ratification by the Escrow Agents, they exchange proof of funds for the first tranche: The Buyer via a recent active bank statement of US Dollars or Euros via screen or email; The Seller shall show a screenshot to the Buyer via screen or email one of his wallets showing the BTC available for the first tranche.
5. Within 48 hours of verification of the proof of funds, the Buyer will transfer funds to Buyer Escrow Agent, and seller will deposit BTC to Seller Escrow Agent
6. Escrow Agents will notify each other of receipt of funds and BTC
7. Buyer Escrow Agent and Seller Escrow Agent will agree on the procedures for exchange of their respective Funds VS BTC and proceed to execute it.
8. After mutual delivery has been completed, within 48 hours, Buyer Escrow Agent shall forward the BTC to Buyer's wallet and Seller Escrow Agent shall proceed to send the counter value net of 8% discount to Seller's bank account by wire transfer.
9. At the same time, the two Escrow Agents shall respectively execute the payments "The Commissions" to brokers.
10. Subsequent tranches shall proceed in a similar manner, tranche by tranche.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 150K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, Escrow2Escrow, Piermont Bank, Norton Rose Fullbright, Signature Bank, NY, Canada - Look For Seller
(Buyer : WA UG-Tele)
Post: 4.7.21
An institutional Buyer in Canada is looking for 150K BTC @ -8%gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Sellerside = 1.5% (open)
Buyerside = 1.5% (closed)
Escrow = Buyer and seller pay their own escrow fees
Preferred sellers from USA, Canada and Europe
Buyer can buy 1K-2K BTC per day ( multiple tranches of 250 BTC each)
First tranche = 250 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 3K-5K BTC till 150K BTC
All tranches = Max 250 BTC per tranche
Sellers can sell 5000,10000, 20000 separately etc.
Piermont Bank or Signature Bank is Buyer's escrow agent which specialises in crypto deals
Seller can use any reputable escrow bank services
1. The buyer and seller sign the purchase contract. The Contract shall contain the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives and intermediaries.
2. The signed Contract is deposited with the respective Escrow Agents who sign it for acceptance and endorsement and provide copies to the Parties (Buyer, Seller, Buyer Mandate, Seller Mandate, Intermediaries Seller Side and Buyer Side).
3. Within 24 hours of ratification by the Escrow Agents, they exchange proof of funds for the first tranche: The Buyer via a recent active bank statement of US Dollars or Euros via screen or email; The Seller shall show a screenshot to the Buyer via screen or email one of his wallets showing the BTC available for the first tranche.
5. Within 48 hours of verification of the proof of funds, the Buyer will transfer funds to Buyer Escrow Agent, and seller will deposit BTC to Seller Escrow Agent
6. Escrow Agents will notify each other of receipt of funds and BTC
7. Buyer Escrow Agent and Seller Escrow Agent will agree on the procedures for exchange of their respective Funds VS BTC and proceed to execute it.
8. After mutual delivery has been completed, within 48 hours, Buyer Escrow Agent shall forward the BTC to Buyer's wallet and Seller Escrow Agent shall proceed to send the counter value net of 8% discount to Seller's bank account by wire transfer.
9. At the same time, the two Escrow Agents shall respectively execute the payments "The Commissions" to brokers.
10. Subsequent tranches shall proceed in a similar manner, tranche by tranche.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 400K+ BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Escrow2Escrow, Brooks Harrison, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer : YH RK-Gail)
Post: 29.6.21
A Buyer in NY is looking for 400K+ BTC @ -7%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5% (closed) (paid by seller)
Sellerside = 1.5% (paid by seller)
Escrow = 1% (paid by buyer)
Minimum size of contract 200K BTC
Buyer and Seller shall sign this Purchase Agreement.
Buyer shall show proof of funds for the first tranche via an active recent bank account statement of USD (United States Dollars) in cash via email to the Buyer`s Escrow Agent - Brooks Harrison. Seller shall provide proof of coins to prove availability to the Seller`s Escrow Agent -. The form of (POC) is a certification letter of the Bitcoins provided by the Seller`s Escrow Agent -.
Buyer and Seller shall forward to the Escrow Agents exact wire information and banking coordinates for each of the parties and their respective representatives.
Escrow Agents shall endorse the Escrow Agreement and shall circulate the completed Escrow Agreement to the Seller and Buyer.
Upon execution of the Purchase Agreement and the Escrow Agreement, Buyer shall wire to the Buyer`s Escrow Agent - Brooks Harrison the sum to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of 1,000 BTC (“Initial Deposit”). Buyer`s Escrow Agent - Brooks Harrison shall inform the Seller`s Escrow Agent -.
Escrow Agents shall inform both Buyer and Seller upon receipt of the Initial Deposit.
Seller shall initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC directly into the Buyer’s Wallet. Buyer shall provide its BTC Wallet information upon execution of the Purchase Agreement.
Seller shall provide evidence of said deposit of BTC after receipt of confirmation of the Buyer’s funds.
Thereafter, the Buyer shall confirm receipt of the evidence of the deposit in its Wallet.
Upon receipt of the Initial Deposit, Buyer and Seller direct Escrow Agents to disburse the Initial Deposit to Seller of a discount of 7% Gross. Upon receipt of receiving funds from the Escrow Agents, the Seller pays a commission in BTC or Fiat – 1.5% Seller side and 1.5% Buyer side according to the listed representatives in the IMFPA in “Annex C” in this agreement. Seller shall disburse such commission in BTC or FIAT within 24 hours upon receipt of receiving funds from the Escrow Agent (immediate payment upon transaction).
Upon deposit of entire first tranche with Buyer as evidenced by Seller, Escrow Agents shall disburse the remainder of the Initial Deposit less payments for commissions and payments due to Escrow Agent. All payments shall be made via wire transfer or BTC. Escrow Agents shall disburse funds within 24 hours of the transaction being consummated and after both Seller and Buyer verify same in writing.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K - 500K BTC @ -10% gross, -6% net, L2L, Escrow2Escrow, USA, Canada, Western Europe (Germany, UK, Switzerland), Dubai, HK - Look For Seller
(Buyer : CTE...VT-Gail)
Post: 23.6.21
Institutional Buyers are looking for 100K-500K BTC @ -10%gross, -6% net
Buyer = 6%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%
Buyers are mainly financial institutions (investment fonds, banks and trusts)
1. Each party is represented by a respected law firm and the law firm is presenting an official offer of the seller with price (discount) and procedure. Both law firms confirm the genealogy of intermediaries.
2. After that seller's law firm will get a LOI from the buyer's law firm or authorized mandator
3. Nomination of a common Escrow agency (f.e. Baker Mc Kenzie, Zuber & Lawler, Norlaw or FTV, a.s.o.)
4. Funds must be sent to escrow agency as well as coins on the escrow agency's wallet
5. After confirmation of receipt to both parties the contract can be closed (face to face or on via video conference) inclusing IMFPA
6. First tranche can be started. BTCs goes to the wallet of the buyer and after that the escrow releases the funds in the value of the BTCs to the seller's destination account.
7. Next tranches can follow the same way
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 150K BTC @ -10% gross, -6% net, L2L, Escrow2Escrow, Norton Rose Fullbright Escrow, Canada - Look For Seller
(Buyer : PA SG-Tele)
Post: 19.6.21
A genuine institutional Buyer in Canada is looking for 150K BTC @ -10%gross, -6% net
Buyer = 6%
Sellerside = 2% (open)
Buyerside = 2% (1.5% + 0.5% Ray) (closed)
First tranche = 5 BTC
Subsequent tranches = 250, 3000-5000 BTC till 150K BTC
Buyer will use Norton Rose Fullbright escrow
Norton Rose Fullbright will show contractual agreement that client(Buyer) has deposited funds in his escrow account towards purchasing BTC as proof of POF
Seller can use his own escrow and also if possible insurance from his escrow, We(Buyer) will transfer funds to his(Seller) escrow covered by insurance
When Buyer received BTC, funds released to Seller
We want full insurance from law firm before transferring funds , that's should be key factor
Ultimately we have to transfer first in seller escrow account, seller escrow gives assurances to buyer that if btc is not transferred the money will be returned back to buyer
That assurances are covered by seller escrow insurance policy
Copy of full procedure - TBA
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 40K-480K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -6% net, Double Escrow, Lawyer, Worldwide - Look For Buyer & Seller To Match
(Buyer/Seller: XA GK)
Post: 6.6.21
Buyer and seller are looking to match 40K-480K+ BTC @ -10%gross, -6% net
Buyer = 6%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%
Escrow = Buyer and Seller pay their own escrow fees
First tranche = 40000 BTC
1. The buyer and the seller sign the SPA contract with Escrow Agents. Signed copies are sent to all Parties
2. Escrow Agents exchange proof of funds for the first tranche: Show POC, POF via screen or email
3. After verification of POF, Seller Escrow Agent will transfer first tranche BTC to Buyer Escrow Agent
4. After confirmation of first tranche BTC in the Buyer's Escrow lawyer's wallet, the funds held in the Buyer's Escrow lawyer's trust account will be sent to Seller's Escrow Account
5. After confirmation of the funds has been transferred to the Seller's escrow account, BTC in buyer's escrow lawyer's wallet shall be transferred to the buyer's wallet.
6. Once buyer's escrow lawyer's wallet receives confirmation of the BTC tranche, the funds are immediately transferred from Seller's escrow to the seller's bank account
7. Fee commissions must be paid immediately by Escrow agents according to the Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (IMFPA)
8. Subsequent tranches shall be repeated accordingly
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 50K - 500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net, L2L, Norlaw, Double Escrow, Hamburg, Germany, USA, Argentina, India, Russia, Poland, Switzerland - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TA LB -Link)
Post: 23.5.21
A verified Buyer is looking for 50K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7 %
Buyer Mandate =1% (closed)
Buyer Side Intermediaries = 2% (closed)
Seller mandate = 1 %
Seller Side Intermediaries = 2%
Escrow = Buyer and Seller pay their own escrow
We specify that Escrow already has the Buyer's funds in custody!
Buyer operates through International Escrow Agent with registered office in Hamburg (Germany) and offices in the USA, Argentina, India, Russia, Poland, Switzerland.
1. The buyer and the seller sign this purchase contract. The Contract shall contain the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives and intermediaries.
2. the signed Contract is deposited with the respective Escrow Agents who sign it for acceptance and endorsement and provide copies to the Parties (Buyer, Seller, Buyer Mandate, Seller Mandate, Intermediaries Seller Side and Buyer Side).
3. within 24 hours of ratification by the Escrow Agents, they exchange proof of funds for the first tranche: The Buyer via a recent active bank statement of US Dollars or Euros via screen or email; The Seller shall show a screenshot to the Buyer via screen or email one of his wallets showing the BTC available for the first tranche.
5. After verification of the proof of funds, within 48 the Buyer will transfer to Escrow Agent, the funds and seller will deposit to Escrow Agent xxxxxxxxx the wallet of 51,250 BTC
6. Escrow Agents will notify each other of receipt of funds/BTC
7. Buyer Escrow Agent and Seller Escrow Agent will agree on the procedures for exchange of their respective Funds VS 50,000 BTC and proceed to execute it.
8. After mutual delivery has been completed, within 48 hours, Buyer Escrow Agent shall forward the 50,000 BTC to Buyer's wallet and Seller Escrow Agent shall proceed to send the counter value net of 13% discount to Seller by wire transfer.
9. At the same time, the two Escrow Agents shall respectively execute the payments as per Art.1 "The Commissions".
10. Subsequent tranches shall proceed in a similar manner, tranche by tranche.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577