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OTCbid - Shock Crypto Leak Reveals Microsoft Could Be About To Blow Up The Price Of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP And BNB
The bitcoin price has collapsed since the Federal Reserve began its tightening cycle in late 2021 and could now be headed for further Fed pain, potentially weighing on the wider $1 trillion ethereum, XRP, BNB and crypto market.
Now, as a surprise bitcoin "flip" primes traders for an Elon Musk bombshell, a shock leak has revealed tech giant Microsoft is planning to add crypto support into its next Xbox.
Leaked internal Microsoft documents posted to the Resetera gaming forum this week showed an Xbox roadmap from May 2022 that includes support for crypto wallets.
The massive leak was blamed on documents related to the Federal Trade Commission's lawsuit to block Microsoft's $69 billion bid for Activision Blizzard being uploaded before being redacted.
"Several documents submitted in the court proceedings related to our proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard were unintentionally disclosed," head of Xbox at Microsoft, Phil Spencer, wrote in a memo to staff seen by The Verge. "I know this is disappointing, even if many of the documents are well over a year old and our plans have evolved."
The new "ecosystem generation," including consoles, phones, web browsers, a handheld system, PCs and a "cloud console," as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning support, is not planned for release until 2028 and may be subject to change.
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NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, Emirates NBD, Bank, Dubai, UAE - Look For Buyer
Post: 26.9.23
Seller is selling 100K+ BTC @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%
10 BITCOIN test tranche (4/2 discount / -2.00% net to Buyer) 1% Sell Side / 1% BUY Side ​​
Both BUYER and SELLER sign the SPA and IMFPA agreement.
BUYER send USD payment to SELLERS Bank Account in EMIRATE NBD for the test tranche of 10 BTC.
SELLER send 10 BTC, after funds have been received and cleared to his Bank account. BTC is send to BUYERS receiving BTC wallet.
After the BUYER has received the BTC and run forensic, upon successful verification he will send next tranche payment in USD as per the tranche schedule agreed on the SPA.
The SELLER will send equivalent value in BTC per payment received in USD in his Bank account upon it being cleared and deposited. The BTC will be sent to the BUYER receiving wallet.
SELLER to deliver Fees to beneficiaries as per mentioned in the IMFPA.
Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the Buyer and agreed by Seller
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/

-9% Gross, -5% Net, Emirates NBD, Bank, Dubai, UAE
Email : otcbid@gmail.com
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymondchai/