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NEW: 20 Billion USDT with R&E @ -5% Gross, -3% Net,  USD/USDT - Look For Buyer 


Post: 24.2.24


  • Seller is selling 20+ Billion USDT @ -5% Gross, -3% Net.


  • Buyer = 3%

  • Sellerside =1% 

  • Buyerside =1%​​​​

  • First tranche = $250,000 USDT




  • Transaction procedures stated in the SPA.

  • Copy of SPA to be sent out upon request.​​




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 50K-200K BTC with R&E up to 500K BTC @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, Fiat or USDT ERC-20/TRC20, USDT/BTC, Escrow, France, UK - Look For Buyer 


Post: 26.1.24


  • Seller is selling 50K BTC up to 500K BTC @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Sellerside =2% 

  • Buyerside =2%​​​

  • Escrow = 1% (Paid by Seller outside this contract)​




  1. BTC Provider sends Commercial Invoice.

  2. USDT Provider signs Commercial Invoice.

  3. USDT Provider sends USDT to ESCROW ATTORNEY’S Escrow USDT Wallet and provides TxID hash.

  4. BTC Provider sends the first tranche BTC to Attorney’s escrow wallet or directly to the USDT provider’s BTC wallet and provides the TxID hash.

  5. Escrow agent sends the BTC to the USDT provider wallet (if obtainable) and USDT to the BTC provider wallet to settle the swap.

  6. Commission fees are paid by the Escrow Agent to consultants at the same time in BTC.

  7. Repeat steps until the contract amount is finished.


  1. NOTE: A security deposit can be made after a few tranches, if all parties involve agree.

  2. ESCROW AGENT shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Annex-D. Steps 5 to 8 are repeated until whole 200,000 BTC plus R&E transaction is complete.

  3. Buyer Escrow attorney creates a new decentralized escrow wallet on live with seller for transparency.




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -8% Gross, -4% Net, Wallet2Wallet, USDT/BTC, Satoshi

 - Look For Buyer 

( Seller: SPHOE....XIRD-GAIL)

Post: 23.1.24


  • Seller is selling100K+ BTC @ -8% Gross, -4% Net.


  • Buyer = 4%

  • Sellerside =2% 

  • Buyerside =2%​​​




  • { Buyer sends USDT Wallet ID + Video of USDT Wallet control to seller. Seller shares BTC wallet. Seller sends Satoshi test FIRST. Buyer sends Handshake. Buyer moves First and Sends USDT coins to sellers wallet. Seller checks and sends BTC to buyers wallet. Satoshi First from seller )


  • The Parties mutually approve their respective BTC and USDT wallets


  • For Satoshi – -  ( BTC First / USDT Next ) :

  • USDT Provider sends USDT wallet for Seller approval

  • BTC Provider initiates Satoshi for $___ from Seller wallet noted on Page 1

  • USDT Provider returns Handshake

  • Both parties complete forensics 

  • USDT Provider completes and signs Commercial Invoice (including Company address / phone / email etc )

  • BTC Provider completes, signs and returns Commercial Invoice


  • For Tranches  -  ( USDT First / BTC Next ) :

  • USDT Provider delivers USDT for the first tranche (Ref Tranche Schedule)

  • BTC Provider delivers BTC for the first tranche

  • BTC Provider will pay Consultant Fees immediately after each and every tranche as per Exhibit A providing confirmation of receipt until contract is exhausted.

  • The transactions will continue in this same manner for each and every tranche, estimating up to        tranches per day.




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 4505 BTC @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, USDT/BTC Swap, Peer2Peer, Wallet2Wallet - Look For Buyer 

( Sellers: KCHAN XHAN-LINK )

Post: 4.1.24


  • Seller is selling 4505 BTC @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Sellerside =2% 

  • Buyerside =2%​​


  • Quantity available: 4,505 BTC (One wallet of 5BTC and one of 4,500 BTC)

  • Satoshi first from the 5 BTC Wallet, then after buyer pays for the 5 BTC wallet, the seller will send BTC first from the 4,500 BTC Wallet and buyer pays.




  • (1) Buyer Provides USDT Wallet address for approval by Seller -Wallet with a minimum of $10M USDT and less than 300 transactions, ( *Only private wallets are acceptable, No Trade wallet or Binance Wallet.* ), Buyer also provide BTC receiving wallet

  • (2) BTC Seller sends Satoshi from his 5 BTC Wallet XXXXXXX

  • (3) *SPA is executed by both parties* ,

  • (4) The buyer pays for the 5 BTC and receive it.

  • (5) Seller Sends BTC as per agreed tranches to buyer from the following 4500 BTC wallet XXXXXXX

  • (6) Buyer pays

  • (7) Commissions paid out.

  • (8) Repeat 5,6 and 7 until the complete wallet is purchased.


  • This transaction is PEER 2 PEER Transaction. Wallet to Wallet Not on Crypto PlatForm.

  • If you have 200 M USDT on your wallet or several wallets then we want to swap 4505 BTC direct to direct.

  • Can you do it? If yes, please sent me your public USDT address for checkup.





Interested parties should contact :




NEW:Over 5K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, USDT/BTC Swap - Look For Buyer 

( Sellers: PALPH...SAPIP-GAIL )

Post: 23.12.23


  • Seller is selling over 5K BTC with R&E @ -6% Gross, -3% Net.


  • Buyer = 3%

  • Sellerside =1.5

  • Buyerside = 1.5%​


  • Introduction of Buyer’s Interest to Purchase :


  • Buyer needs to Submit a (LOI) Letter of Interest with Quantity of Purchasing and Profile and (USDT WALLET) as Proof of Capability of Purchase for at least 5,000 BTC equivalent and no Sanction Countries.

  • These Documents and info shall be introduced and delivered to RO.

  • Seller representative will reply with a formal offer and wallet confirmation as above or other for forensic check. 

  • Buyer and Seller will engage by Zoom to mutually be agreed about the business transaction. 

  • Seller will introduce his CIS. 

  • Seller will introduce wallets with transaction around 150 max




  • Buyer and seller can start with one BTC handshake and or mutually agreed at the moment of the buyer and seller zoom call how to setup the purchase transaction.

  • 1. The Buyer sends the USDT payment wallet address to be approved by the Seller (Forensic and Proof of Capability).

  • 2. The Seller sends the BTC wallet address to be approved by the Buyer. (Forensic and Proof of Capability).

  • 3. The Buyer sends a small amount of USDT from the approved USDT transactional wallet to the Seller.

  • 4. The Seller will send the amount worth of USDT in Bitcoin from the approved BTC transactional wallet. This is the Handshake

  • 5. Both Buyer and Seller sign the SPA and IMFPA agreement

  • 6. The Seller sends the Bitcoins to the Buyer BTC’s wallet 7. After the reception of the BTC, the Buyer six blockchain confirmations within 90 minutes and deliver/send the equivalent amount in USDT to the Seller USDT’s wallet. 8. Once the Seller confirms the USDT payment, the Seller sends the next tranche of BTC.


  • Quick Summary:

  • 1) The Buyer initiates the handshake

  • 2) The Seller sends the Satoshi

  • 3) The Seller sends the BTC tranches

  • 4) The Buyer sends the USDT




Interested parties should contact :



NEW: 1K-100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Fiat/BTC, USDT/BTC, F2F, Switzerland, Spain - Look For Buyer 


Post: 14.12.23


  • Seller is selling 1K-100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net.


  • Buyer = 3%

  • Sellerside = 1.5% 

  • Buyerside: 1.5%​

  • 1000 - 50,000 BTC per transaction.




  • We are looking for buyers who are seeking to acquire significant quantities of Bitcoin..

  • Throughout our network of private verified BTC wallet owners / sellers, we facilitate transactions from 1000 - 50,000 BTC per transaction.

  • FIAT - BTC or USDT - BTC as settlement options.

  • Larger QTY of BTC  are available upon request 

  • Please contact us for further information regarding Deal Procedure, Documentation and Fiat settlement Bank options.

  • Buyer side commission is 1.5 % of each completed total order transaction.

  • Discount to buyer is 3% from Spot at time of transaction.

  • F2F is possible in Switzerland.

  • Zoom for remote between buyer and seller with our coordinator present.  




Interested parties should contact :



NEW: 500-100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net, USDT to BTC Swap, ERC-20 or TRC-20 - Look For Buyer 

( Seller: IPHOE...XIRD-GAIL )

Post: 29.11.23


  • Seller is selling 500-100K BTC with R&E @ -9% Gross, -5% Net.


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Sellerside = 2% 

  • Buyerside: 2%​




  1. BUYER sends USDT ERC-20 or TRC-20 payment wallet address for approval by the SELLER. And SELLER sends BTC wallet address for approval by BUYER.

  2. BUYER sends $1 Handshake from his approved USDT transactional wallet, SELLER will send $1 Satoshi from approved BTC transactional wallet. 

  3. Both BUYER and SELLER sign the SPA and IMFPA agreement

  4. SELLER send BTC according to the tranche schedule to BUYERS receiving BTC wallet.

  5. After receipt of BTC the BUYER runs forensics and after 6 blockchain confirmations within 90 minutes the BUYER will send equivalent amount of payment in USDT for the BTC received per tranche.

  6. USDT payment is confirmed and the SELLER sends BTC for the next tranche. And BUYER will send equivalent value payments in USDT to the SELLER for the tranche sent.

  7. Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the Buyer and agreed by Seller


Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 200K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net,  Tether (USDT ERC-20/TRC20)Bank, Escrow, Zurich - Look For Buyer


Post: 20.10.23


  • Seller is selling 200K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net.


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Buyerside = 1.5% 

  • Sellerside = 1.5% 

  • Buyer Intermediaries = 0.5%

  • Seller Intermediaries = 0.5%

  • Escrow = 1%​




  • Prerequisites:

  • Invoice or SPA, including IMFPA, signed by both parties.

  • Buyer and seller agree to tranche schedule.

  • Seller and buyer appoint a mutually agreed upon escrow attorney for the transaction. Funds via recent screenshot of the buyer's USDT wallet or public wallet address.

  • Coins of the seller’s BTC wallet.

  • Seller sends a screenshot of his bitcoin wallet or public wallet address.

  • All parties sign and return executed agreement to ESCROW AGENT.

  • All parties provide documentation to ESCROW AGENT to pass KYC and AML checks.


  • Tranche transaction:

  •  Escrow attorney creates a new wallet (Atomic or Trust or Coinbase) on a zoom call for approval by the other party. Wallet must be decentralized/non-custodial/cold. No Exchanges and no custodial wallets accepted for a security reason.

  • The escrow agent provides the buyer and seller with the wallet address, but the escrow attorney retains the passwords, as applicable.

  • The buyer sends the first tranche of USDT to the escrow attorney’s new wallet.

  • i. Escrow attorney confirms receipt of USDT in his wallet and sends screenshots to the seller.

  • ii. The seller verifies a wallet via blockchain explorer online.

  • Seller subsequently sends BTC to the escrow attorney's wallet.

  • i. Escrow attorney confirms receipt of BTC in his wallet and sends screenshots to the buyer.

  • ii. The buyer verifies a wallet via blockchain explorer online.

  • The escrow Agent conducts forensics on USDT and BTC.

  • The escrow Agent sends USDT to the seller.

  • The escrow Agent sends BTC to the buyer.

  •  Escrow Agent shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Annex D. Steps c) to h) are repeated until 200,000 BTC transaction is complete.




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 1-5000 BTC with R&E @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, Wallet2Wallet, USDT ERC-20 for BTC SWAP, DUBAI - Look For Buyer

(Seller : IPHOE...TIRD-GAIL)

Post: 24.9.23


  • Seller is selling 5000+ BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net.


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Buyerside = 1.5%

  • Sellerside = 1.5% (closed)


  • Seller can give the Buyer a Satoshi from his exchange wallet.  

  • The Buyer can also pay from his exchange wallet for all tranches. 

  • The Seller can do 100% of all the transactions on a  zoom call with the Buyer. 

  • Time zone of the seller is Dubai and he ONLY works between 9 AM - 4 PM Dubai time.  He is not flexible with his time.

  • Seller is sending $50 Satoshi from exchange wallet first ! Over 1M Transactions.

  • Work professionally and seriously. Seller provided all the full documentation. Without filling and done it by buyer - seller , not interested to reply to Satoshi Hunters.


  •  *Example :*

  • 1 BTC no discount

  • 10 BTC no discount

  • 50 BTC no discount.

  • As soon as the Buyer crosses the  100 BTC mark, then the Buyer gets the  discount for all the BTC that were included in summing upto 100 BTC.​

  • Payment shall be made by USDT ERC-20 to the Seller receiving USDT ERC-20 wallet, upon receipt of payment and 1 blockchain confirmation the SELLER will immediately send BTC equivalent in value to the payment received in USDT ERC-20. 




  1. BUYER sends USDT ERC-20 payment wallet address for approval by the SELLER. And SELLER sends BTC wallet address for approval by BUYER. 

  2. Both BUYER and SELLER sign the SPA and IMFPA agreement. 

  3. SELLER will send $50 Satoshi from approved BTC transactional wallet.BUYER sends $50 Handshake from the approved USDT ERC-20 wallet. 

  4. BUYER send payment in USDT ERC-20 as per tranche schedule agreed to on the SPA. 

  5. Upon receiving payment and after 1 blockchain confirmations SELLER will immediately send BTC equivalent in value to the payment received in USDT ERC-20 . 

  6. After receiving BTC and running Forensic the BUYER will send payment for the next tranche scheduled, and the SELLER sends BTC per payment received. 

  7. Seller to deliver the Fees to beneficiaries as per mentioned in the IMFPA.

  8. Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the Buyer and agreed by Seller




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 2030 BTC @ -7% Gross, -4% Net, USDT/BTC Swap, Zoom Transaction,  Singapore - Look For Buyer


Post: 8.8.23


  • Singapore Seller is selling 2030 BTC @ -7% Gross, -4% Net.

  • Seller has 2030 BTC (a private wallet with 32 Transactions).


  • Buyer = 4%

  • Buyerside = 1.5%

  • Sellerside = 1.5%

  • Zoom Transaction




  • Seller and Buyer go on Zoom Live.

  • The seller opens his private wallet with 2030 BTC and shows buyers the Bitcoin with the number of transactions.

  • Buyers confirm and pay for 15 BTC minimum on Zoom; Seller confirm on Zoom, and release the bitcoin live on zoom with transaction ID.


  • N/B:

  • 1: It's a live zoom transaction ( All transaction on zoom)

  • 2: Only USDT accepted (No Fiat due to the number of hours for bank confirmation)

  • 3: Only direct buyers to go on Zoom with the seller.

  • 4: Please don’t come on Zoom to demand Satoshi, the Seller does not offer satoshi on zoom or off zoom.​




Interested parties should contact :



NEW: 100K BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net, USDT/BTC Swap, F2F, Lisbon, Portugal - Look For Buyer

(Seller : GCD...X3D-TELE)

Post: 5.8.23


  • Seller is selling 100,000 BTC @ --10% Gross, 5% Net.

  • Looking for qualified USDT buyers of BTC that have accepted full procedures and willing to send a test of less than $32 from a wallet of $100M or more that they control.

  • Then, Seller will send 100 BTC first tranche for Buyer’s payment. BTC MOVES FIRST

  • Very simple procedure: everything done remotely; Seller does NOT want to get on a call

  • OPTIONAL: face-to-face meeting in Lisbon, Portugal


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Buyerside = 2.5%

  • Sellerside = 2.5%




  • PARTIES  WALLET ADDRESS APPROVALS:  USDT-ERC20 Provider sends USDT payment wallet address for approval by BTC Provider. USDT-ERC20 Provider Wallet must have a minimum balance of 100,000,000 USDT-ERC20 and fewer than 100 Transactions. 

  • BTC provider sends BTC payment wallet address for approval by the USDT Provider. BTC provider wallet will have fewer than 100 transactions.


  • USDT PROVIDER  HANDSHAKE:  USDT Provider sends the amount given by BTC provider from the approved USDT-ERC20 transactional wallet to Seller-provided USDT-ERC20 wallet.

  • BTC PROVIDER  FORENSICS:  After receipt of USDT, Provider runs forensics on USDT-ERC20 wallet within 1-2 hours. 

  • BTC PROVIDER  SENDS FIRST TRANCHE IN BITCOINS:  After USDT Provider has confirmed receipt of BTC handshake, then BTC Provider sends FIRST TRANCHE of 100 BTC to Buyer’s receiving BTC wallet.

  • USDT PROVIDER  SENDS PAYMENT IN USDT TO BTC BUYER:  USDT-ERC20 Provider does forensics & then sends Payment to BTC provider, as per for the received 100 BTC and as per tranche schedule within two hours of receiving BTC.  

  • BTC PROVIDER USDT CONFIRMED:  USDT-ERC20 payment is confirmed and BTC provider sends next tranche.

  • BTC PROVIDER PAYS FEES AS IN IMFPA:  Fees paid to all consultants in BTC provider as per Exhibit A.

  • Repeat steps 4-8  until BTC is exhausted.




Interested parties should contact :



NEW: 96K BTC @ -10% Gross, -6% Net, Lawyer Escrow, BTC/USDT Swap - Look For Buyer


(Seller : DJOH FB-TELE)

Post: 18.7.23


  • Seller (miner) is selling 96K BTC with @ -10% gross, -6% net

  • I'm directly connected to a network of sellers (miners) who can supply bulk amounts of bitcoins weekly at a discounted rate.


  • Buyer = 6%

  • Buyerside = 2% 

  • Sellerside = 2%​​ ​​


  • Prerequisites:

  • ​

  • Invoice or SPA, including IMFPA, signed by both parties.
    Buyer and seller agree to tranche schedule.

  • Seller and buyer appoint a mutually agreed upon escrow attorney for the transaction. Funds via recent screenshot of the buyer's USDT wallet or public wallet address.

  • Coins of the seller's BTC wallet.

  • Seller sends a screenshot of his bitcoin wallet or public wallet address.

  • All parties sign and return executed agreement to ESCROW AGENT.

  • All parties provide documentation to ESCROW AGENT to pass KYC and AML checks.



  • ​

  1. The escrow agent provides the buyer and seller with the wallet address, but the escrow attorney retains the passwords, as applicable.

  2. The buyer sends the first tranche of USDT to the escrow attorney's new wallet.
    i. Escrow attorney confirms receipt of USDT in his wallet and sends screenshots to the seller.

    ii. The seller verifies a wallet via blockchain explorer online.

  3. Seller subsequently sends BTC to the escrow attorney's wallet.
    i. Escrow attorney confirms receipt of BTC in his wallet and sends screenshots to the buyer.

    ii. The buyer verifies a wallet via blockchain explorer online.

  4. The escrow Agent conducts forensics on USDT and BTC.

  5. The escrow Agent sends BTC to the buyer.

  6. The escrow Agent sends USDT to the seller

  7. Escrow Agent shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Annex D.

    Steps c) to h) are repeated until 96,000 BTC transaction is complete.




Interested parties should contact :



NEW: 350K+ BTC @ -10% Gross, -5% Net,  BTC/USDT Swap, Italy - Look For Buyer



Post: 16.7.23


  • Seller in Italy is selling 350K+ BTC with @ -10% gross, -5% net


  • Buyer = 5%

  • Buyerside = 2.5% 

  • Sellerside = 2.5%​​ (closed)​​




  1. USDT-ERC20 Provider sends USDT payment wallet address for approval by BTC Provider. USDT-ERC20 Provider Wallet must have a minimum balance of $100,000,000 USDT-ERC20 and less than 100 Transactions. 

  2. BTC provider sends BTC payment wallet address for approval by the USDT Provider. BTC provider wallet will have less than 100 transactions.

  3. USDT Provider sends the amount given by BTC provider from the approved USDT-ERC20 transactional wallet to another his wallet 

  4. After receipt of USDT Provider runs forensics on USDT-ERC20 wallet with in 1-2 hours

  5. Then BTC Provider sends FIRST TRANCHE of 100 BTC to Buyer’s receiving BTC wallet.

  6. USDT-ERC20 Provider does forensics &then sends Payment to BTC provider as per for the received 100BTC and as per tranche schedule within two hours of receiving BTC  

  7. USDT-ERC20 payment is confirmed and BTC provider sends next tranche

  8. Fees paid to all consultants in BTC provider as per Exhibit A

  9. Until BTC is exhausted. This can proceed further with Rolls and Extensions if desired by the Buyer and agreed by Seller




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 100K-500K BTC @ -7% Gross, -4% Net, Fiat, USDT, Escrow, Germany, UK - Look For Buyer



Post: 3.7.23


  • Seller is selling 100K-500k BTC with @ -7% gross, -4% net

  • DISCOUNT for FIAT PAYMENT: -7% Gross / -4% Net

  • DISCOUNT for USDT PAYMENT: -18% Gross / -15% Net

  • NB: Buyer’s side and Seller’s side commissions are paid in BTC (or USDT) by the escrow to all representatives’ and intermediaries’ personal wallets.


  • Buyer = 4%

  • Buyerside = 1.5% 

  • Sellerside = 1.5%​​


  • This seller is from UK . 

  • Seller has own escrow in Germany, but what is good  with him he accept buyer's escrow too if has good reputation . .

  • This seller has bank account in Germany and in UK . 


  • With USA, he accept payment by USDT. 

  • If buyer has own escrow, maybe it's better with this offer . 

  • He start from LOI . 

  • Procedures can not be changed. 

  • If buyer like this offer, I will send the LOI form.




  • 1. Buyer sends LOI/ICPO, and Seller sends SPA Agreement.

  • 2. Buyer and Seller shall sign a SPA Agreement

  • 3. Buyer returns the signed SPA.

  • 4. Seller shall provide the escrow agreement from their Escrow Agent.

  • NOTE: If Seller must allow Buyer to use their Escrow Agent, all the following must be accepted:

  •    i. The Escrow Agent must be from any of these countries: UK, Poland, Mexico, and Germany

  •    ii. The Buyer will provide the Seller with all the details of the Escrow Agent as listed below:

  •        a. Escrow Agent Name

  •        b. Website (if any)

  •        c. Email address

  •        d. Contact Person

  •        e. Escrow Agent address

  •    iii. Once the Seller approves the Escrow Agent, the Buyer will be responsible to pay the escrow agency fee.

  •    iv. All correspondence between the Escrow Agent, Buyer and Seller during the escrow stage must be via email and the Seller must be in cc at all times or the Seller has the right to back out of the deal at anytime a correspondence is made to the Escrow Agent by the Buyer without the Seller on cc.

  •    v. The Buyer will be responsible for requesting the escrow agreement from the Escrow Agent with the Seller on cc as stated in point 3 above.

  • If all the points above are agreed and accepted by the Buyer, then the Buyer and Seller can proceed with the transaction and step 5 below.

  • 5. Buyer and Seller signs an escrow agreement provided by the escrow company after the zoom meeting. 

  • 6. Buyer makes payment of the first tranche of the BTC to the Escrow company account in USD or USDT.

  • 7. Upon execution of the Purchase Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and payments to the Escrow Agent by the Buyer, Seller shall schedule a zoom meeting to initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC into the Buyer’s Wallet and Buyer pay commissions in BTC or USDT to all the representatives/intermediaries’ wallets, according to the listed representatives in the Annex C of the signed SPA during the zoom meeting.

  • 8. Buyer proceed with the confirmation of the BTC as per the signed agreement.

  • 9. After successful confirmation of the above-mentioned, the Buyer instructs the Escrow company to release the payment of the BTC to the Seller.


  • NOTE:

  • 1. Seller don't offer Satoshi or A-B wallet test but if the buyer insists we can offer with the below condition otherwise we proceed direct to the transaction with the escrow terms as stipulated above. NB: For the Satoshi or A-B wallet test, the buyer transfers $100 worth of USDT and we return $10 worth of BTC from our Binance wallet.

  • 2. If the Buyer's escrow attorney is in the US or any other country that is not listed above, then the buyer will make payment in USDT




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 100K-250K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, FIAT/ USD To BTC, Ledger to Ledger, US - Look For Buyer



Post: 16.6.23


  • Seller is selling 100K-250K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net


  • Buyer = 3%

  • Buyerside = 1.5% 

  • Sellerside = 1.5%​​ ​​​​




  • 1. Sign Commercial Invoice agreement as well as IMFPA - both parties will provide BTC wallets and Banking Information.

  • 2. Documentation Requirement: FIAT/USD Providers will provide full documentation to begin this process  KYC, AML of the Account holder / Signatory and POF of the bank account. The CIS of the person that signs the agreement is also needed. The Bank RWA Confirmation Ping Document is signed by the USD Provider's Bank Officer. Once the above has been approved, the BTC Provider will send handshake for $11.20 to the FIAT/USD Provider's BTC wallet with the TRANSACTION ID Hash for proof of transfer.

  • 3. Invoice Transaction and Payment: FIAT/ USD Provider upon approval of the BTC, the Bank Officers will ping the USD Provider's account for availability of funds and forward to the BTC Provider.

  • 4. The BTC Provider will immediately transfer BTC to the FIAT/USD Provider's nominated BTC wallet. The BTC Provider will send the TXID Hash to the USD Provider as proof of transfer.

  • 5. Upon approval of the BTC, the FIAT/ USD Provider will release funds within 2 hours to the BTC Provider designated Bank Account.

  • 6. This process will repeat until the FIAT/USD has been exhausted.​




Interested parties should contact :




NEW: 60K-500K BTC @ -8% Gross, -6% Net, USDT/BTC, Lawyer, Brazil, Dubai  - Look For Buyer


(Seller : TLU...PCA-GAIL)

Post: 13.5.23


  • Dubai Seller is selling 60K-500K BTC @ -8% gross, -6% net


  • Buyer = 6%

  • Buyerside = 1% 

  • Sellerside = 1%​​ ​​




  • 1. The BTC-SENDER sends the contract to the USDT SENDER and let them sign it. Then USDT SENDER will return it.

  • 2. The USDT SENDER will send the link of his USDT-ERC20 wallet to be approved.

  • 3. All the wallets to be send must have LESS THEN 100 TRADES done each

  • 4. After DD USDT SENDER have to send, to the wallet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a HANDSHAKE OF $5.00 DOLAR with a SCREENSHOT and HASH (Transaction Number) from a USDT wallet that have to contain minimum $100 MILLION DOLLAR or send more Satoshi with screenshots of various wallets to arrive to the minimum amount of $100 MILLION DOLLAR giving the proof of the contracted quantity. If he has a bigger quantity of Tether USDT can choice to make a bigger tranche or divide the transaction in different tranches.

  • 5. The BTC SENDER, accepting the wallet-s ask his lawyer to make a Zoom or Google Meet video call to verify the identity of the USDT sender and in few minutes will send the exact amount in dollar, of the USDT wallet-s to change, in bitcoins wallets. The amount of USDT in the Wallet cannot be moved before the arrive of the BTC in sense of that for the first tranche, after send the handshake, the time to made he complain could be of 2:00 – 3:00 hour (if London office is not working during Dubai bank working time) but only for the first one and for the others between the handshake and the arrive of BTC will be few minutes.5.

  • 6. Upon receipt of the Satoshi, a confirmation video call will immediately start and after that the BTC-PROVIDER WILL SEND THE EXACT AMOUNT OF THE USDT-ERC20 WALLET IN BITCOINS to the USDT SENDER plus a bonus of 6% (six percent) and another bonus of 2% (two percent) to pay for the work of the facilitators)

  • 7. When the bitcoins wallets with codes are arrived to the USDT SENDER he will change the wallets´ codes and will send back the USDT wallet-s with code-s from where he has send the $5.00 dollar handshake with screenshot-s or will send the amount in the wallet n. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

  • 8. The whole amount of the agreement be for the Total amount of 500,000 – bitcoins (BTC´s  

  • ​

  • We have the wallets ready 




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